
2021-07-12 03:49:50IwanBaan,Drones,JohnPorral
世界建筑导报 2021年3期



设计单位:Dosis 建筑事务所

建筑面积:315 平方米

摄影:Iwan Baan,Drones,John Porral

Client:Founders Forum in London

Location:London,United Kingdom


Building Area:315 m²

Photography:Iwan Baan,Drones,John Porral


第二穹顶的结构和材料可以打包装进几立方米的箱子中,重量不到一吨,因此可以轻松移动到需要的地方。我们设想它可以在不同地方促进社交互动。展开并充气后,其面积可超过300平方米,高度可达8 米。


在刚建成的几周时间中,“第二穹顶”在伦敦创始人论坛会场中为企业家参会者提供了交流场所,同时也成为东伦敦地区家庭和儿童的娱乐空间。我们计划在未来将 “第二穹顶”作为半永久性的健身空间,供市民练习普拉提和瑜伽,以及作为举办各种电影和文学文化节场所。

Second Dome is an instant space which is activated with air.It is a living structure that breathes and shelters the needs of citizens at a certain time.The membranes can be combined in multiple ways to accommodate multiple events.Instantaneous transformation is inherent to its essence.

It is packed in a few cubic meters and weighs a bit less than a ton,which allows it to travel and move easily to get wherever it is needed.Second Dome has been conceived to allow social interaction in multiple places at different times.Once deployed and inflated it can reach an area of over 300 m² and a height of 8 m.

With a minimum use of energy the space is transformed into an activated architectural landscape,into an event attractor,into an agora for citizens to meet.Once the event is finished,Second Dome disappears.Just by unplugging it and folding it,it remains in a latent state waiting for its next use to activate it.A new event,different from the previous one.A new part of the city will then be instantly transformed.

In just a few weeks since its fabrication,Second Dome has served as a venue for discussion on entrepreneurship and technology at Founders Forum in London,and as a recreation and interaction space for families and children in East London.In the near future it is planned to be used as a semi-permanent wellness space where to practice Pilates and yoga,as well as the main space to host various cultural festivals of film and literature.However,only time will reveal the way it will be used.

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