TAPPI JOURNAL 2020年第8期目次

2021-08-12 08:17:58
中国造纸 2021年4期

August 2020


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Risks and rewards of research during a pandemic Monica Shaw


Mill experience of calcium carbonate scale formation in green liquor pipelines Alisha Giglio, Honghi Tran, Maria Björk, Rickard Wadsborn, Hal Lagimodiere, and Moïse Dion


Modeling of the energy of a smelt-water explosion in the recovery boiler dissolving tank Eric Jin, Malcolm MacKenzie, Steve Osborne, and Honghi Tran


On-machine visible dirt measurement on moving sheets and the relationships to standard laboratory methods David Trepanier and Roland J. Trepanier 419 TECHNICAL BRIEF: TEST METHODS

Relating bending stiffness measurements across various free span lengths Douglas Cash and Benjamin Frank

» COVER CREDIT:The methods and theories from the study on smelt-water explosion in the recovery boiler dissolving tank from researchers Jin et al. (p. 401) shine new light on this topic for the industry to improve mill operations safety. Shown here is a schematic of a modern chemical recovery boiler (longflow economizer, multi-levels of combustion air, and dual-sloped floor) with its dissolving tank. Image courtesy of The Babcock & Wilcox Company.

WWW.TAPPI.ORGJOURNAL Editor-in-Chief Peter W. Hart peter.hart@westrock.com +1 409 276-3465 Associate Editor Douglas W. Coffin coffindw@miamioh.edu +1 513 529-0771 Editorial Director Monica Shaw mshaw@tappi.org +1 770 367-9534 PRESS Manager Jana Jensen jjensen@tappi.org +1 770 209-7242 Webmaster Trina Heath theath@tappi.org +1 770 209-7416 TJ EDITORIAL BOARD Randy Branston, BASF randy.branston@basf.com, +1 704 819-4251 Brian N. Brogdon, FutureBridge Consulting & Training LLC brian.brogdon@gmail.com, +1 678 581-9114 Douglas W. Coffin, Miami University coffindw@miamioh.edu, +1 513 529-0771 Mahendra Doshi, Doshi and Associates mahen@aol.com, +1 920 832-9101 Marc Foulger, Valmet marc.foulger@valmet.com +1 315 767-2920 Peter W. Hart, WestRock peter.hart@westrock.com, +1 409 276-3465 Carl J. Houtman, USDA Forest Products Laboratory choutman@fs.fed.us, + 1 608 231-9445 Vamsi Jasti, Ahlstrom-Munksjo Nonwovens LLC jvamsik1@gmail.com, +1 818 585-3524 Lucian Lucia, North Carolina State University lucian.lucia@gmail.com, +1 919 889-7059 John A. Neun, John A. Neun LLC john.neun@gmail.com, +1 518 275-8139 Jim Niemiec, Jim Niemiec Consulting LLC jim.niemiec@outlook.com, +1 715 213-4766 Steven P. Ottone, Omya steven.ottone@omya.com, +1 919 641-7854 Gaurav Pranami, Imbed Biosciences gpranami@imbedbio.com, +1 515 230-7005 Arthur Ragauskas, Oak Ridge National Laboratory aragausk@utk.edu Gerard J.F. Ring, University of Wisconsin—Stevens Point gerrryring@wi-net.com, +1 715 592-3732 Scott Rosencrance, Kemira Chemicals scott.rosencrance@kemira.com, +1 770 429-2753 Paul Wiegand, NCASI pwiegand@ncasi.org, +1 919 941-6417 Junyong Zhu, USDA Forest Products Laboratory jzhu@fs.fed.us, +1 608 231-9520 Join TAPPI today!TAPPI JOURNAL is a free benefit of TAPPI membership, and is only available to members. To join TAPPI, to renew your TAPPI Membership, or to learn about other valuable benefits, visit www.tappi.org.TAPPI, 15 Technology Parkway S., Suite 115, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092, publishes TAPPI JOURNAL monthly. ATTENTION PROSPECTIVE AUTHORS: All papers published are subject to TAPPI JOURNAL’s peer-review process. Not all papers accepted for review will be published. Before submitting, check complete author guidelines at http://www.tappi.org/s_tappi/doc.asp?CID=100&DID=552877. Statements of fact and opinions expressed are those of individual authors. TAPPI assumes no responsibility for such statements and opinions. TAPPI does not intend such statements and opinions or construe them as a solicitation of or suggestion for any agreed-upon course of conduct or concerted action of any sort. Copyright 2020 by TAPPI, all rights reserved. For copyright permission to photocopy pages from this publication for internal or personal use, contact Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC) via their website: www.copyright.com. If you have questions about the copyright permission request process, please contact CCC by phone at +1 978 750-8400. To obtain copyright permission to use excerpts from this publication in another published work, send your specific request in writing to Editor, TAPPI JOURNAL, 15 Technology Parkway S., Suite 115, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092, USA; or by fax to +1 770 446-6947. Send address changes to TAPPI, 15 Technology Parkway S., Suite 115, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092, USA; Telephone +1 770 446-1400, or FAX +1 770 446-6947. www.tappi.org