School of Mathematics and Statistics,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China E-mail:18855310582@163.com
Ruizhao ZI (訾瑞昭)†
School of Mathematics and Statistics&Hubei Key Laboratory of Mathematical Sciences,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China E-mail:rzz@mail.ccnu.edu.cn
Key words Incompressible viscoelastic fluids;weak solutions;energy conservation
In this paper,we consider the issue of energy conservation for solutions to the incompressible viscoelastic flows
where u∈Rdenotes the velocity of the fluid,F is the deformation tensor in a set ofd
matrices with detF=1(that is the incompressible condition),FF
,which is the Cauchy-Green strain tensor,P
is the pressure of the fluid,andµ
≥0 is the coefficient of viscosity.For a given velocity field u(x,t
)∈R,one de fines the flow mapx
)byis the Jacobian of the flow mapx
).Moreover,the initial data satisfyFor when the coefficient of the viscosity isµ
=0,the global existence in 3D whole space was established by Sideris and Thomases in[37,38]by using the generalized energy method of Klainerman[24].The 2D case is more delicate,and here the first non-trivial long time existence result was obtained by Lei,Sideris and Zhou[27]by combining the generalized energy method of Klainerman and Alinhac’s ghost weight method[2].Lei[26]proved the 2D global well-posedness of the classical solution by exploring the strong null condition of the system in the Lagrangian coordinates.Wang[39]gave a new proof in Euler coordinates.In this paper,we are interested in the energy conservation of weak solutions to incompressible viscoelastic fluids(1.1).More precisely,our question is how badly behaved(u,
F)can keep the energy conservationandd
is the dimension of space.In[35],Shinbrot showed that Serrin’s condition can be replaced by a condition independent of dimension,that is,u∈L
(Ω)),whereRecently,Yu,in[40],gave a new proof of Shinbrot’s result.
Before proceeding any further,we would like to give some notations which will be used throughout the paper.
(1)Throughout the paper,C
stands for a positive harmless“constant”.The notationf
means thatf
is ad
;Fis the transpose of the matrix F=(F,
F),where Fis thej
-th column of F.De finition 1.1
We say that(u,
F)is a weak solution of(1.1)with Cauchy data(1.2),if it satis fiesfor any test vectors ϕ,
)×Ω;R)with compact support,and divϕ=0.Our main results are stated as follows:
Remark 1.3
Compared with the general result in[21],our result in Theorem 1.2 allowsu
to possess different regularities.Our second result is built on R.
Finally,we investigate the case ofµ>
0 in the torus T.Remark 1.6
It would be very interesting to investigate the boundary effect,and we will consider this problem in the near future.Corollary 2.2
For two functionsu,v
,let us denotewhereδ
).Then the identityRemark 2.3
(2.5)is a general case of(10)in[11].Then,the following is true:
For Q∈N,the low frequency cut-offoperatorS
is de fined byWe then have
With the aid of the Little wood-Paley decomposition,Besov spaces can also be de fined as follows:
is finite.
The following lemma describes the way derivatives act on spectrally localized functions:
Lemma 2.6
(Bernstein’s inequalities[3])Letting C be an annulus and B a ball,a constantC
exists such that for any nonnegative integerk
,any couple(p,q
≥1,and any functionu
,we haveIn particular,we have
As a consequence,we have the following inclusions:
The following space was first introduced by Cheskidov et al.in[10]:
Finally,we would like to introduce a crucial lemma for commutator estimates inL
.For a proof of this lemma,please refer to[30].We will use the summation convention for notational convenience.For the sake of simplicity,we will proceed as if the solution is differentiable in time.The extra arguments needed to mollify in time are straightforward.
Now,using(u)and(F)to test the first and second equations of(1.1),one obtains
which in turn gives
Integrating by parts,using(2.5)in Corollary 2.2,and noting that divu
=0,we haveSimilarly,we have
due to the fact that
In the same way,we have
Finally,noting that divF=0,
Thanks to the fact that divF=0,integrating by parts,we are led to
Now,adding the two equations in(3.1)together,using the equalities obtained above,and recalling thatµ
=0,we getThen,integrating(3.2)w.r.t.the time variable,one deduces that
By Corollary 2.2,we have
Combining this with Lemma 2.1,it follows that if 3α
0,We complete the proof of Theorem 1.2.
Let us start this subsection by introducing the following localization kernel as in[10]:
For tempered distributionu
in R,denoteIn a fashion similar to(3.2),after cancelation,we arrive at
By Minkowski’s inequality,
Let us now use Bernstein’s inequalities and Remark 2.8 to estimate
Similarly,it holds that
On the other hand,
and similarly,
Noting that(3.10)and(3.11)also imply
respectively,it then follows from(3.9)–(3.14)that
In the same manner,we have
From this estimate and Young’s inequality,noting that‖K
∞,we immediately obtainWe shall complete the proof of Theorem 1.5 by the following two steps:
In fact,(3.22)is obviously true ifr
≥4,so we only consider the case in which 2≤r<
4 ands>
4.By interpolation,for someθ
1).It suffices to show that there exists aθ
1)such thatTo this end,we chooseθ
satisfyingThis makes sense,because for 2≤r<
4 ands>
4,We will use(3.22)and(3.24)frequently in the next proof.
By(3.1),it is easy to verify thatIntegrating in time and adding the two equations together,we have
We next rewrite
due to the fact that divF=0.Moreover,
Substituting the above four equalities into(3.25),thanks to divu=0,we find that
tends to zero,and thatasε
→0.It follows thatIn the same way,we obtain
For the termI
,Lemma 2.10 ensures thatIt follows that
Finally,in view of Lemma 2.10,
go to zero in(3.25),and using(3.27)–(3.30),we obtainThis completes the proof of Theorem 1.5.
Acta Mathematica Scientia(English Series)2021年4期