
2021-08-14 06:55张佳艺
国际人才交流 2021年7期


In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of Communist Party of China (CPC), do well in contacting and serving foreign experts, and deepen their understanding of China’s policies and national conditions, as well as the history of China’s revolution, the science and technology environment and the construction of ecological civilization, Foreign Talent Research Center, together with China Association for Science and Technology and the Science and Technology Department of Jiangxi Province, held a research and investigation on China’s national conditions with the theme of “Telling the Story of the Communist Party of China” in Jinggang Mountain, Ruijin, Ganzhou, etc.from May 10 to 14. The first is the “Red Investigation”, which led foreign experts to further understand the struggle history and great feats of the CPC. The second is “Blue Research”, which invited foreign experts into science and technology parks and other visits, talks and advice. The third is “Green Visit”, in which the foreign experts were invited to the demonstration villages, ecological civilization construction areas and beautiful villages to feel the achievements of China’s ecological civilization construction.

5月12日,调研团参观于都县中央红军长征出发地纪念园。1934年10月18日傍晚,毛泽东、周恩来等领导同志及第一、第二野战纵队就是从这里迈出长征第一步的。On May 12, the research group visited the Memorial Garden for the Long March Starting Point of the Central Red Army which is located in Yudu County. Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and other central leaders and the first and second field columns took their first step in the Long March from here in the evening of October 18, 1934.

5月10日,调研团来到神山村,重走习近平总书记视察路线。2016年2月2日,习近平总书记视察神山村,并发表了“老区在全国建小康的征程中,要同步前进,一个也不能少,都要共同迈入小康社会”的重要讲话。神山村群众始终牢记习总书记的殷切嘱托,在全国率先脱贫。On May 10, the research group came to Shenshan Village to retrace the route of inspection by General Secretary Xi Jinping, who inspected the village on February 2, 2016. Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech that the old liberated areas should move forward in tandem in the journey of building an all-around well-off society together without anyone being left. The people of Shenshan Village have always kept in mind General Secretary Xi's ardent wish, and have taken the lead in the country to get rid of poverty.

5月10日,调研团参观黄洋界哨口营房。当年红军通常有一个排的兵力驻扎在哨口,日夜守卫井冈山根据地的北大门——黄洋界。On May 10, the research group visited Huang Yangjie Posts Barracks. Back then, the Red Army usually had a platoon of soldiers stationing at the sentry post, guarding the Huang Yangjie, the northern gate of the Jinggang Mountain base, day and night.

5月12日,4位外国专家在长征源红军小学开展科普知识讲座,鼓励孩子们崇尚科学,激发孩子们的科学兴趣。On May 12, four foreign experts gave a lecture on science knowledge at the Long March Source Red Army Primary School to encourage children to stimulate their interest in science.

井冈山革命博物馆系统介绍了井冈山革命斗争历史,展现了中国共产党领导创建第一块农村革命根据地的战斗历程。Jinggangshan Revolutionary Museum systematically introduced the history of the revolutionary struggle in Jinggangshan, showing the fighting history of the first rural revolutionary base area created under the leadership of CPC.

5月13日,调研团参观赣州市智能产业创新研究院。On May 13, the research group visited Ganzhou Innovation Institute of Intelligent Industry.

江西省赣州市于都县梓山镇潭头村,先后建起了富硒葡萄基地、百香果基地、富硒水稻基地、万亩蔬菜基地(南区)等多个特色产业基地,已实现整村脱贫。现在走进潭头村,村道干净整洁,两旁绿树成荫,清冽的渠水汇入池塘。2019年5月20日,习近平总书记曾来到潭头村看望慰问老区人民,详细了解老区人民生产发展和生活改善等情况。A number of special industrial bases, such as Selenium-rich Grape Base, Passion Fruit Base, Selenium-Rich Rice Base and 10,000 mu Vegetable Base (southern area) in Tantou Village, Zishan Town, Yudu County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province has built. The whole village has been lifted out of poverty. Now in Tantou village, the road is clean and tidy, lined with green trees, the clear and fresh canal water into the pond. General Secretary Xi Jinping had visited the people of the old liberated areas in Tantou village on May 20, 2019 to get the detailed understanding of the local production and development, as well as the improvement of life.

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