谭爽 梁凤超 鄢南兴 林喆 康建兵
谭爽 梁凤超 鄢南兴 林喆 康建兵
(北京空间机电研究所,北京 100094)
六自由度并联机构 空间包络 包络模型 次镜调整 空间相机
图1 Stewart六自由度并联机构
-动坐标系中的任何向量p都可以通过坐标变化变换为-静坐标系中的向量,转换公 式为
2.1.1 解析法
2.1.2 数值法
表1 次镜位姿调整平台机构结构参数与约束参数
Tab.1 The structural parameters and the constraint conditions of the secondary mirror adjustment mechanism
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Study on the Envelope Space Determination Algorithm of the Stewart Platform in the Secondary Mirror Adjustment
TAN Shuang LIANG Fengchao YAN Nanxing LIN Zhe KANG Jianbing
(Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics & Electricity, Beijing 100094, China)
Since the space remote sensing camera is limited by size, weight and manufacturing costs, the secondary mirror pose during adjustment by the Stewart platform, must stay within the given envelope space at any time. An envelope space algorithm is urgently needed to judge whether the Stewart platform is within the given envelope space in real time. Considering the thickness of the moving platform, a kinematics model was firstly built up on the basis of the structure parameters. The extreme translations and orientations of the model were deduced by trigonometric functions respectively and they were added together to get the Stewart platform extreme positions. With the struts length constraint applied on the model, position coordinates that satisfy the constraint were calculated directly, and then the extreme positions were found to determine the envelope space. At last, with an example of the Stewart platform in a space remote sensing camera, the extreme positions were computed by the model in analytical and numerical methods. Both the results of the two methods satisfied the given envelope space. In practice, the analytical method can compute the extreme positions rapidly and efficiently, and the numerical method can have more accurate solutions than the analytical one. The envelope space determination algorithm is suitable for the envelope space judgment of the 6-DOF (6-degree-of-freedom) parallel mechanism.
Stewart platform; space envelope; envelope model; secondary mirror; space camera
TP 24
谭爽, 梁凤超, 鄢南兴, 等. Stewart次镜调整平台空间包络判定算法研究[J]. 航天返回与遥感, 2021, 42(1): 108-114.
TAN Shuang, LIANG Fengchao, YAN Nanxing, et al. Study of the Envelope Space Determination Algorithm of the Stewart Platform in the Secondary Mirror Adjustment[J]. Spacecraft Recovery & Remote Sensing, 2021, 42(1): 108-114. (in Chinese)