Team China shines as Paralympics end
With the extinguishing[熄灭]of the flame inthe caldron, the Tokyo Paralympic Games closedon September 5, with Team China winning 207medals to top the tally. The Chinese athletes–40%[残奥会运动员]-wonof them first-time Paralympians96 gold medals, 60 silvers and 51 bronzes. GreatBritain trailed in second place with 124 medals,followed by the United States and the RussianParalympic Committee. It was the fifth consecutivetime that Team China dominated the Paralympics–it first topped the ranking in 2004 with 63 golds.
Fill in the blanks:
Team China won ________ medals during this Tokyo Paralympic Games.
Nearly 30% of assessed speciesface extinction
Nelarly 30% of the 138,374 species assessed by the International Unionfor the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for its survival watchlist are now atrisk of vanishing[消失] in the wild forever, while 902 have gone extinct, as thedestructive impact of human activity on the natural world deepens. Akey message from the IUCN Congress,taking place in the French city ofMarseille, is that disappearing species and the destruction of ecosystems areno less existential threats than global warming. "These Red List assessmentsdemonstrate just how closely our lives and livelihoods are intertwinedwith biodiversity," IUCN Director General Bruno Oberle said in a statement.The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is the gold standard for measuringhow close animal and plant species are to dying out.
Fill in the blanks:
★Nearly 30% species are at risk of____________in the wild.
3D-printed wagyu beef
Scientists based in Japan'sOsaka University have found away to 3D print wagyu beef in alab–a step they believe will oneday help make widely availableand sustainably-produced cuts ofcultured meatthat closelyresemble original products. By isolating beef cells, the scientists organized howthe muscles, blood vessels, and fat should be stacked. The researchersthen shaped these tissues into the form of a steak using a technique called 3Dbioprinting, where cell structures can be layered to resemble real tissues inliving things. The researchers believe that proving that a wagyu steak can beaccurately 3D-printed could be a big step toward a sustainable future wherecultured meat can be created that closely resembles existing products. Its originsfrom real meat also differentiate it from plant-based options, like those createdby Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods.
日本大阪大学的科学家日前在实验室里成功用3D打印出了“和牛肉”,科学家相信这一进展将有助于未来研制出被广泛食用且可持续生产、酷似真肉的人造肉。通过分离牛肉细胞,科学家理清了肌肉、血管和脂肪的分布规律,然后用3D生物打印技术将这些牛肉组织做成一块牛排的形状,通过对细胞结构进行分层使得产品酷似真“和牛肉”。研究人员认为,证实“和牛排”能被3D打印是迈向未来可持续生产类真肉人造肉的重大一步。因为3D打印牛排的源头来自真肉,这也使其有别于Beyond Meat和Impossible Foods等公司生产的人造素食牛肉。
Fill in the blanks:
★Scientists successfully 3D- printed___________ in a lab.
Authorities summon online gamecompanies
Chinese authorities summoned leadingonline game enterprises and platforms,including Tencent and NetEase, for talks.These authorities include the PublicityDepartment of the Communist Party of China(CPC) Central Committee, the National Pressand Publication Administratid (NPPA),the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, and the Ministry ofCulture and Tourism. The companies and platforms were required to fully andfaithfully impose the time limit on underage gamers and bannedfrom providing online game account trading services for minors. They wereurged to break from the solitary focus of pursuing profit or viewership andother erroneous [#的] tendencies, and change game rules and designs inducingaddictions. The platforms were asked to place stricter management on theservices of livestreaming games, including banning large rewards and rewardsfrom minors.
Fill in the blanks:
★The platforms were asked to impose the time limit on ___________ __________.