
2021-07-11 12:14舒应军刘双武张虎
粘接 2021年4期

舒应军 刘双武 张虎

摘 要:采用多弧离子镀技术在Ti(C, N)金属陶瓷基体上沉积了TiSiN涂层,用X射线衍射仪、扫描电镜、显微硬度仪和划痕仪等实验手段研究了基底偏压对TiSiN涂层的表面形貌、成分、涂层物相和力学性能的影响。结果表明,基底偏压可增加荷能离子的速度,提高荷能离子的能量,并强化离子束对已沉积涂层的溅射作用,减少了涂层表面溶滴的数量,有利于获得致密的涂层材料。随着基底偏压的增加,(200)方向上衍射强度降低,而(111)方向增强,TiSi2的(311)方向的相对衍射强度略有增大。基底偏压的增加也提高了涂层的沉积温度,致使涂层晶粒有所增大。基底负偏压过高容易在晶粒间形成针状孔洞,从而恶化了涂层的力学性能。当基底偏压为-200V时,涂层具有良好的力学性能。


中图分类号:TG174.4 文献标识码:A  文章编号:1001-5922(2021)04-0069-04

Abstract:The TiSiN coatings were deposited on the surface of Ti(C, N)-based cermet by multi-arc ion plating method. The effects of substrate bias on the surface morphology, composition, phase and mechanical properties of TiSiN coating were studied by means of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope , microhardness tester and scratch tester. The results show that negative bias voltage can increase the velocity of charged ions, increase the energy of charged ions, and strengthen the sputtering effect of ion beam on the deposited coating, reduce the number of droplets on the coating surface, which is beneficial to obtain dense coating. With the increase of negative bias voltage, the diffraction intensity decreases in the direction of (200), increases in the direction of (111), and increases slightly in the direction of (311) of TiSi2. The increase of negative bias voltage also increases the deposition temperature of coating, resulting in the increase of coating grains. Too high negative bias voltage can easily form needle-like holes in the grains, which will deteriorate the mechanical properties of the coating. When the substrat enegative bias is -200V, the coating has good mechanical properties.

Key words:Ti-Si-N coating; substrate negative bias; multi-arc ion plating; microstructure; mechanical properties

0 前言





1 涂层的制备及表征

1.1 TiSiN涂层制备

实验使用多弧离子镀机镀制TiAlN涂层。采用Ti(C, N)金属陶瓷作为基体材料。试样经打磨、抛光、超声清洗后,在真空干燥箱中烘干。实验选择高纯Ti靶和Al靶;所用氮气和氩气为高纯气体。靶极电流分别设为ISi/ITi=60/80、基底温度为350℃,基底负偏压分别在-50V、-100V、-150V、-200V和-250V沉积时间为90min,N2流量为150sccm。

1.2 TiSiN涂层的表征

采用Sirion 200型低温场发射扫描电子显微镜对涂层的表面形貌和磨损形貌进行分析。用Philips公司生产的X Pert MPD型X射线衍射仪对涂层进行物相分析,选用CuKα射线,λ=0.15406nm,步长为0.02。


2 结果及分析

2.1 TiSiN涂层表面形貌




2.2 涂层截面形貌


2.3 XRD物相分析


2.4 涂层的力学性能


3 结论


(2) 随着基体负偏压的增加,(200)方向上衍射强度降低,而(111)方向增强,TiSi2的(311)方向的相对衍射强度略有增大。



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