
2021-01-06 08:20
疯狂英语·爱英语 2021年11期

I. 阅读理解

Kataria is the founder of the worldwide laughter movement. The celebration of World Laughter Day is a positive activity for world peace and it is intended to build up a global sense of brotherhood and friendship through laughter. The first World Laughter Day gathering took place in Mumbai, India, on 11th January 1998. 12,000 members from India and international Laughter Clubs attended it. Now there are over 5,000 Laughter Clubs worldwide on all 5 continents.

“HAPPYDEMIC” was the first World Laughter Day gathering outside India. It took place on 9th January 2000. In Copenhagen, Denmark, more than 10,000 people gathered at the Town Hall Square. The event went into The Guinness Book of World Records. World Laughter Day is now organized on the first Sunday of May every year. Hundreds of people gather worldwide on that day to laugh together.

Today, many people fear widespread international terrorism(恐怖主義). The world has never faced so much unrest before. People are at war within themselves. Laughter is a universal language, which has the ability to unite humanity without religion(宗教). Laughter can build a common connection between various religions and create a new world order. The idea may sound overambitious (野心太大的), and maybe it is. But maybe it is not. It is our deep belief that laughter and only laughter can unite the world, building up a global sense of brotherhood and friendship.

Studies also say that laughter helps your body do the following: lower blood pressure; lighten depression; reduce stress; work out the heart problems, especially for those who are unable to perform physical exercise. So in life, when you can laugh, you should laugh loudly and with your entire body—because its good for you.

1. Whats the purpose of celebrating World Laughter Day?

A. To build up a global sense of brotherhood and friendship through laughter.

B. To build a common connection between various religions.

C. To reduce stress and lighten depression.

D. To lower blood pressure.

2. The first World Laughter Day gathering outside India took place .

A. on 11th January, 1998

B. on the first Sunday of May

C. on 9th January, 1996

D. on 9th January, 2000

3. The authors attitude towards laughter movement is .

A. positive B. negative

C. uninterested D. objective

4. The passage is mainly about .

A. World Laughter Day and its significance

B. the worldwide laughter movement

C. a universal language

D. laughter

Ⅱ. 補全信息

Why stand in line on Black Friday?

Standing in line is a pain, such as lines at the post office, the box office, and a restaurant.

1 The first spot outside some Best Buy stores is usually claimed(认领) weeks in advance, often by a person in a tent. Shoppers at Walmart will print out maps of the store, with circles around their primary targets. 2

“These queues are quite different from the usual annoying ones we come across day to day at the ATM or in the subway,” said Richard Larson, a professor at MIT who has spent years studying line behavior. “Once a year,” he said, “the lines are exciting. Theyre the kind you might tell your grandchildren about.” 3 Billie LeClere, 45, was first in line on Thursday at Walmart in Manchester, Iowa. She said she was a regular Black Friday shopper. But this year, she came with a specific purpose: to get a good deal on a new TV. She and her husband had recently separated, and he had taken the old TV earlier that day. “The marriage died, not the TV,” she said. 4 “Its going to be nice to have something thats newer—and its mine, not his.”

5 The following are two of the typical results. The “gotta have it” atmosphere makes people more anxious. Sometimes the behaviour of the queue turns violent. Therefore, lines test patience, and personal space especially on Black Friday, when the crowds can be overwhelming (势不可挡的).

A. Shoppers are excited to buy gifts.

B. But on Black Friday, its an experience.

C. Moreover, the crowds are queuing for good deals.

D. Many families are queuing to chat with each other.

E. The experience gave her a sense of accomplishment.

F. They are trying to turn the experience into an adventure.

G. The behaviour of people in lines has inspired decades of research.

Ⅲ. 语法填空

Since 1972, more than 800 cultural sites that are thought to be of special importance to human history and culture 1. (add) to the World Heritage List. The Taj Mahal in India and the Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in China are two of the best known2. (example).

The Taj Mahal, 3. was built between 1631 and 1648, is 4. (obvious) a masterpiece of architecture. It took more than 20,000 workers and 1,000 elephants 5.

(complete) the project. Building the Taj Mahal was a labour of love. It was built in memory of the emperors beloved wife. If the Taj Mahal is a 6. (celebrate) of the heart, then the Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties are 7. monument to the mind and spirit. 8. (build) by several emperors between 1368 and 1915, the Imperial Tombs represent Chinese cultural and historical values.

Human life lasts only a short time 9. art and culture last forever. The UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites programme attempts to preserve the best of human history. Masterpieces such as the Taj Mahal and the Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties remind us10. what we can achieve and inspire us to live up to our great past in the future.

Ⅳ. 读后续写


Everyone might be a kind person, but besides to our families and friends, we dont often practice kindness. We work on being kind to our families, our friends, and hopefully ourselves, but being kind to a complete stranger is odd.

Back in September of 2018, I decided that I wanted to invite complete strangers over for dinner for National Day. On September 30, I went to People Square Park and began my quest. I was definitely nervous, but kept reminding myself that the worst that could happen was that Id get a bunch of noes. The world wouldnt stop spinning. I wouldnt lose a limb (肢;臂). Id simply get a “no” and that would be it.

Out of around 50 people that I asked, over 20 said “yes” and gave me their phone numbers. Later that day, I texted every single one of them. Fourteen didnt reply. Six said they couldnt make it. Two confirmed (and one of them was bringing his roommate, making it three definite yeses).

Well, I was a little disappointed, as I expected more people to reply, but I couldnt complain. Its always easier to say “yes” in person and then refuse someone via text. Nevertheless, I wanted to try and get a few more people. I went on Instagram and started looking through my Instagram followers.

I found a couple of people who were in their mid20s, seemed sweet, and lived near my home. I directly messaged them and hoped for the best. One said she couldnt make it. Three people confirmed. Perhaps this wasnt going to be a failed mission after all—six people were coming over! Oh, and one cute pup too, as one of the girls whom I approached at People Square Park was bringing her dog.


Paragraph 1:

Finally, the day came.

Paragraph 2:

When everyone had left, I sat down and processed what had just happened.

You’ve got questions? she’s got answers
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