
2021-04-29 14:22:30河南巴灵芝
疯狂英语·新悦读 2021年4期

河南 巴灵芝


304 难度 ★★★ 建议用时文章词数 6分钟

We had finished our business. I asked Anas what he did outside of work. He quickly replied that he read eagerly. I was taken aback.Not many people in the business world around me read, something I find frustrating when socializing.

Fewer people read these days, but I honestly feel that reading is one of the few nondigital gifts we can still enjoy. We can't allow the fast pace of modern life to paralyze(使麻痹)us, locking us into a robotic, linear lifestyle enslaved by technology and an instant gratification

(满足) mindset.

I've committed to reading a book a week for the past two years. I haven't always been successful, but I've enjoyed having the self-control in turning away from social events or meaningless activities to pursue my goal. I now take my book everywhere; when I feel the weekly deadline looming, then I'll spend four hours on a free afternoon to make up for the lost time.

Reading is powerful. The benefits of reading in my latter years have been twofold. Reading has not only made me a better person, but has also taught me to be more mindful and intentional about everything I do.

Completing a book is a great discipline as well. It takes perseverance and commitment in our “ADD world” to finish a book. It sends a message to our psyche and to others that we are determined and can achieve what we set out to do.

Books, for me, are not only a source of information, but a way to escape the stresses of my life. Reading has opened up my mind, exposing me to everything the world offers.

I hope that I can inspire many to read a book a week. I hope that “one book a week”becomes my life's slogan.

Reading Check

Ⅰ. Complete the following chart with only one word for each blank according to the text.

The habit of reading a book a week 1._________(Para. 1~Para. 2)While the fast pace of modern life has paralyzed some of us, Anas reads eagerly.Background(Para. 3) Reading a book a week has been my 2._________in the past two years.Benefits(Para. 4~5)Evaluation(Para. 6)6._________(Para. 7)●Reading has shaped me into a better person and taught me to be more mindful and 3._________about everything I do.●It takes discipline to finish a book, for which you should be persevering and 4. _________.Books have multiple 5._________on me.I hope to inspire people to read a book a week and take reading one book a week as my life's motto.

Ⅱ. Discussion

In a modern society with fast pace, what can we do to improve us apart from reading?

Language Study

就像“书”是连接读者和作者的纽带一样,“连词”和“疑问词”也会成为连接主句和从句的纽带。 让“纽带”舞起来吧!

Choose a proper word to fill in the blanks.

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After finishing our business, I asked Anas 1._________he did outside of work. He quickly replied 2.________he read eagerly,3.________surprised me a lot. Not many people in the business world around me read, something I find frustrating 4.________socializing.

Fewer people read these days, 5.________I honestly feel 6._________reading is one of the few non-digital gifts we can still enjoy. Reading is powerful, the benefits of 7._________in my latter years have been twofold.

Cultural Background


What I love most about reading is that it gives you the ability to reach higher ground. A world of possibilities awaits you. Keep turning the page.

阅读赋予我们到达更高的地方的能力。这是我喜欢阅读的原因。一个充满可能性的世界在等着你。 继续翻开你的书页吧。 (奥普拉·温弗瑞,电视节目主持人)

Read 500 pages like this every day. That's how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it.

像这样,每天读500页的书。这就是知识的运作方式,就像复利一样积累起来。 你们都能做到,但我保证没有多少人会这么做。 (沃伦·巴菲特,全球著名投资商)

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