
2021-03-30 05:45王艳赵懿琛赵德刚
广西植物 2021年2期

王艳 赵懿琛 赵德刚

摘要:為了解杜仲基因密码子使用模式,该文以杜仲基因组密码子为研究对象,运用CodonW软件对杜仲的320个蛋白编码基因进行同义密码子相对使用频率(RSCU)分析、ENCGC3s关联分析编码基因的密码子ENC值、PR2plot偏倚分析编码基因的密码子碱基使用频率,并运用CUSP软件与Codon Usage Database软件对杜仲基因密码子的GC含量、使用频率与代表性物种烟草、拟南芥、大肠杆菌和酿酒酵母的密码子GC含量和使用频率进行比较。结果表明:杜仲基因密码子的RSCU>1的密码子有30个,其中18个以G/C结尾、12个以A/U结尾,说明杜仲基因密码子偏好以G/C结尾,且偏好性较强;有效密码子数(ENC)范围为30~60,该范围内的密码子距离标准曲线较远,其ENC值小,偏好性较强;PR2plot偏倚分析碱基使用频率显示,G>C、U>A;杜仲与代表性物种的GC含量分析显示,杜仲的GC12、GC3以及平均GC含量均高于代表性物种;杜仲与代表性物种的密码子使用频率分析显示,杜仲与烟草、酿酒酵母的密码子偏好较为接近,杜仲与拟南芥、大肠杆菌的密码子偏好差距较大。杜仲是我国特有的珍贵中药材,对其进行密码子使用模式分析,并研究其密码子偏好规律,为杜仲植物基因工程中外源基因的改良及表达提供了理论基础。

关键词: 杜仲基因, 密码子, 偏好性, 使用模式, 代表性物种




Abstract:To comprehend the codon usage pattern of genes in Eucommia ulmoides, taking the E. ulmoides genome codons as the research object, the 320 coding DNA sequences was analyzed to obtain the results of relative synonymous codon usage(RSCU), ENCGC3s analysis of codon ENC values of coding genes and PR2plot bias analysis of the codon base usage frequency of the coding genes. By using CUSP and Codon Usage Database software to compare the GC contents and codon occurrence frequency of E. ulmoides with those of Arabidopsis thaliana, Nicotiana tabacum, Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The results were as follows:The number of RSCU value greater than 1 had 30 codons, including 18 genes with ending G/C and 12 genes ending with A/U, and these suggested that the codons preferred ends with G/C, and had a strong bias; The number of effective codons (ENC) ranges from 30 to 60, and the codons within this range were far away from the standard curve and their ENC values were smaller and had a higher preference; PR2plot analysis showed that G>C,U>A, in the base usage frequency; Analysis of GC contents of Eucommia ulmoides and representative species showed that the E. ulmoides GC12, GC3 and average GC contents were higher than those of representative species; The analysis of the codon usage frequency of E. ulmoides and representative species showed that the codon preferences of E. ulmoides and Nicotiana tabacum,  Saccharomyces cerevisiae were close, and the codon preferences of Eucommia ulmoides, Arabidopsis thaliana and Escherichia coli were quite different. Eucommia ulmoides is a precious Chinese medicinal material unique in China. Analysis ofthe codon usage pattern and studies of its codon preference will provide a theoretical basis for the improvement and expression of foreign genes in E. ulmoides plant genetic engineering.

2.2 ENC与GC3s关联分析


2.3 PR2plot偏倚分析


2.4 杜仲与代表性物种的GC含量及密码子使用频率比较




本研究以杜仲基因组为对象,分析杜仲基因密码子使用模式。结果表明杜仲基因密码子RSCU>1的有30个,其中18个密码子以G/C结尾、12个密码子以A/U结尾,说明杜仲基因密码子偏好以G/C结尾,这种偏好可能是由于以 G/C结尾的密码子具有较高的结合能,有利于保证翻译的准确性 (蒋玮等,2014)。ENC值大小可量化一个基因的密码子使用频率与同义密码子平均使用频率的偏差,从而检测单个基因密码子的偏好程度(朱婷婷等,2017)。ENC值与期望ENC值差异越小,说明突变对密码子偏好性影响越大;ENC值与期望ENC值差异越大,说明选择对密码子偏好性影响越大(杨国锋等,2015)。分析杜仲基因密码子ENC值,其值集中分布于30~60间,且该区域内的密码子距离标准曲线较远,偏好性较强。PR2plot分析中,平面图显示各基因的碱基组成,其中点代表无偏倚性使用时的密码子状态,即A=U,G=C(尚明照等,2011;邢朝斌等,2013)。杜仲基因密码子的PR2plot分析显示碱基使用频率为G>C、U>A。说明杜仲基因密码子的使用偏好受到自然选择和基因突变的影响。杜仲与拟南芥、烟草、大肠杆菌、酿酒酵母等代表性物种的密码子使用频率都具有不同程度的差异,若这些生物的基因要在杜仲中表达,则应先进行密码子优化。杜仲与烟草、酿酒酵母的密码子偏好性差别较小,与大肠杆菌、拟南芥的密码子偏好性差别较大。如果烟草、酿酒酵母的基因要在杜仲中表达则只需优化个别密码子,若要为杜仲基因寻找宿主系统,则烟草、酿酒酵母较为合适。



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