
2021-05-08 04:31刘嫦云
广东教育·高中 2021年4期






Here are four National Parks that everyone should try to visit.

Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico

Chaco Culture provides access to a wide variety of Chacoan sites. In fact, Chaco Culture National Historical Park has the largest concentration of Chaco ruins outside of Mexico. The park also has a great night sky program. The Chaco Night Sky Program includes presentations and astronomy(天文學)which links modern astronomy with the astronomical knowledge of the Chacoan people.

Olympic National Park, Washington

The park protects some unique Washington ecosystems(生态系统)and is also a good destination for wildlife viewing. Visitors to the park will love the many hiking trials, and the wild beauty of the beaches and the entire park. One fantastic destination within the park is Shi Shi Beach, which is one of the longest stretches of undeveloped shoreline in the lower 48 states.

Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota

This park is home to one of the worlds longest and most complex caves. In addition to the caves, Wind Cave National Park also preserves mixed-grass prairie(大草原). Visitors to this park can enjoy learning about the geology and history of the cave, and they can also enjoy a variety of wildlife, including bison, mule deer, elk and more.

Joshua Tree National Park, California

Located in southeastern California Joshua Tree has some amazing sites to see, even the night skies, especially while camping. There are many nature trails, hiking trails, as well as options for mountain biking and rock-climbing. Visitors to Joshua Tree can enjoy the beautiful desert ecosystem.

21. Where should visitors go if they are interested in Chaco ruins?

A. Olympic National Park.

B. Wind Cave National Park.

C. Joshua Tree National Park.

D. Chaco Culture National Historical Park.

22. What can visitors do in both Olympic National Park and Wind Cave National Park?

A. Enjoy fantastic beaches.

B. Love many hiking trials.

C. Viewa variety of wildlife.

D. Explore the most complex caves.

23. What is special about Joshua Tree National Park?

A. It preserves mixed-grass prairie.

B. It provides access to Chacoan sites.

C. It has the beautiful desert ecosystem.

D. Itprotects unique Washington ecosystems.


Trenton Brown was attending a high school basketball game between the Waverly High Tigers and the Portsmouth West High Senators in West Portsmouth, Ohio, on Friday when everyone stood up for the national anthem(國歌). All the parents and kids were standing and the teams were lined up waiting for the anthem to blare(发出)out of the school speakers.

The wait transformed into an awkward silence and everyone looked around what was occurring. There appeared to be an issue with the sound system and it wasnt getting fixed. As the silence dragged on, Trenton Brown was pushed gently to sing the anthem by his wife after they realized the sound system failed.

“I looked over at the announcer who was getting a little annoyed. My wife said‘Singand I responded,‘All right,”said Brown, one of the Waverly parents. Brown has devoted his whole life to singing and playing music but never had he sung the national anthem before. What was even beautiful was that the crowd participated in and sang their hearts out.

It was one of the other parents, Johnny Futhey, at the basketball game that recorded Brown singing. Futhey continued to post the video on Facebook where it went viral(疯狂传播).“He brought about everyone in the gym to tears when he saved the day by standing up in the crowd and singing the anthem,”Futhey said.“When I originally posted I thought it would get some interest but didnt realize it would be like a million views. I posted it because I thought the world needs to see this.”

Trenton Brown was relatively calm about the whole circumstances and went about enjoying the contest once he finished singing the anthem. Those who came across the post spoke highly of Brown.“Dont know him but absolutely wonderful!”wrote Patty Richmond Holsinger. Kerri Gaskin wrote, “Brought tears to my eyes. Passion and love for his country. We need more of this. Well done.”

24. What caused the embarrassing silence?

A. The game dragged on.

B. Parents waited for the game.

C. The announcer was annoyed.

D. The sound system was broken.

25. What can we infer about Browns performance?

A. It was unplanned.

B. It was unreasonable.

C. It was his favorite one.

D. It was inspired by the crowd.

26. How did Futhey feel about the videos popularity?

A. Upset.     B. Amazed.

C. Overjoyed.      D. Disappointed.

27. What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A. Viewerspraise.        B. Browns calmness.

C. Holsingers passion.  D. Gaskins love for his country.


The announcement came that next year schools wont have to do all the components of English literature GCSE. Students must answer on Shakespeare, but can choose two out of three from the 19th-century novel, a modern drama or novel, and poetry. So, for the first time poetry is an option.

With no certainty of a full return to school in the autumn, it will be“extremely challenging”to teach a full subjects. It worries that students would struggle“to grasp complex poetry remotely”.This is no doubt true, but the solution is unreasonable.

Poet and teacher Kate Clanchy, recent winner of the Orwell prize for writing for her memoir(回憶录)Some Kids I Taught and What They Taught Me, explained that the solution is out of tune with the times. It is no longer true that teenagers are opposed to poetry. On the contrary, moreyoung people are engaging regularly with poetry than ever before: reading it, creating it, sharing it with each other, often on social media.

The open-ended nature of so much poetry, where meaning has to be obtained from intense engagement with language, is all too appropriate for our present age of uncertainty. The particular joy of reading it in groups is learning to enjoy the excitement of finding meaning, and to recognize that different interpretations are reasonable. Childrens author Michael Rosen summed it up: “Poetry offers a view on human nature, society and the world that is mysterious, questioning, and one that is often interested in giving readers the chance to hold several different ideas in our heads at the same time.”

If the pandemic(疫情)is making the current exam system unworkable, find another way of encouraging young people to study—and, better still, to love—literature. Poetry is about response, the joy of intellectual inquiry(知识的探求)and the free play of the spirit. That is what we should be protecting.

28. Which of the following is a required subject?

A. Shakespeare                           B. Poetry.

C. A modern drama.                  D. The 19th-century novel.

29. What does the underlined word“this”in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. Uncertainty of our present age.

B. The difficulty of making options.

C. Worry of learning a full subject offline.

D. The challenge of studying poems online.

30. What can we learn about poetry from paragraph 3?

A. It is opposed by teenagers.

B. It encourages Kate Clanchy.

C. It is out of tune with the times.

D. It gains popularity among teenagers.

31. What is the authors attitude to making poetry optional?

A. Cautious.           B. Favorable.

C. Disapproving.         D. Unconcerned.


Very often, right after a sporting exercise—especially experience such as running or cycling—one feels physical and psychological well-being. If sport is good for the body, it also seems to be good for the brain. To test the effect of sport on motor learning, scientists organized a group of 15 young and healthy men, who werent sportsmen.

They were asked to take a memory test under three conditions of physical exercise: after 30 minutes of moderate(中等強度)cycling, after 15 minutes of intensive cycling—which was defined(定义)as 80% of their maximum heart rate, or after a period of inaction. The exercise was as follows: a screen showed four points placed next to each other. Each time one of the dots briefly changed into a star, the participant had to press the corresponding button as fast as possible.

“It followed a predefined and repeated order to precisely evaluate how movements were learnt. This is very similar to what we do when, for example, we learn to type on a keyboard as quickly as possible.”explains Blanca Marin Bosch, a researcher in the Sophie Schwartzs laboratory. The test demonstrated that in all cases physical exercise improves memory more than inaction.After an intensive sports sessionas short as 15 minutes, the performance was much better than moderate-intensity cycling.

By providing precise scientific data, these studies make it possible to present new strategies for improving or preserving memory. Sports activity can be an easy and inexpensive intervention. Kinga Igloi and her colleagues at the laboratory advise schools to schedule a sports activity at the end of a school morning to consolidate(巩固)memory, aiming to achieve some practical objectives in the not-too-distant future.

Neuro scientists are currently pursuing their work by studying memory disorders“We want to evaluate the extent to which sports practice could help make up for these early slight memory loss that are warning signs to Alzheimers disease,”conclude the scientists.

32. What do we know about the participants?

A. They are elderly men.B. They are non-athletes.

C. They are psychologists. D. They are healthy professionals.

33. In which case did participants best improve their memory?

A. After a session of inaction.

B. After 15 minutes of intensive cycling.

C. After 30 minutes of moderatecycling.

D. After 20 minutes of moderatecycling.

34. What can we expect of physical exercises at the end of school mornings?

A. It will facilitate academic learning.

B. It will work as acostly intervention.

C. It will provide accurate scientific data.

D. It will prove effective in the laboratory.

35. Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Sport improves school study.

B. Sport prevents Alzheimers disease.

C. Sport and memory go hand in hand.

D. Sportand inaction exist side by side.



Goal setting is a way of keeping many of us on track to achieve our dreams.        36       , sticking to them is another.Below are four tips to help you stick to your plans and reach them!


When you get others engaged, you feel you have a responsibility towards them as well as yourself. Every day, ensure you are accountable for sticking to your goals. By joining groups or engaging others, you have more motivation to reach your goals. For example, if you want to read more, try joining a book club.

Visualize(設想)the Rewards

Reaching a goal can be challenging. When the journey becomes tough and difficult, try to visualize what rewards you will get from sticking to meeting your goals.         38       , visualize yourself already under weight and benefiting from being underweight. The mind has a way of channeling your body and intentions to sticking to your goals.

Make Your Goals Smaller

39       . The smaller the size of the goals, the more prepared you are to meet them. For example, if you find it difficult to get out and take a workout at the gym, why not try to break the goal into ensuring you are always dressed for the gym?By doing this, you demonstrate that you are moving in the right direction, and you can keep this momentum(势头)so you can meet the larger goal.

Measure Your Progress

It is easy to get discouraged when you are not getting instant results.         40       . When you take pictures to document your progress, no matter how small, you will feel grateful and elated (欢欣鼓舞的)to see what difference you have made from where you are coming from up until now.

A. Involve others

B. When you reward yourself

C. Yet setting goals is one thing

D. If you want to lose some pounds

E. Surround yourself with responsible persons

F. But progress can be measured even in tiny bits

G. Try to break down your objectives into tiny pieces

第三部分 語言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)



Sean Currey, 57, has been homeless for several years. He was sifting(筛选)through a dumpster(金属垃圾桶)behind a shop in Calif, when he         41        something unusual. It was a         42       . After glancing at the cards within it, he uncovered its owner.

“I cant say I didnt think about         43        the credit cards in the wallet, but only for a         44       . Anybody in the position of being         45        and cold and hungry, if they found a credit card, theyre going to think about it,”Currey said.“But whether youre going to         46        on it is two different things.”He called the wallets rightful owner Evelyn Topper and returned her         47       .

Toppers granddaughter Mikayla Gounard had already planned a socially distant“drive-by”party for her upcoming 12th birthday. After learning about the man whod so         48        returned her grandmothers wallet, she decided to ask for         49        to be donated to him.

By the end of her“Happy Birthday!”music, Gounard had         50        several hundred dollars. She and her mother         51        them to Currey the following day. They were continuing to raise funds to         52        him throughout the pandemic(疫情).

Currey, who was not expecting any financial         53        for returning the wallet, said he was         54        by the familys commitment to helping him get by during a         55       time.



When driving, you may see a common bumpersticker(保险杠贴纸)on passing vehicles, reading:“Perform random acts of kindness.”The saying is meant to urge people         56       (perform)kind behavior to others without thinking         57        planning in advance.

But several studies demonstrate there are good reasons to be kind. Researchers say kindness played         58        important role in how humans developed. Research also indicates that acts of kindness can make us feel better and improve our health.

University of California Riverside psychology professor Sonja Lyubomirsky         59       (test)this idea in many experiments over the past decade. She has found         60       (repeat)that people feel better when they are kind to others, even more so than when they are kind to         61       (them). Lyubomirsky claimed acts of kindness were very powerful.

In one experiment, she requested some people to perform three acts of kindness for other         62       (individual)each week. She asked other participants to do three acts of self-kindness. These acts could be small, like opening a door for someone. The people         63        were kind to others reported feeling happier and more connected to the world.

But it is not just emotional. It is also physical. Lyubomirsky studied a group of people with the        64       (ill)multiple sclerosis(多發性硬化症). She found that they felt better physically when         65       (help)others.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)


假定你是李华,你的英国网友Betty即将过生日,你给她寄了一本《中华成语故事》(Stories of Chinese Idioms)作为生日礼物。请给她写一封邮件,内容包括:

1. 写信目的;

2. 礼物介绍;

3. 你的祝愿。


1. 写作词数应为80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯。



Have you ever seen a flying hen?Have you witnessed a hens deep affection for her children in face of danger?Definitely yes for my son Tom.

Last month I took Tom, aged five, to visit my parents in the countryside. When we arrived, my parents were so pleased to see us. Toms grandmother hugged and kissed Tom excitedly. Then his grandpa took him to the yard to play.

I knew my Tom was curious about everything in his grandparentsyard and would be very excited to spot a variety of animals wandering around freely, from dogs to chickens. So there was no need to accompany him.

At lunch table, Tom told me proudly,“Dad, I saw a hen flying.”“Impossible!How can a hen fly?”I said without thinking. “Dad, in the yard, the dog displayed signs of aggression(攻击性), running after the hen.”He recalled the scene. The hen suddenly changed direction as the dog followed close behind her. But unfortunately the dog didnt begin to slow down, chasing(追赶) the hen continuously.

Eventually the feathered member in a weak position was forced to a corner. The panicked hen, when she found no other way out, flapped(快速振動)her wings in a flash and flew up to the roof. The hen escaped successfully.“Dad, I didnt know a hen could fly before. Why can a hen fly?”Tom continued, his big blue eyes widening with astonishment.

Having thought about it for a while, I replied,“Maybe because of love. The hen loves her own life. It is the love that stimulates her inner power, enabling her to fly as quickly as possible!”Tom nodded. He seemed as if he had understood.

Last weekend we paid a visit to Toms grandparents again. As usual, he made his way to the yard. Unexpectedly, this time I heard Tom shouting from the yard,“Dad!The dog is chasing chickens, trying to attack them!Come to see!”

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

I rushed out of the house. ____________________________


“Dad, why didnt the hen fly away?”Tom asked curiously.



第二部分 阅读理解



21. D细节理解题。由题干中的Chaco可定位到第一个国家公园,故选D项。

22. C细节理解题。由第二个公园中的…a good destination for wildlife viewing和第三个公园中的they can also enjoy the variety of wildlife可知,在这两个国家公园游客都能观看多种野生动物,故选C项。

23. C细节理解题。由第四个公园段落的最后一句“Visitors to Joshua Tree can enjoy the beautiful desert ecosystem.”可知,选C项。


24. D细节理解题。由第二段第二句“There appeared to be an issue with the sound system and it wasnt getting fixed.”可知声音系统出故障了,故选D项。

25. A推理判断题。由第三段中... but never had he sung the national anthem before可知他之前从未唱过国歌,由此推测出他的演唱是未经筹划的,故选A项。

26. B细节理解题。由第四段中的but didnt realize it would be like a million views他没想到那段视频会有上百万人观看,由此可知他惊讶于视频如此受欢迎,故选B项。

27. A 段落大意题。根据最后一段第二句“Those who came across the post spoke highly of Brown.”可知,浏览该帖子的人们都赞扬了Brown,接着后面的句子都是列举访客對他的称赞,故选A项。


28. A 事实细节题。根据第一段第二句Students must answer on Shakespeare ... 可知,学生必须学习Shakespeare这门课,故选A。

29. D代词指代题。代词通常指代前面的内容,此处的This指代前句,也就是It worries that students would struggle “to grasp complex poetry remotely”. 从这句“学生较难‘远程掌握复杂的诗歌,这一点让人担心”可知,学生在线学习诗歌具有挑战性,故选D。

30. D细节理解题。根据第三段... more young people are engaging regularly with poetry than ever before ... 可知,诗歌在青少年中很受欢迎,故选D。

31. C观点态度题。作者第二段末句提出自己的观点:将诗歌作为选修这种解决方案是不合理的。第三段作者引用最近的奥威尔奖得主Kate Clanchy的观点... the solution is out of tune with the times(这种方法与时代格格不入)。第四、五段都是阐述诗歌的重要性。这些都能看出作者对于诗歌被列入选修课是持反对态度的,故选C。


32. B细节理解题。由第一段末句... scientists organized a group of 15 young and healthy men, who werent sportsmen可知,测试的参与者不是运动员,故选B项。

33. B细节理解题。由第三段最后两句“The test demonstrated ... moderate-intensity cycling. ”可知, 测试表明体育锻炼比不活动更能提高记忆力,短时间的高强度的运动最能提高记忆力,故选B项。

34. A 推理判断题。由第四段末句 ... schedule a sports activity at the end of a school morning to consolidate(巩固)memory可知,进行运动巩固记忆可推测出能促进学习,故选A项。

35. C文章标题题。通读全文,文章主要介绍了一项测试结果—运动能提高记忆,故选C项。



36. C选项C中的setting goals与本段前一句的Goal setting是近义复现。选项C中的one thing与本句的another是搭配同现。

37. A本题是小标题式,根据其特点,故锁定选项A、E和G。根据本段第一句“当你让他人参与进来时,你觉得你对他们和你自己都有责任”可推断,选项A“让他人参与”符合本段主题。

38. D 由空格后的逗号可知,本空是未结束的一句话,故锁定选项B和D。根据逗号后的underweight可知,本句话聚焦体重。显然D项符合语境,

39. G 选项G中的objectives与空格后一句中的goals是近义复现。选项G“试着把你的目标分解成小块”呼应小标题,故选G项。

40. F的。选项F“但是进步是可以衡量的,哪怕是一点点”与前一句“当你得不到立竿见影的结果时,很容易气馁。”为转折关系。且F项中的even in tiny bits与空格后句中的no matter how small”相呼应。

第三部分 语言知识运用


本文是记叙文。无家可归的Sean Currey捡到Topper的钱包后迅速归还,Topper的孙女得知后号召捐款资助Currey。

41. A据42空后面的the cards(卡)可知突然发现(spot)不寻常的东西。

42. D据43空后面的wallet(钱包)可知选D项 (wallet)。

43. C. 据45空后cold and hungry, if they found a credit card, theyre going to think about it ... 可知对于又冷又饿的人来说,当发现信用卡时都会想使用(use)它。

44. B 由转折词but可知,这种想法只是很短的时间,故选B项。

45. D 由首段首句可知Sean Currey无家可归(homeless),此句是假设任何人处于他的境遇(homeless and cold and hungry),故选D项。

46. B根据本空空后is two different things,两件不同的事对应想(think about it)与做(act on it),故选B项。

47. A  据49空前returned her grandmothers wallet 可知,归还了Topper的财物(property)。

48. C  归还钱包是无私的行为,故选C项。

49. D 根据52空前They were continuing to raise funds ... 可知,她决定请求捐款(contributions) 捐赠给Currey。

50. B根据49空她的计划可推断出,Gounard在她自己的生日聚会上筹集了(raise)数百美元。

51. A根据54空后the familys commitment to helping him,可知Gounard一家帮助他,推测出他们把捐款第二天交给了(deliver) Currey。

52. D 根据54空后的关键词helping him可知是支持(support)他。

53. C根据前文内容可知,Currey归还钱包时并未期待有任何经济奖励(reward)。

54. B根据上文,Gounard一家为无家可归饥寒交迫的Currey筹集资金。这让Currey感到温暖(warm)。

55.   C根据52空后的pandemic可知,对于疫情期间无家可归的Currey而言,这是一段艰难的(tough)时光。



56. to perform由urge sb to do sth可知用不定式短语作补语。

57. or 因thinking与 planning in advance为并列关系,又因without是否定词,故填or。

58. an 因play an important role(扮演重要的角色,起重要作用)是固定短语。

59. has tested 时间状语over the past decade要用现在完成时。

60. repeatedly修饰动词found应用副词。

61. themselves 时间状语从句中they发出的动作be kind to作用于自身,此处应用反身代词。

62. individuals因other后接名词的复数形式。

63. who 引导限制性定语从句,先行词people指人。

64. illness 定冠词the后要接名词。

65. helping 这是“连词+分词”结构, 主句主语she与help与在逻辑上是主谓关系,故填helping。

第四部分 写作


One possible version

Dear Betty,

Knowing that your eighteenth birthday is around the corner and you are fond of Chinese idioms, Im writing to inform you that a special present has been sent to you.

It is a book called Stories of Chinese Idioms that is a collection of idioms having roots in ancient myths or historical facts. I started reading the idioms with illustrations when I was young, which helped me a lot in deepening my understanding of idioms and applying them.

I sincerely hope you will love the gift and wish you a happy birthday. Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua


One possible version

I rushed out of the house. The hen ran towards a group of chickens that were chased by the dog. I wondered what she would do next. All of a sudden, the hen stopped, turned around and faced the dog angrily, with her two wings sticking out to protect her children. I ran quickly and stood between the dog and the hen, yelling at the dog to drive it away. Sensing my anger, the dog walked away without any hesitation.

“Dad, why didnt the hen fly away?”Tom asked curiously. “She knows she cant defeat the dog.”added he. Lost in thought for a moment, I responded in a soft tone, “Maybe because of love, the love to her children more than her own life.”Tom reflected for a long while and nodded in agreement. Only then did he appear to have understood. As a matter of fact, we human beings will do the same as the hen did. It is mothers who are willing to risk their lives to save their children. How selfless a mothers love is!

責任编辑 蒋小青