Thank you, Mr Postman

2021-01-29 07:35江西赣州南康区第三中学江海连
疯狂英语·新读写 2021年1期

江西赣州南康区第三中学 江海连



1. confession /kən'fe∫n/ n. 承认;坦白

2. supervisor /'suːpəvaɪzə(r)/ n. 主管人;监督人

3. overwhelming /,əʊvə'welmɪŋ/ adj. 压倒性的;巨大的

Emerson, my 11-year-old daughter, has a serious letter-writing habit. And if you've been the lucky recipient of one of Em's hand-decorated letters and envelopes, then you have a pretty good idea of the joy they bring.

A letter from Emerson is likely to include some art, a joke or two, a mention of her younger brother, confessions of her love for Taylor Swift, and enough questions to guarantee a response. So when she decided to thank our mail carrier Doug, for the service he provides for us, she left nothing out. She wrote, “I'm Emerson. You may know me as the person that lives here, writes a lot of letters and decorates the envelopes.Well, I wanted to thank you for taking my letters and delivering them.The reason why you are very important in my life is that I don't have a phone, so how else am I supposed to stay in touch with my friends? You make it possible! ” She put it in the box and smiled when our local mail carrier Doug took it, and that was enough. The next day, a package arrived with some stamps and two letters. Doug had shared Em's letter with hissupervisor, Sara, and they both wanted to share how touched they were.

This is when things get interesting. The next week, we got a letter addressed to “Mr and Mrs Weber”. It seemed that Sara had shared Em's note on the Internet and there were so many postmen that wanted to thank her. These letters are so deeply human. They are filled with family, pets, hobbies,community, and anoverwhelmingsense of kindness. But there was something more in these letters.People felt seen—some for the first time in a long time. “I work alone in a small rural post office...”“Not a lot of people think about how hard we work...”

We all just want to be seen, known, and loved. Em does this boldly. We've all been in a moment of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Em's lesson to me was simple: It is the small things that matter most. Send a letter. Make a call. Take a step of boldness. And thank your mail carrier. They are working extremely hard to keep us all connected. And, if you've gotten this far, just know that you can start the same waves of goodness with the people that you count on, respect, and love. Just tell them that you miss them, love them, or just see them.



1. What may most probably be included in Emerson's letter?

A. A mention of her study.

B. Questions about guarantee rules.

C. Something about art.

D. Advice on house decorations.

2. Why did Emerson write to Doug?

A. To share some jokes. B. To show her appreciation.

C. To introduce Taylor Swift. D. To express her love for writing.

3. How did Sara feel after seeing Emerson's letter?

A. Upset. B. Satisfied.

C. Confused. D. Moved.

4. What did the author learn from Emerson?

A. Small acts do matter a lot.

B. Sending a letter is old-fashioned.

C. Many people feel depressed in life.

D. Mail carriers are often ignored by people.



Sentence for writing

Well, I wanted to thank you for taking my letters and delivering them.

【信息提取】thank sb for doing...意为“因为……感谢某人”。


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