Driving K-12 Innovation:2021 HURDLES + ACCELERATORS(Ⅱ)

2021-07-28 06:31
江苏科技报·E教中国 2021年7期

Spotlighting Three Hurdles

Digital Equity

Addressing Digital Equity is essential for driving K-12 innovation in a way that leads to learner success for all. This challenge varies in nature and intensity around the globe, and often impacts learners of different geographies, school system types, and identities. Digital Equity implies that all students experience curriculum- rich learning opportunities that are meaningful to them.

Recommendations from the Advisory Board

Be attentive to all of the different aspects of Digital Equity: Digital Foundations (connectivity, devices); Conditions for Learning (accessible content, skills, digital use); and Meaningful Learning Opportunities (curriculum, instruction).

Advance your understanding. Seek examples of how others are addressing Digital Equity and using digital tools to create meaningful learning opportunities for all. Leverage resources from experts, advocates, vendor partners, and professional organizations.

Build community awareness of the importance and impact of Digital Equity and the specific challenges faced by students, families, and educators in your district. Ensure that leaders value digital equity and that the organizational culture advances it in everything you do.

Partner with communities, businesses, vendors, government, schools and education organizations to identify the specific Digital Equity challenges facing stakeholders in your context; design concrete actions; build community buy-in; and implement and iterate upon solutions to further Digital Equity in your community.

Scaling and Sustaining Innovation

Scaling and Sustaining Innovation is all about cultivating organizational culture and practices that enable risk-taking, support change agents, value iteration, and scale what works.

Recommendations from the Advisory Board

Prioritize equity and agency for learners, teachers, families, and leaders as fundamental values in scaling innovation.

Focus on organizational culture. Intentionally build a value-led culture that empowers and supports educators in taking risks, iterating, and scaling innovation. Change in education is multilayered, involving classrooms, schools, and school systems aligned around a coherent, compelling vision. Demonstrate trust in teachers and create space for them to engage in adaptation and changemaking. Develop leaders throughout the organization and be attentive to culture in succession planning and formal leadership changes.

Make innovation ongoing. Consider adopting an iterative or rotating innovation approach. For example, with an 80/20 model schools would keep 80% of what existing practices that work well and focus on innovating 20%. Over time, the 20% portion is transformed and integrated into the practices to be kept, and a new 20% is selected for innovation.

Envision learning futures. Spend time and energy considering what improved education in the future could look like. What values and priorities should be embodied in education, and what does this mean for how learning takes place or is measured? What does future readiness look like for students, teachers, schools, and school systems? Design backward from this vision and take concrete action toward it.

Evolution of Teaching and Learning

With the pandemic, overcoming the Hurdle of the Evolution of Teaching and Learning is even more challenging. For many schools, it has become less a matter of technology implementation and more an issue of facilitating quality remote learning, eradicating digital inequities, and providing online content and applications that are easy to access.

Recommendations from the Advisory Board

Go beyond digitizing existing practices. Rather than implementing existing teaching approaches or activities directly in digital tools, consider how the technology could enable you to transform teaching and learning practices. Models including the SAMR Method and the TPACK Framework offer guidance in leveraging technology in support of learning.

Build the human capacity to engage in change. Model experiential and collaborative learning in professional development and invest in ongoing learning opportunities. Foster a growth mindset and be intentional about supporting stakeholders. Consider convening small groups of teachers around the evolution of teaching and learning (exploring, for example pedagogy and technology, cognitive science insights for education, Personalization, SEL, or Learner Autonomy).

Think what it means to be educated in order to evolve our paradigms. Consider education as a system, an interconnected network of elements. For many, the changes catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic have drawn attention to connections between seemingly distinct pieces of education, health, and society. Lead with values, pedagogy, and purpose and leverage systems thinking to evolve learning norms.





















