(1.College of Data Science,Guangzhou Huashang College,Guangzhou 511300,China;2.Department of Applied Mathematics,Guangdong University of Finance,Guangzhou 510521,China)
Abstract:In this paper,we study the blow-up of solutions to a semilinear double-wave equation with nonlinearity of derivative type.By using the iteration method and the differential inequality techniques,we can get the estimates of the lifespan and the blow-up of solutions in the subcritical case under some assumptions.
Keywords:Semilinear double-wave equation;Blow-up;Nonlinearity of derivative type;Lifespan estimate
In the past few years,the Cauchy problem for the semilinear wave equatio ns with nonlinearity of derivative type has been caught much attention(see[1,11–13,24–26,28,29]).There are some papers studying the following Cauchy problems
wherep>1,n≥1 andu=u(t,x)∈Ris a scalar function denoting the displacement.Here,ε>0 is a parameter describing the size of initial data.For(1.1),the critical exponent means Glassey exponent.Besides,the lifespan estimates of local solutions to(1.1)were obtained,namely,
Furthermore,here we point out that(1.1)is the special case of the following Moore-Gibson-Thompson(MGT)equations
which was investigated by Chen and Palmieri[6].And they considered the subcritical case 1<p<pGla(n)and the critical casep=pGla(n)and obtained the blow-up result as follows by using an iteration argument
More papers about the investigation on semilinear hyperbolic equations can been seen[2,3,5,7–9,14,15,22,23]and the references cited therein.As for the study on the blow-up problem for the other PDEs,papers[4,10,16–20,27]and references cited therein can been seen.Up to the author’s knowledge,there have been no papers studying the blow-up for the Cauchy problem of double-wave equations with nonlinearity of derivative type mainly because of its high orders.For the lower order equation,we can get the result for the blow-up by Kato’s lemma and differential inequalities methods,which are not suitable for high order equations.
In this paper,we consider the following semilinear double-wave equation
wherep>1 and the operator can be expanded by.
In order to deduce the blow-up condition and lifespan estimates for the solutions to the Cauchy problem(1.5)in the subcritical case,we have to seek new methods.Obviously,it is different from the previous studies on(1.1).And the difference demonstrates not only its big calculation but also the choosing of the energy function.Because the investigation on the blow-up for the Cauchy problem of double-wave equations with nonlinearity of derivative type is a completely open problem,so it is challenging and meaningful.Finally,we solve the problem by using iteration procedures and obtain a new blow-up result which will be deduced later.
First we define the energy solution to the Cauchy problem(1.5).
Definition 1.1.Let(u0,u1,u2,u3)∈H3(Rn)×H2(Rn)×H1(Rn)×L2(Rn).We say that u is an energy solution of(1.5)on[0,T)if
such that u∈([0,T)×Rn)satisfies(u0,u1,u2,u3)in H3(Rn)×H2(Rn)×H1(Rn)×L2(Rn)and the integral relations
for anyφ(t,x)∈([0,T)×Rn)and any t∈(0,T).
Upon integrating by parts in(1.6),we have
Lettingt→T,we can find thatusatisfies the definition of weak solution to(1.5).
In this paper,we will prove the following result:
Theorem 1.1.Let us consider p>1such that
where the exponent p0(n)is given by
Let(u0,u1,u2,u3)∈H3(Rn)×H2(Rn)×H1(Rn)×L2(Rn)be nonnegative and compactly supported functions with supports contained inBRfor someR>0 such thatu0oru1oru2oru3is not identically zero.Particularly,we assumeu3(x)+u2(x)>u1(x)+u0(x).Ifuis the energy solution to(1.5)with lifespanT(ε)satisfying suppu(t,·)⊂Bt+Rfor anyt∈(0,T),there exists a positive constantε0=ε0(u0,u1,u2,u3,n,p,R),such that the solutionublows up in finite time whenε∈(0,ε0].Furthermore,we can get the upper bound estimate for the lifespan,that is
In order to get the result in this paper,firstly we consider a function as follows:
whichΦis a positive smooth function satisfying the following properties
Next,we define a function with separate variablesΨ=Ψ(t,x)=e-tΦ(x).ThenΨis the solution to(-Δ)2Ψ(t,x)=0.Making use of the asymptotic behavior ofΨ,we can get that there exists a constantC1=C1(n,R)>0 satisfying
And,applyingΨas a test function to(1.6),we get for anyt∈(0,T)
Integrating(2.2)by parts and taking attention to the properties ofΨ,we have
Then,(2.3)can be rewritten as
Differentiating(2.4),we obtain
Adding up(2.4)with(2.5),we get
Furthermore,let us set
Then,applying differentiation to(2.7),we have
Combining(2.7)and(2.8)and noticing(2.6),we arrive at
From(2.9),we can deduce
Besides,(2.7)leads to
Obviously,it is easy to get from(2.10)
which leads to
Here,we can choose suitable nonnegative functionu2(x)oru1(x)such thatC2>0.
In addition,it follows from(2.10)
So,we can obtain from above discussions
Because of the definition ofH(t)and the H¨older’s inequality,we have
Integrating(2.14),it is easy to get
Combining(2.13)and(2.15),we have
Besides,using(2.12)and(2.16),we obtain
We rewrite(2.17)as
Next,we are going to deduce a first lower bound ofF(t)from(2.16)by the iteration argument methods.That is,we need to prove
wheret≥Lj,{Kj}j∈N,{αj}j∈Nand{βj}j∈Nare sequences of nonnegative real numbers determined later and{Nj}j∈Nis the sequence of the partial products of the infinite product
in other words,
It is easy to find(2.19)implies(2.18)forj=0.And we will prove(2.19)holds for allj≥0 by mathematical inductive methods.First,from(2.19)we can get it holds forj=0.So,the next step which is the most important one,is to prove that it holds forj+1.
Combining(2.16)and(2.19),we can deduce
Paying attention to the definition ofLj+1andlj+1and(2.20),we have
Because ofs≥Lj+1≥lj+1>1,we can easily estimate
So,using(2.21)and(2.22),we obtain
From(2.23),it shows that(2.19)holds forj+1.
Let us set
By the recursive methods,we can deduce
Meanwhile,since(pβj-1)(pβj-1+2)≤(pβj-1+2)2=and,we have
According to the definition oflj,we get
Thus,we can find a suitable positive constantM>0 satisfying≥M,forj∈N.From above discussions,we get
By using logarithmic functions to(2.26),we have
Letj0∈Nbe the smallest nonnegative integer,such that
Then,for anyj≥j0,we deduce from(2.27)
Let∈R,due tolj>1,it holdsLj↑Lasj→∞.Specially,(2.19)holds forj∈Nandt≥L.Combining(2.19)and(2.28),we obtain
for anyj≥j0andt≥L.So,whent≥max{R,2L},we can deduceR+t≤2tandt-L≥.Then,we have
In(2.30),the exponent oftis
Let us fixε0=ε0(u0,u1,u2,u3,n,p,R)>0,such that
Then,forε∈(0,ε0],t>andE2=,we have
We find that for 1<p<p0(n)(specially,1<pwhenn=1),exponent oftis positive.Lettingj→∞in(2.30),we can find the lower bound forF(t)blows up whenε∈(0,ε0]andt>.Therefore,F(t)may not be finite.It shows that there exist not global solution for(1.5)in time.Furthermore,the lifespan of the local in time ofucan be estimated as follows
The proof is completed.
The authors express their heartfelt thanks to the editors and referees who have provided some important suggestions.
Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics2021年2期