
2021-01-13 13:08张利ZHANGLi
世界建筑 2021年12期




这一转型以超过人们预期的速度渗透到建筑学的各个角落,直至威尼斯国际建筑双年展这一预示建筑学走势的标识性事件。哈希姆·萨基斯在2019年为第17届威尼斯建筑双年展提出“我们将如何共同生活”的主题。这一主题平易近人,一改威双前卫激进的传统,迅速引起学界的积极反响,从一定程度上反映了国际上对建筑学转型的共同期待。2020年新冠疫情的世界范围蔓延掀起建筑学对自身范式进行反思的浪潮、2021年COP 26前后的全球讨论促使建筑学思考应该以何种方式贡献于气候变化应对及碳中和大计,这些都使学界对建筑学转型的态度由期待变为亟需。人们的眼光自然也会聚焦到2021年夏天面世的威尼斯国际建筑双年展军械库主题展上,试图从中看到建筑学转型的端倪。



Architecture is definitely among the list of ancient professions having new growing pains. The advancements of technologies have produced upheavals of life styles. The global climate change has caused overhauls of the body of knowledge in the discipline. Needless to say, architecture, for yet another time, is facing existential crisis.

Fortunately, architecture has survived previous existential crises. About a century ago, the challenge to architecture brought by industrial revolution was equally huge. It did end up in a complete paradigm shift, from a pure system of liberal art to a hybrid system of art and technology. It was in the middle of the 20th century though, that a widely accepted rebellion against the CIAM functional city doctrines and a rethinking of the legitimacy of "problem-solving" design methodology put architecture back on the track of pure art. Several decades later, at the moment, we are witnessing another paradigm shift towards technology, social life and sustainability.

The new context of digital age means that when a paradigm shift takes place, it goes faster and further. This time, it is clearly seen in the very heart of the artistic scene of architecture: Venice Biennale. Hashim Sarkis'How will we live togethergenerated a mass appeal which the previous elite Biennales hadn't. All of a sudden, it became a beckon of new architecture paradigm, and a signal of new architectural consensus. What Sarkis and his colleagues hadn't planned was the pandemic in 2020, which pushed the Biennale back for an entire year and ironically strengthened the power of the theme. COP26 in 2021 and Carbon Net Zero added to the relevance of the theme even more. Everyone in the architecture world was looking seriously at the opening of this Biennale in May 2021, anticipating for some urgently needed answers, or at least some hints to answers, to the global questions.

It was proved to be a towering demand to the main exhibition at Arsenale, a demand not completely satisfied by the supply. Works in the main exhibition carry the familiar discrepancy betweenawarenessandintervention, which may signify that the current paradigm shift in architecture, faster than before as it may be, would still be a lengthy and painful one. Growing pains are inevitable. While facets of attempts of new definitions and new solutions are indeed found in all of them, so are obstinacies. Thanks to the comfort zone of the architecture discourse over the past few decades, traditional tools/methods are used to solve new problems. Visual attraction is still dominant, no matter how far away it is from the problem it tries to render. For example, using the matrix of obsidian to interpret the agonies of the colonial time might not elicit much resonance, since the colossal geological history of the beautiful rocks dwarfs the colonial history to a mere moment in time. Similarly, using the pseudo-organic clouds to depict public space under Covid might be confusing, because neither the peculiarities of living under Covid nor the particular hardship of facilitating public life in the real space with the virus going around can be represented by the seemingly common, generic, albeit good-looking geometry.

That ambiguity, or somewhat slight lack of coherence, leads us to more haunting questions: how much longer shall the pure conceptual or theatrical architecture be relevant in this time of rapidly changing life? In the architecture exhibitions that are yet to come, are we still expecting ideological setups that are meant to provoke and to be disputed upon, or applicable scenes that are meant to be tried, experienced, and tested? Or, if we dare to ask a bigger question, when the current consensus is design bringing change to everyone's life, should this change be powered by traditional subjective narratives and interpretations, or by the new objective data, adaptation and test runs? □
