在2019年成功舉办云集290家展商和10400名买家的澳大利亚能源全产业链(墨尔本)展览会之后,励展博览集团决定为新南威尔士州的可再生能源行业搭建一个高品质的交流平台——Energy Next展览会。首届展会将于今年7月13-14日在悉尼国际会议中心举办。届时,相关行业人士将可以通过展会平台结交本地以及国际供应商、探寻最新技术并了解充满活力的可再生能源行业的最新动态。
Energy Next to launch in Sydney
Following the success of All-Energy Australia in Melbourne, which gathered 10,400+ visitors and 290+ exhibitors in 2019, organiser Reed Exhibitions has decided to meet the growing demand from New South Wales (NSW) energy professionals to replicate a quality renewable energy exhibition in the state. Energy Next is a new industry exhibition focusing on the latest renewable energy and energy management technology, which will be held for the first time in 2021 at the International Convention Centre, Sydney alongside the Clean Energy Councils annual Australian Clean Energy Summit. Over two days, Energy Next aims to provide an extensive exhibition for those working in the renewable energy industry to meet with local and international suppliers, discover breakthrough technologies and learn about the latest developments in this transformational, dynamic sector. The event is scheduled to take place from July 13 to 14, 2021 at ICC Sydney.