
2020-12-31 07:27鲍敏
中外医疗 2020年31期


[摘要] 目的 分析一次性和二次性完成乳牙根管治疗术后近期内疼痛的情况。方法 方便选自2017年1月—2019年11月于该院接收乳牙根管治疗术的患儿59例,随机分为对照组和治疗组,对照组29例,治疗组30例。对照组患儿采用二次性乳牙根管治疗术治疗,治疗组采用一次性乳牙根管治疗术治疗,观察两组患儿术后的疼痛情况。结果 治疗组疼痛发生率为43.33%明显低于对照组72.41%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=5.107,P<0.05)。经治疗后两组不同时间疼痛评分对比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论  一次性乳牙根管治疗疗效显著,在术后患儿近期内疼痛发生率较低,减少患儿就诊时间和复诊次数以及节省部分医疗费用,值得在临床上借鉴。

[关键词] 一次性乳牙根管治疗;二次性乳牙根管治疗;近期疼痛

[中图分类号] R781          [文献标识码] A          [文章编号] 1674-0742(2020)11(a)-0078-03

Comparison of Pain in the Short Term after One-time and Two-time Root Canal Treatment of Deciduous Teeth


Department of Stomatology, Municipal oriental Hospital, Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, 222042 China

[Abstract] Objective To analyze the short-term pain after one-time and two-time root canal treatment of deciduous teeth. Methods A total of 59 children who received root canal therapy for deciduous teeth in the hospital from January 2017 to November 2019 were randomly divided into control group and treatment group, 29 cases in control group and 30 cases in treatment group. Children in the control group were treated with secondary root canal therapy for deciduous teeth, and the treatment group was treated with one-time root canal therapy for deciduous teeth. The postoperative pain of the two groups was observed. Results The incidence of pain in the treatment group was 43.33% was significantly lower than 72.41% in the control group,the difference was statistically significant(χ2=5.107,P<0.05). After treatment, there was no statistically significant difference in pain scores between the two groups at different times(P>0.05). Conclusion One-time root canal treatment for deciduous teeth is effective, and the incidence of pain in children is low in the short term after surgery. It can reduce the time of patient visits and the number of follow-up visits and save some medical expenses. It is worthy of clinical reference.

[Key words] One-time root canal treatment of deciduous teeth; Secondary root canal treatment of deciduous teeth; Recent pain


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