Architect: GUO Lan
As one of the first projects of urban renewal in the district, Shanghai Southern Science and Technology Innovation Centre needs to create a public place for people to stay, work and communicate in a relatively chaotic urban context. Only one side of the site faces towards the road, but the functional attributes of the innovation centre require a dozen relatively independent functions and corresponding entrances. The small terrace on the third floor and the continuous R & D offices on the fourth floor are all created by the scenery. As seen from Jianchuan Road, the building is a scenery stage above the trees.
项目信息/Credits and Data
竞赛阶段团队/Competition Design Team: 刘津瑞,冯琼,史培生,郭乾,张恩东/LIU Jinrui, FENG Qiong, SHI Peisheng, GUO Qian, ZHANG Endong
实施阶段团队/Implementation Design Team: 李伟辉,俞纯昕,袁鸣,杨雨茜,管浩廷/LI Weihui, YU Chunxin, YUAN Ming, YANG Yuqian, GUAN Haoting
项目经理/Project Manager: 郭岚,申鹏/GUO Lan, SHEN Peng
建筑面积/Floor Area: 20,440 m2
摄影/Photos: 史培生,朱清言/SHI Peisheng, ZHU Qingyan
1 形态生成/Form generation
2 首层平面/Ground floor plan
3 剖轴测/Cutting axonometric drawing
4 总平面/Site plan
5 入口与功能/Entrance and functions
6 墙身大样/Wall detail
7 沿剑川路外观/View from Jianchuan Road
8 入口平台望向零号湾/View of Neobay from entrance platform