A New Storyteller

2021-08-09 11:20小山
阅读(快乐英语中年级) 2021年6期


山羊爷爷每周二会在森林里给动物们讲故事,可是这个周二,山羊爷爷却说:“我老了,要退休了,森林需要一个新的故事讲述人。”谁会成为新的故事讲述人呢?Lets read the story.

Grandpa Goat tells stories every Tuesday.

This Tuesday, he comes to the forest.

But, he doesnt tell stories.

“I am so old. I will retire(退休) soon,” says Grandpa Goat.

“We want a new storyteller.”

“I like stories,” says Little Bear.

“I want to be the new storyteller.”

“I can remember fast(快速記忆),” says Little Rabbit.

“I can become the new storyteller.”

“I am clever, ” says Little Monkey.

“I can become the new storyteller.”

Grandpa Goat is very happy.

He invites(邀请) the three animals.

The three animals come to Grandpa Goats house.

Grandpa Goat teaches the three animals.

On the first day, the three animals study hard(认真学习).

On the second day, they study hard, too.

On the third day, Little Rabbit is tired.

Little Monkey is tired, too.

They begin to sleep and play in class.

Days after days, Little Rabbit and Little Monkey give up(放弃).

Little Bear still(仍然) studies hard.

He writes down stories while listening.

After two months, it is Little Bears story show.

Little Bear tells The Lion and the Mouse.

He also tells Snow White.

Animals like the stories.

“Your stories are interesting,”say the animals.

“Thank you, Little Bear.”

Little Bear becomes the new storyteller.

He tells stories every Tuesday.

He works hard and feels proud(自豪的)!

Baby Rhino犀牛宝宝