1970年4月24日,我国第一颗人造地球卫星“东方红一号”发射成功,拉开了中国人探索宇宙奥秘、和平利用太空、造福全人类的序幕。为纪念“东方红一号”这一中国航天事业开创性、奠基性成就,2016年,党中央批准、国务院批复,将4月24日设立为“中国航天日(Space Day)。”
Mars Exploration Mission
On April 24, 2020, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) announced at the launch ceremony of the 2020 China Space Day online: Chinas planetary exploration mission was named “Tianwen Series”, the first Mars exploration mission was named “Tianwen-1”, and those subsequent planetary missions were numbered sequentially.
The name “Tianwen” comes from the long poem Tianwen, meaning Heavenly Questions or Questions to Heaven, written by Qu Yuan (about 340—278 BC), one of the greatest poets of ancient China, according to Ge Xiaochun, chief engineer of CNSA.
In Tianwen, Qu Yuan raised a series of questions in verse involving the sky, stars, natural phenomena, myths and the real world, showing his doubts about some traditional concepts and the spirit of seeking the truth.
The name “Tianwen” expresses the perseverance of the Chinese nation in the pursuit of truth, which embodies the cultural heritage of exploring nature and the universe.
CNSA unveiled the logo of Chinas planetary exploration missions “Lanxing Jiutian”, featuring the letter C, signifying China, international cooperation and capacity of entering space.
China launched the Mars probe as planned in 2020, aiming to complete orbiting, landing and roving in one mission.
Word Study
subsequent /'s?bs?kw?nt / adj. 随后的;后来的;之后的;接后的
concept /'k?nsept / n. 概念;观念
He cant grasp the basic concepts of mathematics.
unveil /'?n've?l/ v.(首次)展示,介绍,推出;将……公之于众