张季琴,刘 刚,胡 号,黄家运
张季琴1,2,刘 刚1,3※,胡 号1,3,黄家运1,3
(1. 中国农业大学现代精细农业系统集成研究教育部重点实验室,北京 100083;2. 宁夏大学机械工程学院,银川 750021;3. 中国农业大学农业农村部农业信息获取技术重点实验室,北京 100083)
针对当前变量施肥机无法根据实际田块尺寸调整作业行数,进而调节作业幅宽的问题,该研究通过改造玉米播种施肥机的排肥驱动方式,设计了一种排肥单体独立控制的双变量施肥控制系统。首先通过二次多项式拟合方法,构建了排肥单体的双变量控制模型;然后对排肥单体的定位方法进行了分析,提出排肥单体独立控制系统;最后对各行排肥量一致性、不同车速下的排肥量控制准确性以及各行独立控制性能进行试验研究。结果表明,在排肥轴转速为10~60 r/min的区间内,各行平均排肥量一致性变异系数为3.35%;在目标排肥量为350 kg/hm2,作业车速为7 km/h的条件下,排肥量控制精度达到97.6%;对于凸、凹和S形3种不同形状的施肥边界,各行排肥滞后距离相对于作业幅宽的变化率均小于15%。系统具有较高的控制准确性和稳定性,能够适应复杂施肥边界,可为玉米基肥变量施用装备的创新性研发提供技术参考。
双变量施肥机实物如图1所示,整机主要由RTK- GNSS(Real Time Kinematic-Global Navigation Satellite System)定位系统、排肥单体独立控制的双变量施肥控制系统、施肥执行装置等组成。RTK-GNSS定位系统主要包括天线和接收机;控制系统包括车载终端、下位机控制器、伺服电机、减速器、电子推杆、电子位移传感器等;施肥执行装置主要包括肥箱、螺旋外槽轮排肥器、开度调节挡板、排肥管、开沟器、地轮等。该机与拖拉机采用三点悬挂方式连接,设有2个肥箱,每个肥箱配2个排肥器,每个排肥器为一个独立的控制单元,可实现排肥口开度、排肥轴转速的独立控制。最大作业行数为4行,作业幅宽为0.6~2.4 m,可根据实际作业需求调整,主要技术参数如表1所示。
作业时,首先根据GNSS系统采集的坐标位置信息,计算获得单体排肥器的位置,查询处方图,得到各排肥单体的目标施肥量,再根据控制模型计算得到排肥器转速、开度控制信息,最后发送控制指令到下位机执行装置,实现变量施肥作业。该系统采用CAN(Controller Area Network)通信方式、各排肥器独立控制。控制系统原理如图2所示,RTK-GNSS接收机获取整机当前位置经纬度信息、车速信息以及航向角信息,并通过RS232串口发送给车载计算机;车载计算机根据当前位置信息以及RTK-GNSS天线的安装位置等信息,计算每个排肥单体的位置坐标,通过查询处方图,得到每个排肥器的目标施肥量信息,结合作业车速,形成单体排肥器的开度、转速控制决策,最后将控制指令发送给并联在CAN通信网络上的各排肥单体控制器,控制器通过对伺服电机和电子推杆的控制,实现对排肥器转速、开度的控制,最终实现精准施肥作业。
式中θ为向量[x-x y-]T与平面坐标轴的夹角,(°)。d为第个排肥单体与GNSS天线之间的距离,m,计算方法如式(5)~(6)所示。
本系统采用的GNSS设备是基于NovAtel公司的OEM615核心板卡开发的,支持北斗双频差分定位,RTK水平定位精度达到0.01 m。采用APC-3082工业平板作为车载终端,经串口由USB/CAN-IIC分析仪连接到CAN网络,实现人机交互、作业参数设置以及作业控制。电机选用MOTEC公司的ARES-8015-E-AC系列直流伺服电机,额定功率100 kW,额定转速3 000 r/min,根据MOTECIAN通信协议发送控制指令到伺服电机驱动器,驱动伺服电机转动进而实现对排肥轴转速的控制,与之配套的减速器减速比为1∶32。下位机控制器采用Arduino的Mega2560控制板,通过MCP2515模块连入CAN通信网络,可实现对电子位移传感器数据的采集和电子推杆的控制。电子推杆采用TB6600型驱动器,推力250/N、速度12 mm/s,主要实现排肥口开度大小调节。电子位移传感器选用米郎RTK系列,量程为75 mm,测量精度达到0.1 mm。GNSS设备和工业平板均采用12 V、60 Ah的锂电池供电。排肥控制单体的电源选用同型号锂电池,通过升压器转化为24V电压给伺服电机和电子推杆供电,通过降压器转转化为5 V电压给控制器供电。电子位移传感器由控制器的5 V电压输出引脚供电。每个排肥单体配备一块锂电池。
作业时,首先启动系统,进行GNSS设备和CAN分析仪的通信连接,包括对通信端口的配置和波特率的选择,其中,GNSS设备波特率为115 200 b/s,CAN分析仪波特率为500 kb/s。然后进行系统作业参数设置,输入GNSS天线到排肥口的安装距离,相邻2个排肥器之间的距离以及排肥器个数,以便系统对各个排肥单体进行定位。完成参数设置后进入作业控制界面,根据实际作业需要选择手动或自动控制模式。
为了检验该双变量施肥样机的作业性能,于2020年11月中旬,在中国农业大学上庄试验站进行田间试验。采用GB/T 35487—2017《变量施肥播种机控制系统》对该样机的各行排肥量一致性、施肥量控制准确性进行检验。另外,针对该机的各行独立控制性能,设计了施肥边界为凸、凹、S三种形状的道路排肥试验。试验肥料采用撒可富“22-8-10”复合肥,堆积密度为964 kg/m3。
各行之间的排肥量一致性反映了变量施肥机的施肥均匀性,采用各行一致性变异系数进行评价。使用变量施肥控制软件的手动模式控制排肥。首先选中4个排肥器,设置排肥口开度为常用工作开度35 mm,调整排肥轴转速10~60 r/min,调节步长5 r/min,排肥时长1 min,系统达到设定时间自动停止。将4个排肥器依次从左到右编号,在每个排肥口放置小桶收集肥料并称量统计,每个转速条件下进行3次重复试验,取均值作为试验结果,试验结果如表2所示。
表2 各行排肥量一致性试验结果
由表2可知,当排肥轴转速为10 r/min时,各行排肥量一致性变异系数为5.37%,随着转速的提高,各行之间的排肥一致性提高,排肥稳定性增加。各行最小变异系数为2.99%,平均一致性变异系数为3.35%,整机具有较好的排肥稳定性。
排肥量控制准确性是评价变量施肥机作业性能的重要指标。田间试验在Jhon Deere的5E-904型拖拉机的牵引下进行,在排肥口挂小桶对排肥进行收集并称质量,分别在车速3、5、7 km/h[29]的条件下进行施肥作业50 m,每种车速条件下进行3次重复试验,取均值作为试验结果。排肥量控制精度采用式(7)计算,试验现场如6所示。
2=2/10 (8)
试验结果见表3,在目标排肥量35 0kg/hm2下,排肥量控制准确性随着作业车速的增加而增加,排肥精度在车速为7 km/h 时达到97.6%,满足GB/T 35487—2017的要求。
表3 排肥量控制准确性试验结果
4.3.1 试验原理
以凸边为例,在平面坐标系内,假设4个排肥器的初始位置为1~4,以第2行排肥器为例,在时刻的位置与初始位置的距离为d,并随着整机沿作业方向行驶不断增大。当d=10 m时,2、3行排肥器到达施肥边界,发送2、3行排肥控制指令,启动排肥,当d=10.35 m时,1、4行排肥器达到施肥边界,发送1、4行排肥控制指令,启动排肥。
经过对边界形状的几何运算和分析可得,对于凹边排肥过程,1、4行排肥器先到达施肥边界,启动1、4行排肥,继续行驶0.35 m后,2、3行到达施肥边界,启动2、3行排肥;对于S边排肥过程,作业时,3、4行先到达施肥边界,启动3、4行排肥,继续行驶1.1 m后,1、2行达到施肥边界,启动1、2行排肥。因此,通过实时计算排肥器当前位置与初始位置的距离d,即可实现对不同形状排肥边界的准确识别和对排肥的精确控制。试验现场如图8所示。
4.3.2 试验结果
道路试验在上庄试验站的一段水泥路面上进行,准备路段10 m,作业路段20 m。测得道路坐标原点的纬度为40.138 760 62,经度为116.176 540 078,施肥边界采样频率为5 Hz。确定施肥边界形状,选取施肥边界参数,作业车速为=5 km/h,在准备区启动控制软件,到达施肥边界后,系统自动排肥。试验结束后测量各行实际落肥位置相对于施肥边界的滞后距离,计算滞后距离变化率。每种边界条件下进行3次重复试验,取均值。
表4 各行独立控制排肥滞后距离变化率
2)为了检验该双变量施肥控制系统的作业性能,进行了各行排肥量一致性排肥试验和排肥量控制控制准确性试验。试验结果表明,在排肥轴转速10~60 r/min的区间内,各行平均排肥量一致性变异系数为3.35%,各行之间排肥均匀、稳定;对于同一目标排肥量350 kg/hm2,排肥量控制精度随着作业车速的提高而提高,排肥量控制精度在车速为7 km/h时达到97.6%,该系统具有较好的排肥稳定性和准确性。
3)为了检验该双变量施肥控制系统的各行独立控制性能,开展了直径为2.5 m的半圆形凹、凸、S形3种不同形状的施肥边界的排肥试验。结果表明,在作业车速5 km/h的条件下,各行排肥器排肥位置的滞后距离变化率均小于15%,且不受施肥边界形状的影响。该排肥单体独立控制的双变量施肥控制系统能够实现各行独立控制,能够适应复杂施肥边界形状,减少肥料在垄沟边界的浪费,可根据实际作业需求调整工作的排肥器个数,进而调节作业幅宽,实现跨处方图栅格作业,为玉米基肥变量施用装备的研发提供参考。
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Development of bivariate fertilizer control system via independent control of fertilizing unit
Zhang Jiqin1,2, Liu Gang1,3※, Hu Hao1,3, Huang Jiayun1,3
Current variable-rate fertilizer applicator generally drives all the fertilizer distributers through the same drive shaft at a fixed working width. Most fields are in an irregular shape during the operation of fertilization, particularly unsuitable for an integer multiple of working width. Severe overlap of working areas normally occurs at the edge of the field, resulting in a large amount of waste of fertilizer at the boundary. In addition, the cross-regional or cross-prescription raster operations are still lacking in the current fertilizer applicator. In this study, a bivariate fertilizer control system was designed to implement the independent control of fertilizer discharging unit in a modified applicator for corn fertilizing. The whole machine was composed mainly of a real-time kinematic (RTK) and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) positioning, a bivariate fertilization control system, and an executing device. Firstly, a calibration test was conducted at different active-feed roll lengths and rotational speeds of the drive shaft. A quadratic polynomial fitting was then used to obtain the bivariate control model for the distributing monomer of fertilizer. Specifically, the coefficient of determination reached 0.9992 in the fitting equation, indicating a high level of fitting. Secondly, an in-depth analysis was conducted for the positioning of each fertilization unit. Thirdly, the hardware and software of the control system were developed using the CAN bus communication to realize the collection, analysis and storage of GNSS information, the operation parameter setting, and the independent control of discharging unit. The hardware was composed of a GNSS navigation device, an industrial personal computer, a servo/stepping motor, a micro-controller, and an electronic ruler. The software was performed on a VS2012 platform with SQL2008 database using C# language. Three function modules were included: the communication, setting of working parameters, and working control in the manual and automatic mode. Finally, a systematic evaluation was completed on the comprehensive performance of the bivariate fertilizer control system, including the consistency of fertilizer discharge in each row, the accuracy of fertilization rate at different vehicle speeds, and independent control performance in each row. The results showed that the maximum coefficient of variation (CV) was 5.37% at the driving speed of 10 r/min within the range of 10-60 r/min of fertilizer shaft speed, as the speed of the driving shaft increased. The minimum CV of each row dropped to 2.99% at the driving speed of 55 r/min, indicating the average CV of consistency was 3.35%. At the target fertilizer rate of 350 kg/hm2, the accuracies of fertilization control were 93.2%, 96.75%, and 97.60% under the working speed of 3, 5, and 7 km/h, respectively. The operating speed was generally around 4-12 km/h in the variable rate fertilizer applicator, meeting the national standard accuracy of fertilizer application. Three experiments were conducted on the road fertilization with irregular boundary shapes, such as the concave, convex and S boundary. The lag distance change rate fertilization correlated to the working width was less than 15% on average, indicating no influence by the shape of fertilization boundary. More specifically, the variation ratios of lag distance were 10%, 14%, and 13% at the concave, convex and S boundary, respectively. This applicator can be expected to well simulate the fertilization boundary shape, due to its high stability of fertilization, and control accuracy.The bivariate fertilizer applicator with independent control of fertilization monomer can realize the independent control of each row, suitable for the shape of complex fertilization boundary, while reducing fertilizer wastes at the boundary of the furrow. The finding can provide a potential technical reference for the innovative development of variable-rate equipment for basal fertilizer in corn production.
agricultural machinery; corn; basic fertilizer; bivariate; fertilizing unit; independent control
张季琴,刘刚,胡号,等. 排肥单体独立控制的双变量施肥控制系统研制[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(10):38-45.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.10.005 http://www.tcsae.org
Zhang Jiqin, Liu Gang, Hu Hao, et al. Development of bivariate fertilizer control system via independent control of fertilizing unit[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(10): 38-45. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.10.005 http://www.tcsae.org