35-years-old, live in Greece assistant professor
Attitude shall change when situation becomes difficult
I have spent time in both China and Greece duringthe pandemic of COVID-19. At the very beginning,people around me in Greece really didn't care toomuch about wearing masks. And we even would notbe panic, if someone who tested positive for nucleicacid sat right in front of us when we were in a bar.With the rising number of infections and deaths, westarted to take the epidemic seriously. And the successof China's preventive measures toward COVID-19, atleast judged from the data, made other countries seethe power of reasonable government policies. When Iwas in China, I was amazed at the cooperation of theChinese people with the government policies, whichwas so incredible. All the staff and students in campuswear masks every day, which seems like a daily routinefor them.
24-years-old, live in Mexico interpreter
Vaccination and masks are much more effective than you can imagine
I came back to Mexico in February. Great changeshave been made in the workplace. Our local employeescan only work from home, not in the office, whichmakes our communication very difficult, resulting invery low work efficiency. Changes also have been seenin public places. The government limits the flow ofshopping malls and stores and does not allow largescalegatherings activities. We all have witnessed thegreat inconvenience caused by COVID-19 to the entiresociety since the epidemic outbreak. I want to sharemy own story with you guys. I went to play footballwith my friends three weeks ago. Three of us sharedthe same car when we went to the football field. Twoof us including me in the car got the vaccine and woremasks while another friend neither took vaccinationnor wore mask. The next day after playing, both thedriver and the friend without wearing the mask werediagnosed positive by nucleic acid test. From thisincident, I realized the necessity and importance oftaking vaccines and wearing masks. They are indeedvery effective measures for the prevention of the virus.Guys, please take care of yourself and enjoy your life.