
2021-01-06 08:20
疯狂英语·爱英语 2021年11期

As any younger brother will tell you, having a big brother involves a lot of walking in someone else s shadow, especially when you have a brother who is a typical example of “cool”. For years I wanted to do everything my elder brother Tyson did, but no matter how hard I tried, I was always the neglected(被忽略的) one. My legs just weren t made to run like his. I could never play football or basketball well.

I probably would have continued trying to keep up with him for the rest of my high school career, but when my family moved, everything changed. Tyson left for college, so I had to start at a new school all by myself. This new start gave me an opportunity to redefine myself and discover an entirely new version of “cool”.

I don t know what made me decide to try some new activities at the new school, but one day I chanced to show up for an after school meeting of the Science Olympiad team. I had always been fascinated by chemistry, biology, and math, but since those interests hadn t fit Tyson s definition of “cool”, I had never pursued them. On this day, for some reason, I did. As we organized teams, prepared resources and practiced answering questions, I felt more connected than I ever had to any sports team. I didn t feel that I needed to keep up with anybody else; I was finally with peers who understood me. It was so good to feel accepted for what I was good at. For the first time in my life, I actually felt cool. Now I know who I am! I m Tyson s little brother, but that s only part of my identity. I m a cool guy in my own way, too. I m relieved to know that “cool” has a much broader definition than what I used to think.

Activity A Reading for understanding

Ⅰ. Text centered chunks

walk in someone else s shadow 生活在某人的阴影之下

keep up with 赶上

all by myself 靠自己

give me an opportunity 给我一次机会

redefine myself 重新定义自己

show up 露面;出现

be fascinated by 迷恋于……

Ⅱ. Text centered sentences


As any younger brother will tell you, having a big brother involves a lot of walking in someone else s shadow, especially when you have a brother who is a typical example of “cool”. 任何一个弟弟都会告诉你,有一个哥哥就意味着要活在别人的阴影下,尤其是当你有一个超酷的哥哥时。

【点石成金】句中的As引导的是定语从句,As代替的是后面整个句子,翻译成“正如”,可以放在句子开头或者中间,一般用在固定短语当中,比如as we know等。



As we organized teams, prepared resources and practiced answering questions, I felt more connected than I ever had to any sports team. 在我们组织团队、准备资源、练习回答问题的过程中,我感到自己与任何一支运动队都前所未有地紧密联系着。



Activity B Reading for writing

假定你是李华,你校要举办一次英语演讲比赛,题目是“My understanding of ‘cool’”。你打算参加比赛,需要写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:

1. 谈谈你之前和现在对“cool”的理解;

2. “cool”的真正含义。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 至少使用一个并列谓语或as引导的定语从句;

4. 注意段落内的逻辑关系。

My understanding of “cool”

Good morning, everyone!

Thank you for listening!


本次的写作任务是写一篇演讲稿,要求学生就“My understanding of ‘cool’”的话题发表自己的看法。这些写作要求和所给语篇的主题语境是紧密相关的。我们可以通过分析并整合阅读材料的内容和语言,梳理写作思路和积累素材。



What is the text mainly about?


Fill in the blanks according to the text.




1. have difficulties in doing sth 做某事遇到困难

2. find it + adj. + to do sth 发现做某事很……

3. put ones heart into 专心于

4. have a good command of 精通

5. make progress in 在……方面取得进步

6. get a good understanding of sth 对……有很好的理解

7. become more confident 变得更自信

8. achieve ones goal 达到某人的目标

9. get along well with sb 与某人相处融洽

10. be beneficial to 对……有益


1. My name is... Today I am very glad to have the opportunity to make this presentation. I shall be speaking about... 我是……今天很高兴能有机会来进行演讲。我演讲的内容是……

2. Good morning, everyone! It is my great honor to share with you my opinions on... 大家上午好!很荣幸能和你们分享我对……的看法。

3. Its my great honor to be here/to have the opportunity to say something about... 很荣幸能在这里/能有机会谈论一下……

4. It was with sincerity and faithfulness that we created a harmonious atmosphere. 我们用真诚和忠诚创造了一个和谐的氛围。

5. I am sure that with your great efforts, you will enjoy a colorful life here. 我相信凭着你的努力,你将会在这里享受丰富多彩的生活。

6. I hope what is mentioned above might be helpful to you! Thank you for your listening! 我希望上面所提到的内容对你们有帮助!谢谢聆听!


Boys and girls/Ladies and gentlemen,Its a great honour for me to stand here and give my speech. (表示荣幸) My name is                 . (自我介绍) The topic of my speech is . (提出演讲主题)

To begin with, many people suggest that       . (描述现象) As far as Im concerned,   .(阐述自己的观点) For one thing,     . For another, . (原因或重要性列舉) In a word,   . (总结)




Exploring the link between education and climate change 教育和气候变化之间有何联系
谈圣诞 品文化 学英语