张从利 任丽 梅玫 刘娣 符炜 李晓红
摘 要:目的:探讨基于CBL的模拟培训混合教学模式在临床麻醉学本科教学中的应用价值。方法:选择2018年6月-2020年6月在蚌埠医学院第一附属医院麻醉科实习的68名本科学生作为研究对象,依照随机数字法分为实验组和对照组。实验组34人采用基于CBL的模拟培训混合教学模式进行授课;对照组采取传统教学方法。最终以基础理论考试、技能操作考核、调查问卷和回访的方式比较两组学生学习效果。结果:两组学生入科实习前理论成绩和技能操作考核成绩差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);经基于CBL的模拟培训后,实验组学生基础理论成绩、技能操作考核成績结果均优于对照组(P<0.05)。调查问卷反馈结果显示,基于CBL的模拟培训能够显著提高学生临床技能、临床思维能力。结论:基于CBL的模拟培训混合教学模式在麻醉学实习教学中能培养学生学习兴趣,激发学生学习积极性、自主性,提高临床技能和临床思维能力。
中图分类号:G642 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-000X(2021)21-0108-04
Abstract: Objective: To Explore the value of simulation training mixed teaching mode based on CBL in clinical teaching of anesthesiology. Methods: 68 undergraduate students who internshiped in the anesthesiology department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College from June 2018 to June 2020 were divided into the mixed teaching model group (experimental group) and the traditional teaching group (control group) randomly. The basic theoretical examination, skill operation assessment, questionnaire and return visit were used to analyze the learning effect of the two groups of students. Results: There was no significant difference in the scores of theoretical achievement and skill operation between the two groups before the training (P > 0.05). However, The experimental group performed better than the control group in basic theoretical examination and skill praction after the training(P < 0.05). The results of the questionnaire showed that simulation training mixed teaching mode based on CBL can significantly improve students' clinical practical skills and clinical thinking skills. Conclusion: The simulation training mixed teaching mode based on CBL can cultivate students' interest in anesthesia, stimulate students' enthusiasm and autonomy, and improve clinical skills and clinical thinking ability.
Keywords: Case-based learning; simulation training; anesthesia; practice; teaching
案例式教学(Case Based Iearning,CBL)典型特征是以病例作为教学媒介,具有具体生动形象、易于理解和记忆的特点,已被广泛应用于医学生教育的多个教学领域,并取得了良好的效果[1]。但是,由于麻醉学学科特点即应用性、实践性、复杂性,在实习带教过程中需要同时兼顾基础理论、临床思维及临床技能三个方面。故单一的教学方法已经无法满足麻醉学实习带教的需求。模拟培训(Similation Training, ST)可以使基础教学、临床教学以及临床实践相互渗透、紧密衔接[2]。目前,基于CBL的模拟培训混合教学模式能否提高临床麻醉学实习教学效果方面的研究鲜见报道[3]。本研究将基于CBL的模拟培训混合教学模式应用于麻醉学实习教学中,旨在研究该混合教学模式在培养实习生临床思维能力和实践操作能力方面的价值。