Fresh Jelly Fish Salad
说实话,凉拌鲜海蜇这道菜,几乎用不上筷子,最多用到勺子,有时干脆直接嘴对着碗——喝。因此,烟台人便有了哈(喝)海蜇之说。夏日炎炎,热浪滚滚,稀里呼噜,餐桌上一碗乃至几碗凉拌鲜海蜇下肚,暑气消失大半,凉意油然而生,那感觉,一个字: “爽!”这口福,只有海边人才能独有。
Summer is a good season to fish thejelly fish. According to fishermen, itis something weird in that sometimesthere is too much of it for you to fishand sometimes it almost disappears. Thefished jelly fish is processed into jelly fishskin and jelly fish heads locally in largequantities for later sales while a smallproportion of it enters the market forpeople to have fresh. A bowl of fresh jellyfish salad is something that probably onlythose live by the sea can have the luck totaste.
You can buy the fresh jelly fish that isalmost transparent in the market and cutit in shreds or cubes as you like, wash itrepeatedly in water and drain the waterfor later use. Once a chef in a restaurantis told that shredded fresh jelly fish canalso be scaled in boiled water and washedby cold water. Processed in this way,fresh jelly fish shrinks a little but tastesmore delectable. After drainage, freshjelly fish can be made into a salad. Maturevinegar, mashed garlic, sesame sauce andcoriander sections are requisite. As forwhether it will be mixed with shreddedcucumber, green pepper or red pepper, itdepends on what you like and have.