黄京金 隗胡小雅 肖金锋 范明辉
摘 要:拉薩市城镇化率60.7%,城市交通问题日渐严重,基于层次分析法,对拉萨市民公交车出行的影响因素进行分析,有利于深刻认识市民出行选择机理。在可能的出行影响因素中加入出行者的民族,生活习惯和车内环境。结果表明:所有影响因素中前五的为民族,站台环境,公交车出行价格,性别和生活习惯。
关键词:拉萨市 公交车 层次分析法 出行影响因素
Research on Influencing Factors of Bus Trips in Lhasa Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process
Huang Jingjin,Kui Hu Xiaoya,Xiao Jinfeng,Fan Minghui
Abstract:The urbanization rate of Lhasa is 60.7%, and the urban traffic problem is becoming more and more serious. Based on the analytic hierarchy process, the analysis of the influencing factors of Lhasa citizens' bus travel, including the travelers ethnicity, living habits and car environment to the possible travel factors, is conducive to a deep understanding of the mechanism of citizens' travel choice. The results show that the top five influencing factors are ethnicity, platform environment, bus travel price, gender and living habits.
Key words:Lhasa, bus, analytic hierarchy process, travel influence factors