
2021-05-08 04:31吴建华蓝利霞李贤军熊芸解光琼
广东教育·高中 2021年4期

吴建华 蓝利霞 李贤军 熊芸 解光琼



One day, a poor boy was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school. He was hungry and decided to ask for a meal at the next       1      . When a lovely young        2       opened the door,      3       a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of       4      .

As Kelly left, he felt       5       and his faith in God and man was strong also.

6       later that young woman became critically ill. The local doctors could do nothing and specialists were called in to study her       7       disease.

Dr. Kelly was on the team for the       8      . Hearing the name of the town she came from,       9       he rose and went down the hall to her room.

In his doctors gown(長枪), he     10      her at once. Back to the consultation room, he determined to do his best to save her life. After a long       11      , the battle was won. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him. He looked at it, then       12       something on the edge and it was sent to her room.

She       13       to open it, for it would be hard to pay for it. Finally she       14      , and something caught her attention. She began to read the following words:“      15       in full with one glass of milk. Signed, Dr. Kelly.”

(广东省中山纪念中学 吴建华)


As many schools start to reopen during COVID-19, teachers are preparing for students to return. With many new rules and       1      , the new school term wont be like before. One teacher from the US has come up with a       2       way to make her pupils feel safer and happier during these difficult times.

A kindergarten teacher Jennifer Pierson has       3       photos of her classroom online. To keep the kids apart, she has turned the individual desks into trucks, completing with plastic shields (擋板)to       4       the children.

A photo of the classroom was shared on the Facebook, where it became popular. Alongside the picture, parenting blogger(博主)Gail Hoffer-Loibl       5       the teacher for her idea, writing:“No       6      . Masks all day. Six feet apart at all times. School seemed frightening. Thankfully, there are       7       like Jennifer Pierson in the US, who       8       the desks to look like trucks. Those students       9       are taught by a caring teacher. Thats what parents can be       10       for. Thank the teachers like Jennifer Pierson,       11       they have done all they can to make our kids feel safe and happy.”

The post       12       much attention, shared over 20,000 times and gaining over 10,000       13      . After reading the post, many people also        14        on the photo like“What a (n)       15        teacher!”.


A new cookbook called The Community Comfort is available online. It       1       traditional comfort food from ethnic minority(少数民族) communities, and aims to       2       money. All

3       from the Community Comfor te-book will       4       go to those greatly affected by Covid-19(新冠肺炎)-Black people and other ethnic minorities.

The book was edited by cookbook       5       Riaz Phillips. Every recipe(菜谱)in the book is also       6       by an interesting story from each contributor on why theyve chosen the dish and what       7       it brings to them. Riaz Phillips said,“For us migrants, food is one of the       8       ways that our communities unite. Food connected us and       9       our culture to a wider community.”

During Covid-19, when we cant enjoy dinner with our loved ones, Riaz wanted to do something which brought       10       to people. So he made this book published.

He added,“Food is important in our life. Food and recipes make us connect, heal and mourn together, but also       11       when things get better too. For people in our communities, food is our colour when our       12       dont always get heard, so I       13       these recipes to give them comfort while they are      14     .”Riaz also felt       15       when giving a hand to others.


A girl in her 20s sat beside me in the house where Mother Teresa lived. Theres total       1       around us.“I cant believe Im here.”The girl spoke suddenly. I smiled and we began to       2      .

The girl called Sharon from the US,       3       reading about Mother Teresa and dreaming of meeting her some day. She had started       4       from her earnings(收入)from summer jobs for her        5      to India. Finally, she came to India and       6       at the MoC orphanage(孤兒院).

Today, she was       7       to meet Mother Teresa.“I finally      8       my dream I had as a kid.”she said. I could feel her       9       as she spoke. She invited me to meet Mother Teresa together       10       we first met today.

Called in to meet Mother Teresa, we stood before Mother Teresa, who was sick, but her eyes shone. She looked at us happily, smiling       11      .“Let me bless you!”she said. We reached out for her       12      , which was cold, but she let us hold it.“Thank you!”Sharon managed to say the words with tears        13       down her eyes.

After that, Sharon and I became friends. She       14       me to volunteer at the MoC orphanage. Not meeting now, we are always holding the moment when Mother Teresa        15       our lives.


Three years ago, Joan MacDonald, 74, hoped to improve symptoms(癥状)of arthritis(关节炎), which made her difficult to walk. She was       1       to a difficult fitness schedule. She exercised in a gym and changed her       2      , having five healthy meals per day. Since then, Joan has lost 25       3      , having become a social media sensation(引起轰动的人), with 876,000 fans       4       her journey.

The inspiration for the change came after her daughter Michelle, working as a fitness coach, asked her mum to       5       her health.“Three years ago, I began this long and slow journey and now I       6       that however challenging life is, we must remain       7       to our aim and keep going. She       8       on her Instagram account called Train With Joan.

Once Joan MacDonald had lost the weight, her goals changed to build up       9       and strength. Sometimes, she hosts       10       meetings through her social media account to       11       others. Besides, Joan has       12       an e-book of fitness.

As for her routine, she       13       works out five days per week, 90 minutes each time. Joan says: “I       14       my goal and never gave up. I dont       15       if my changes are slow because I shall go at my own pace.”

(广东省兴宁市第一中学 蓝利霞)


Last weekend, the New York City Ballet(NYCB), one of the leading ballet companies in the US, arrived in China. It hoped to appeal to Chinese       1       with a contemporary American style. But Martins,one of the NYCBs members, is a little       2       by the Chinese response to his performances.“Their       3       are blank. I cant tell if they       4       it or not. Perhaps they think its respectful not to       5       the dance.”

He laughs when he       6       the atmosphere: “I couldnt believe it. People were getting up from their       7       and moving to sit by their friends. They were       8       and enjoying themselves. They didnt take out       9       or anything, but the atmosphere was nothing like the formal ballet in the US.”

So how are you meant to behave?Western audiences sit       10      , listening carefully to the music and       11       themselves in watching the dance, then everyone claps       12       at the end. But Martins is convinced you should enjoy ballet in your own way. Its not necessary to       13       convention.

“My       14       to a young person seeing ballet for the first time is not to be judgmental. If you have an open mind you will find and enjoy the       15      ,” he says.

(廣东省河源市东源高级中学 李贤军)


Since the age of three, Chelsie Hill had dreamed of becoming a dancer. That       1       nearly ended one night in 2010. Hill, then a 17-year-old high school senior in Pacific Grove, California, was in a car accident that put her in the       2       for 51 days and left her paralyzed(瘫痪的)from the waist down. For most people, that would have stopped any hope of a       3       career. For Hill, it was the       4      . Far from being a       5      , her wheelchair encouraged her.“I wanted to prove to my community—and to myself—that I was still‘normal.”.

Hoping to reach more people in a       6       city, Hill moved to Los Angeles in 2014 and       7       a team of dancers with disabilities.

Hill has      8     what many of us never will:her     9      dream.        10      , every year she holds a dance       11       for wheelchair users, intending to help them       12       their inner desire. In 2019, 173       13       from ten countries attended.

The dancers arent the only ones feeling       14      . One woman saw a YouTube video of the team competing and commented,“You guys are so great!Im       15       because you rock!To be in a wheelchair and still be so beautiful makes me know I can be beautiful too!”


Mic Reich at Loyola Beach in Chicago believes she was infected with COVID-19 in early March at a social event and was confirmed March 16. She was       1       by how quickly the virus       2       her, and she was sent to a hospital for a night while       3       providers monitored her condition.“The best way I can describe it is its like        4       a corset(緊身衣)thats too tight, while walking through the polar vortex(极地漩涡),”she said.

Reich is now       5      , though her strength hasnt       6       returned. She lives alone and       7       herself, yet was touched by how many friends and        8       ones helped her through the       9      . Groceries were brought to her door. Phone calls cut through the loneliness of being       10      . A friend even risked exposure by driving her home from the hospital.

Once recovered, Reich said she intends to        11       these acts of kindness. Since medical experts think that people already       12       will have immunity(免疫力)to coronavirus, she expected to help others who are sick or       13       at a food bank — the kind of in-the-flesh       14       few others can provide.

“I am very much looking forward to when I have more       15       to do something.”she said.

(江西省靖安中學 熊 芸)


There was once a boy who was growing up in a well-off family. One day, his father decided to take him on a trip to show him how others lived, who were less       1      . His fathers goal was to help his son       2       everything given in his life.

After two-hour drive, they       3       to a farm where a poor family lived. They spent several days on the farm,       4       the family to work for their food.

When they       5      , the dad asked his son if he had learned anything impressive after the trip. The boy quickly replied, “It was       6      . That family is so lucky!”

7      , his father asked what he meant by that. The boy said, “We have a pool in our yard, but they have a river       8       around their cottage endlessly. We have lanterns outside, but they have the       9       open sky and the shining stars to give them light. We have to go to the       10       store, but they are able to grow their own food. Our high fence       11       our possessions, but they dont need such a limiting       12      , because their friends protect them.”

True wealth and happiness arent measured by material

13      . Enjoying the natural       14      , being around the people you adore and having freedom are much more       15      .

(安徽省合肥润安公学 解光琼)



1. B 由上文男孩挨家挨户卖东西和后文有人开了门可知,男孩决定在下一户家宅处讨要一顿饭。

2. B由后文中的that young woman was critically ill可知,是一位漂亮的女人开了门见他。

3. A 由上下文可知,男孩一开始决定要一顿饭,但是后来他改变主意,讨要了一杯水而不是膳食。

4. C  由下文可知,虽然男孩要的是一杯水,但女人看他很饿,就给了他一大杯牛奶,与文章末尾处形成呼应。

5. D 上文提到Kelly得到了大杯牛奶,所以等他喝完离开的时候,他应该感觉更加有力气,后文的his faith in God and man was strong also与之形成呼应。

6. C 由后文可知,当年的小男孩成为了一名医生,所以这是很多年以后发生的事情。

7. A 由上下文可知,当地的医生对女人的病无能为力,只好请求专家帮忙会诊,最终女人得救了,可见她得的是一种罕见病。

8. B 由后文Kelly回到了会诊室决定要设法抢救女人可知,Kelly当时是在会诊的专家团队里。

9. C 由上文可知,Kelly得知女人是来自他熟悉的城镇,所以他立即起身去到她的病房。

10. B 由上下文可知,Kelly身着医生长袍,一眼认出了这位女人,他决定要尽力抢救她。

11. A 由上文可知,女人病得很严重,经过医生们长时间奋力抢救,她最终被救活了。

12. D 由后文Kelly在账单上的签字可知,他在账单上写下了一些字。

13. A 由后文可知,女人很难支付医疗账单,她非常害怕看账单。

14. D 由上下文可知,女人一开始担心付不起费用而不敢看账单,但最终她还是看了,并且注意到了账单上的签字。

15 C 由上下文可知,Kelly是因为感恩女人曾经给过他一杯牛奶,所以他帮女人支付了账单。

(二)新冠肺炎期间,幼儿园老师Jennifer Pierson创造性地把桌子弄成了卡车的样子,让学生没那么恐惧。这个暖心的举动引发众人的点赞。

1. B 由首句的“during Covid-19”可知,在新冠肺炎期间,因为很多新规矩和“焦虑(anxiety)”,新学期肯定不会像之前那样。

2. C 根据下文的“... she has turned the individual desks into trucks ...”可知,在这艰难时期,一个美国的老师想到了一个“创造性的(creative)”方法让她的学生感到安心。

3. B 根据空格后的词“online”可知,老师把教室的照片“发布(posted)”到网上。

4. A 根据首句的“during Covid-19”可知,老师为了让学生保持距离,她把桌子变成了卡车,加上塑料挡板来“保护(protect)”孩子。

5. C 根据下文的“Thankfully, there are       7       like Jennifer Pierson”可知,育儿博主 Gail Hoffer-Loibl“赞扬(praised)”了Jennifer Pierson老师的想法。

6. D 根据下文的“Masks all day. Six feet apart at all times”可知,学生不准“玩耍(playing)”,一整天戴着口罩,保持6英尺距离。

7. A 由空格后的“like Jennifer Pierson,”可知,有很多像Jennifer Pierson一樣的“教育工作者(educators)”。

8. D 根据上文的“To keep the kids apart, she has turned the individual desks into trucks”可知,Jennifer Pierson老师把教室里的桌子“安排(set up)”得像卡车。

9. B 根据全文可知,这些学生“显然地(clearly)”由一个有爱心的老师负责。

10. A 根据上文的“a caring teacher,”可知,这是父母们要“感激的(grateful)”的事情。

11. D 根据空格前的“Thank the teachers like Ms. Pierson,”可知,感谢像Jennifer Pierson一样的老师,“因为(because)”他们尽他们所能去做让我们的孩子感到安心的一切事情。

12. C 根据下文的“... sharing over 20,000 times and gaining over 10,000       13      .”可知,这个发布“吸引(attracted)”了不少的关注。

13. C 根据空格前的“sharing over 20,000 times and gaining over 10,000”,可知,这个帖子有超过2万次的转发,有超过1万次的“点赞(likes)”。

14. D 根据下文的“What an       15       teacher!”. 可知,看了图片之后,很多人做了“评论(commented)”。

15. B 根据全文可知,这是一个“极好的(awesome)”的老师!

(三)Riaz Phillips编撰了一本有趣的料理书来募集资金,去帮助那些受到新冠疫情严重影响的黑人和少数民族,从而给他们带来安慰和快乐。因帮助他人,Riaz也感受到快乐。

1. B 由空格后的“traditional comfort food from ethnic minority communities”可知,此书是以少数民族社区的传统美食“为特色(feature)”。

2. A根据下文的“All       3       from the Community Comfort e-book will       4       go to those greatly affected by Covid-19(新冠肺炎)”可知,目的是“募集(raise)”资金。

3. D 根据前文的“aims to       2       money”可知,所有的“收益(profit)”将“直接(directly)”给那些受到新冠肺炎极大冲击的人——黑人和其他的少数民族。

4. B 见上一题。

5. C 根据空格前的“The book was edited by cookbook”可知,这本书由烹饪“作者(author)”编辑。

6. A 根据空格后的“by an interesting story from each contributor”可知,书里的每个菜谱都“附有(accompanied)”一个有趣的故事。

7. D 根据下文的“so I       13       these recipes to give them comfort”可知这种菜给他们带来什么样的“安慰(comfort)”。

8. C 根据空格后的“ways that our communities unite”可知,食物是我们社区团结的“最好的”方式。

9. B  根据空格后的“our culture to a wider community”可知,食物把我們连接在一起,并把我们的文化“展示(display)”给更大的社区。

10. D 根据上文的“when we cant enjoy dinner with our loved ones”可知,Riaz Phillips想给人带来“快乐(joy)”。

11. B 根据空格后的“when things get better too”可知,食物和菜谱使我们连接在一起、让我们一起治愈、一起悼念;当一切变好时,我们一起“庆祝(celebrate)”。

12. C 根据空格后的dont always get heard可知,当我们的“声音(voices)”不能被听到时,食物就是我们的乐趣。

13. A 根据空格后的内容可知;当他们“痛苦(suffering)”的时候;我“拿起(picked up)”这些菜谱去给他们带来安慰。

14. D 根据上一题可知。

15. A 根据全文可知,Riaz在帮人的同时也感受到了“快乐(happy)”。


1. C 根据下文的“The girl spoke suddenly”可知,我们周围是一片“寂静(silence)”。

2. B 根据上文的“The girl spoke suddenly. I smiled...”可知,我们开始“聊天(chat)”。

3. D 根据下文的“as a kid”可知,Sharon“长大(grew up)”的过程中读了很多有关特蕾莎修女的书。

4. A 根据下文的“her earnings(收入) from summer jobs”可知,她开始从暑假工的收入里面开始“存钱”为了去印度“旅行(trip)”。

5. B 根据上一题可知。

6. C 根据下文的“She        14       me to volunteer at the MoC orphanage(孤儿院). ”可知,她在MoC孤儿院“做志愿者(volunteer)”。

7. D 根据下文的“Called in to meet Mother Teresa, ....”可知,她被“允許(permitted)”去见特蕾莎修女。

8. A 根据空格后的“my dream that I had as a kid”可知,“我”终于“实现(realize)”了“我”的梦想。

9. C 根据上文的“I finally       8       my dream I had as a kid”可知,她说话的时候,我能感受到她的“激动(excitement)”。

10. D 根据空格前后的内容“She invited me to meet Mother Teresa together       9       we first met today.”可知,她邀请我一起去见特蕾莎修女“虽然(though)”我们是第一次见面。

11. B 根据空格前的“She looked at us happily, smiling”可知,她开心地看着我们,“温和地(gently)”笑着。

12. C 根据空格后的“, ...which was cold, but she let us hold it. ”可知,我们伸手去摸她的“手(hand)”。

13. A  根据空格前后的内容“tears        12       down her eyes”可知,眼泪从她的眼中“滚(rolling)”下来。

14. D  根据上文“she came to India and       6       at the MoC orphanage(孤儿院)”可知,她“鼓励”我去MoC孤儿院做志愿者。

15. A 根据倒数第二段可知,我们一直牢记着特蕾莎修女“影响(touched)”我们生活的那个时刻。


1. B  根据首句的which made her difficult to walk可知,Joan“致力于(devoted)”艰难的健身计划。

2. A  由空格后的having five healthy meals per day可知,她改变了她的“饮食(diet)”,每天吃五顿饭。

3. D  由下文的“Joan MacDonald had lost the weight”可知,她减了25“公斤(kilograms)”的肥。

4. B 由空格后的“having become a social media sensation, with 876,000 fans”可知,有876,000 个粉丝“跟随”她的行程。

5. C 由空格后的“her health”可知,Joan的女儿让她“照顾(look after)”好身体。

6. A 根据空格前“Three years ago I began this long and slow journey and now I ...”可知,“我(Joan)”“意识到(realize)”无论生活中面对什么挑战,我们对目标要“坚定(faithful)的”并不断向前进。

7. C 根据上一题可知。

8. D 根据空格后的“on her Instagram account called Train With Joan.”可知,她在照片墙一个叫“跟琼锻炼”的账户上“写(wrote)”着。

9. D 根据下文的“strength”可知,她增强“肌肉(muscle)”和力量。

10. B 根据前文可知,她在她的账号上主持“体育锻炼(workout)”会议去“激励(inspire)”他人。

11. C 根据上一题可知。

12. A 根据空格后的“an e-book of fitness”可知,她“发布(released)”了一本有关健身的电子书。

13. D 根据空格后的“works out five days per week”可知,她“仍然(still)”每周锻炼五天。

14. B 由与之并列的and never gave up可知,应是“坚持”。

15. A 根据下文的“because I shall go at my own pace.”可知,“我”不“介意(mind)”自己的改变是否很慢,因为“我”有自己的节奏。


1. B由前文的the New York City Ballet(NYCB)... arrived in China和后文的his performances,可知纽约芭蕾来中国表演,那肯定是吸引观众。

2. A 本句Martins一开始是通过当代的美国风格吸引更多的中国观众,But表示转折,并结合后文的观众表情呆滞(blank),可知Martins对于中国观众的反映是很困惑的。

3. D 结合后文blank“空白的、没表情的”意思,结合常识只能是面部表情呆滞。

4. B 由语境可知,Martins一开始是通过当代的美国风格吸引更多的中国观众,But表示转折,并结合后文的观众表情呆滞(blank),所以是不能判断观众是否喜欢。

5. D 由句中说中途扰乱表演是不礼貌的。

6. A 由后文内容可知,是对上文的气氛进行描述。

7. D 结合前文观众是观看芭蕾舞表演,并结合后文moving to sit by their friends,是从座位上起来。

8. B由前文getting up from their seats and moving to sit by their friends和enjoying themselves可知,并结合常识,观众们在一起小声说话。

9. A 结合常识,表演场所,不可能有钱、衣服或鞋子带,就是自己的衣服和鞋子也是自己会带走的,只能是食物。

10. C 这里与中国观众进行对比,并结合后文listening carefully to the music,指西方观众安静的观看表演。

11. D 固定搭配bury oneself in 表示“埋头于;专心致志于”,专心致志于观看芭蕾舞与前文listening carefully to the music内容上一致。

12. A 结合前文意思及常识,观看表演会大声地鼓掌。

13. C 前文But Martins is convinced you should enjoy ballet in your own way每个人有自己欣赏芭蕾的方式,没有必要墨守陈规。

14. B 由后文... seeing ballet for the first time is not to be judgmental第一次观看芭蕾舞不能吹毛求疵,可知这是一条建议。

15. C 根据全篇文章讲述Martins来到中国表演芭蕾舞时,台下观众反应与美国观众进行比较,每个人有自己欣赏芭蕾的方式,没有必要墨守陈规。可知要用宽广的心怀去尽享美。

(七)Chelsie Hill在17岁时遭遇车祸,导致腰以下瘫痪。但她用自己的切身经历告诉我们:即使是身体残疾,只要坚持梦想并且不懈追求,坐在轮椅上也可以舞蹈。

1. A 根据上下文,That ambition=Chelsie Hills dream of becoming a dancer。

2. C 根据前句Hill遭遇了车祸(a car accident),所以选C,车祸使她进“医院”51天,从腰以下瘫痪。

3. D 呼应前文,Chelsie的梦想是成为舞者,所以是舞蹈(dancing)生涯。

4. B 呼应前文,对其他人是结束,但对Hill是一个开始(beginning)。

5. D 根据句意,“远非不利条件(disadvantage),她的轮椅激励了她。”

6. B 根据上下文,Hill高中毕业前生活在Pacific Grove, California,之后为了舞蹈事业搬往Los Angeles,所以是“更大的(larger)”城市。

7. A 根据句意“Hill组建(form)了一个她称为 the Rollettes的残疾舞者舞队。”

8. C 根据句意“Hill实现(achieved)了我们许多人没能实现的目标。”

9. D 根据上文,成为舞者是Hill从3岁起的梦想,所以选儿童时代(childhood)。

10. A 根据上下文,此处是递进关系,“此外”。

11. D 根据句意“她每年为各年龄段各种能力的轮椅舞者举办舞蹈营(camp)”。

12. B 根据句意“旨在帮助他们发现(find)自己内心的渴望。”

13. C 根据上下文和句意“2019年,来自十个国家的173名参加者(participants)参加了她的舞蹈营。”

14. C 根据上下文和句意“舞者们并不是唯一被激励(inspired)的人。”

15. A 根据句意“因为你们的舞蹈,我流泪了。”

(八)Mic Reich感染新冠肺炎(COVID-19)住院,得到了朋友和亲人给予的帮助和照顾,她打算病愈后要传递善意,帮助他人。

1. A 結合上文,Mic Reich感染新冠肺炎病毒并在3月16日确诊。她对病毒使她身体虚弱的迅速感到惊讶。

2. D 句意为:她对病毒使她身体虚弱的迅速感到惊讶。

3. B 句意为:她住了一晚的院(hospitalized),医护人员监控了她的身体状况。

4. C 句意为:Reich说新冠肺炎就像穿着很紧的紧身衣行走在极地漩涡中。

5. C 句意为:Reich现在正在恢复,虽然她的力气还没有完全复原。

6. B 句意为:Reich现在正在恢复,虽然她的力气还没有完全复原。

7. D因Reich一个人住,所以是她自己照顾自己。

8. A 与friends并列,故选loved ones亲人。

9. B 前文中Reich感染、确诊新冠肺炎并住院治疗,所以本句句意为:Reich独自生活,自己照顾自己,然而她感动于这么多朋友和亲人帮助她与疾病(illness)斗争。

10. C 这一段介绍朋友和亲人的帮助。根据常识:新冠肺炎患者需隔离,所以本句意为:朋友们和家人的电话驱散了背隔离(being separated)带来的孤独。

11. D 本句意为:一旦完全恢复,Reich说她打算传递这种善行。

12. A 根据上文she was infected with COVID-19 in early March at a social event and was diagnosed March 16.本句句意为:医学专家们认为感染了的人会对新冠病毒免疫。

13. B 本句句意为:因为医学专家们认为感染了新冠病毒的人会对病毒免疫,她期待去照顾生病的人或在食物银行做志愿工作(volunteer)。

14. C 句意是:因为医学专家们认为感染了的人会对新冠病毒免疫,她期待去照顾生病的人或在食物银行做志愿工作(volunteer)——那种极少有人能提供的亲自参与的支持(in-the-flesh support)。

15. D 呼应前文Reich is now recovering, though her strength hasnt fully returned,本句句意为:我非常盼望我更有力气(have more energy),能做些事情的日子早点到来。


1-5. ACDCD    6-10. CBBDA   11-15. ABCDA

责任编辑 蒋小青
