叶文龙 黎育雷 禹文林
摘 要:由于真值不可能通過测量得到,借助测量不确定度可以了解到被测量值在什么范围内,所以试验室有必要对测量结果的不确定度进行评定。本文根据JJF 1059.1-2012《测量不确定度评定与表示》和GB 18352.6-2016《轻型汽车污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第六阶段)》附录F的规定,对试验室开展的蒸发污染物排放试验测量结果进行了不确定度分析评定。
关键词:测量 蒸发污染物排放 不确定度
A Brief Discussion on the Evaluation of the Uncertainty of Discharge of Evaporative Pollutants in China
Ye Wenlong,Li Yulei,Yu Wenlin
Abstract:The truth value of an ideal concept cannot be measured, while the range of measurements can be known via the evaluation of uncertainty in measurement. It is necessary to evaluate the uncertainty of measurement results for the laboratory. According to JJF 1059.1-2012 Evaluation and Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement and Appendix F of GB 18352.6-2016 Limits and Measurement Methods for emissions from Light Vehicle Pollutants (China 6), this paper evaluates the uncertainty in measurement of evaporation emission results for the laboratory.
Key words:measurement, evaporative emissions test, uncertainty