林维潘,李怀民,倪 军,蒋小平,朱 艳
林维潘,李怀民,倪 军,蒋小平,朱 艳※
(1. 南京农业大学农学院,南京 210095;2. 国家信息农业工程技术中心,南京 210095;3. 教育部智慧农业工程研究中心,南京 210095;4. 江苏省物联网技术与应用协同创新中心,南京 210095)
针对现有两波段光谱仪在实际应用中存在的植被指数单一、生长指标反演精度低等问题,该研究研发了一款便携式三波段作物生长监测仪CGMD303(Crop-Growth Monitoring and Diagnosis,CGMD)并于2018年7—9月开展了水稻田间试验研究。结果表明,CGMD303获取的植被指数与商用仪器ASD FieldSpec HandHeld2呈良好的线性相关关系,同时基于CGMD303构建的水稻生长监测模型可以有效预测叶面积指数、叶片干质量、叶片氮质量分数和叶片氮积累量,决定系数分别为0.85、0.72、0.45和0.68,相对均方根误差分别为0.21、0.32、0.13和0.39。CGMD303可以有效获取冠层光谱反射率,构建的水稻指标监测模型可以精确预测叶面积指数、生物量和氮素指标,可为水稻田间栽培工作提供决策依据。
不同的地物目标对不同波长(或频率)的电磁波的吸收、反射和透射特性均存在差异,而细胞结构、生物化学成分和形态学特征共同决定了作物的光谱反射特性,绿色植物在350~2 500 nm范围内具有典型的反射光谱特征[4]。国内外学者针对作物生长指标与光谱反射率的定量关系展开了一系列研究。李映雪等[5]指出,810 nm附近近红外波段反射率是作物叶面积指数的最敏感波段。姚霞等[6]研究发现,小麦的叶片氮质量分数监测最佳波段位于红边和近红外波段。冯伟等[7]和Zhang等[8]指出,红光波段和近红外波段是生物量指标的重要敏感波段。Zhu等[9]和Chu等[10]研究发现,近红外(810 nm)和红光波段(660 nm)组合的植被指数对水稻和小麦的氮积累量的监测效果最好。此外,已有研究表明,三波段植被指数对一些生长指标的监测效果要优于两波段植被指数,适当增加光谱仪波段数有利于提高监测精度[11-13]。因此,同时配置可见光、红边和近红外波段的多波段作物生长监测设备更加符合作物生长监测的需要。综合考虑各生长指标对应的敏感波段,课题组开发了一款便携式三波段作物生长监测仪CGMD303,该光谱仪可同时获取660、730和815 nm的波段反射率,针对不同作物的生长指标建模需要,可选择适宜的植被指数,在实际应用中更具灵活性[14-16]。
本研究通过水稻大田小区试验,利用CGMD303作物生长监测诊断仪获取了不同品种、不同生育期水稻冠层反射光谱,并同步采集水稻相应部位叶面积指数,通过分析不同波段下水稻冠层反射光谱的变化特征,探讨构建的光谱植被指数与叶面积指数(Leaf Area Index,LAI)、叶片干质量(Leaf Dry Weight,LDW)、叶片氮质量分数(Leaf Nitrogen Content,LNC)和叶片氮积累量(Leaf Nitrogen Accumulation,LNA)的定量关系,建立基于CGMD303的水稻光谱监测模型。本研究在此基础上评价了CGMD303作物生长监测诊断仪在水稻田间生产实际中的性能,为水稻生长的实时监测提供参考依据。
于2018年7—9月在江苏省如皋市国家信息农业工程技术试验示范基地(32°27′N,120°77′E)开展水稻田间试验。试验设置了2个水稻品种,分别为Ⅱ优 728和淮稻5号,旱地育秧后移栽;3个氮肥水平,分别为N0(0 kg/hm2)、N1(150 kg/hm2)、N2(360 kg/hm2),按基肥40%、分蘖肥20%、促花肥20%、保花肥20%施入,施基肥时搭配施入P2O5135 kg/hm2和K2O 220 kg/hm2;2个密度处理,分别为D1(行距×株距为 30 cm×15 cm)和D2(行距×株距为50 cm×15 cm)。试验采用裂区设计,以品种为主区,氮肥水平和密度处理为副区,12种处理,3次重复,共计36个小区。小区的长和宽分别为6 和5 m,小区面积为30 m2。小区梗上覆盖塑料薄膜,每个小区独立排灌。其他栽培管理措施同一般高产田。
CGMD303由三波段传感器、传感器支架、水平仪等部件组成。其中,多光谱作物生传感器在结构上分为上行光传感器和下行光传感器。上行光传感器可以接收太阳光在660、730和815 nm波段处的辐射信息;下行光传感器用于接收作物冠层在对应波段的反射辐射信息,通过对上下行光传感器的辐射信息处理获取660、730和815 nm波段的水稻冠层反射率。CGMD303质量较轻,携带方便,适合于田间操作,如图1所示。
1.三波段传感器 2.传感器支架 3.处理器 4.屏蔽电缆线 5.水平仪
1.3.1 光谱数据
选择无风无云的正午进行水稻冠层光谱数据测试,测试的物候期为水稻拔节期、孕穗期、抽穗期,获取660、730和815 nm 3个波段处的冠层反射光谱。试验使用高光谱仪(Analytical Spectral Devices FieldSpec HandHeld 2,ASD)同步获取作物冠层反射光谱用于对比。每个小区选择3个点进行监测,最终结果取每个小区监测结果的平均值。
1.3.2 生长指标
在光谱数据测定同期破坏性取样获取水稻的生长指标。每个小区选择50 cm具有代表性的水稻植株,在实验室按照植株器官进行分样。取样时使用冠层分析仪LAI-2200C同步获取叶面积指数(Leaf Area Index,LAI),每个小区选取3个点进行监测,取每个小区监测结果的平均值。样品在105 ℃下杀青30 min,再于80 ℃条件下将植株烘干至恒质量,称取叶片干质量(Leaf Dry Weight,LDW,g/m2)。样品粉碎后用凯氏定氮法测定叶片氮质量分数(Leaf Nitrogen Content,LNC,%)。叶片氮积累量(Leaf Nitrogen Accumulation,LNA,g/m2),如式(1)所示
1.4.1 植被指数计算
本研究参考了常见的归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)和差值植被指数(Difference Vegetation Index,DVI)的构建形式,在原植被指数的基础上增加一个波段,使其保留物理特性的同时增加信息量[17]。其中,三波段植被指数-1(Three-band Vegetation Index-1,TVI-1)的构建借鉴了NDVI 的构建原理及形式,以(red+red-edge)代替NDVI中的红光波段,并将近红外波段乘以2使其在数值上与(red+red-edge)相当。三波段植被指数-2(Three-band Vegetation Index-2,TVI-2)的构建借鉴了DVI的构建原理及形式,同样以(red+red-edge)代替DVI中的红光波段,将近红外波段乘以2使其在数值上与(red+red-edge)相当。上述植被指数如式(2)和式(3)所示
1.4.2 数据分析
使用EXCEL2016软件进行数据处理和图表制作。将获取的作物冠层光谱信息构建的植被指数与农学参数进行拟合,通过回归分析构建作物生长监测模型。采用决定系数(coefficient of determination,2)和相对均方根误差(Relative Root Mean Square Error,RRMSE)来综合评价模型的性能。数据分析如式(4)和式(5)所示
2=SSR/SST (4)
为评价CGMD303获取水稻植被指数的性能,将CGMD303和ASD获取的植被指数进行回归分析。如图 2所示,CGMD303获取的TVI-1和TVI-2与商用仪器ASD获取的对应值的拟合结果均呈线性关系,但不同植被指数的拟合精度存在一定差异。TVI-1的拟合结果优于TVI-2,趋势线接近1∶1线,R达到0.70,RRMSE为0.20,而TVI-2的相关性较低,R为0.25,RRMSE为0.49。该结果反映出CGMD303获取的660、730和815 nm反射率数值与ASD存在一定差异,因此两者获取的TVI-2性质差异也较大,而TVI-1在TVI-2的基础上除以(2815-730-660),一定程度上抵消了两者数值上的差异,因此TVI-1的拟合相关性更高。需要注意的是,尽管CGMD303和ASD获取的TVI-2的性质存在差异,但并不意味着TVI-2的稳定性较差,植被指数的性能仍需要与水稻生长指标进行拟合并验证。
图2 便携式三通道作物生长监测仪与便携式地物高光谱仪的植被指数测定值拟合关系
植被指数与水稻LAI的拟合结果较高,TVI-1和TVI-2与各品种呈指数关系,而相同植被指数下Ⅱ优728的LAI数值大于淮稻5号。2种植被指数与LAI的拟合结果相近,其中TVI-1与籼、粳亚种LAI拟合的2分别为0.90、0.74,RRMSE分别为0.12、0.21,而TVI-2 的2分别为0.90、0.71,RRMSE分别为0.12、0.21。植被指数与LDW的拟合关系与LAI类似,也表现为Ⅱ优728的LAI数值大于淮稻5号。其中,TVI-1与淮稻5号LDW的拟合结果较好,2为0.62,RRMSE为0.21,而TVI-2与Ⅱ优728的拟合结果优于TVI-1,2为0.74,RRMSE为0.17。不同亚种水稻LNC的性质与LAI和LDW存在较大差异,淮稻5号的数值大于Ⅱ优728,TVI-1对两者的监测效果均优于TVI-2,2分别为0.70、0.38,RRMSE分别为0.11、0.16。LNA为LDW和LNC相乘获取的生长指标,同时包含了生物量和氮素的信息,因此籼粳亚种间的差异相比相比其他生长指标较小。其中,TVI-1与两种品种的拟合相关性均较高,2分别为0.79、0.59,RRMSE分别为0.22、0.31。上述结果表明,籼稻的生物量和LAI指标大于粳稻,而粳稻的氮素指标则大于籼稻,因此独立建模有利于提高模型的预测精度。
图3 植被指数与水稻生长指标的拟合关系
图4 水稻生长指标监测模型验证结果
国内外研究机构基于作物光谱监测技术开发了一系列作物生长监测设备[19-20]。与GreenSeeker等两波段光谱仪相比,CGMD303丰富的信息量可以选择对应的最佳植被指数。尽管ASD FieldSpec等高光谱仪可以获取更多的植被指数,但这些设备获取的数据冗余过大且操作复杂,因此很难投入实际应用。CGMD303的3个波段经过前人研究筛选,对多种生长指标敏感,操作更加方便,更适合投入到田间实际应用中。
1)本研究使用便携式三波段作物生长监测仪CGMD303(Crop-Growth Monitoring and Diagnosis,CGMD)获取了拔节期、孕穗期和抽穗期的水稻冠层植被指数并与商用高光谱仪(Analytical Spectral Devices FieldSpec HandHeld 2,ASD)进行了拟合,结果表明,CGMD303与ASD获取的植被指数呈线性关系,其中TVI-1的拟合结果更好,决定系数(coefficient of determination,2)达到0.70,相对均方根误差(Relative Root Mean Square Error,RRMSE)为0.20。CGMD303可以有效获取水稻冠层光谱数据,数据获取精确、稳定。
2)利用CGMD303获取的三波段植被指数TVI-1和TVI-2可以实现对水稻叶面积指数(Leaf Area Index,LAI)、叶片干质量(Leaf Dry Weight,LDW)、叶片氮质量分数(Leaf Nitrogen Content,LNC)、叶片氮积累量(Leaf Nitrogen Accumulation,LNA)的有效预测,2分别为0.85、0.72、0.45和0.68,RRMSE分别为0.21、0.32、0.13和0.39。CGMD303监测精度高、操作简单、性价比高,可用于水稻田间栽培指导工作。
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Monitoring rice growth based on a portable three-band instrument for crop growth monitoring and diagnosis
Lin Weipan, Li Huaimin, Ni Jun, Jiang Xiaoping, Zhu Yan※
(1.,,210095,; 2.,210095,; 3.,,210095,; 4.,210095,)
The development of instruments for monitoring and diagnosing crop growth quickly and non-destructively obtain crop growth information, which is very helpful for the production and management of crop fields.Aimed at the problems with the existing two-band instrument used for crop growth monitoring and diagnosis, such as relying on a single vegetation index and low accuracy of growth index retrieval, this study developed a portable three-band instrument for crop-growth monitoring and diagnosis CGMD303 (Crop-Growth Monitoring and Diagnosis, CGMD).The CGMD303 instrument consisted of a multi-spectral crop growth sensor, processor system, sensor holder, level, shielded cable, and other components. Multi-spectral crop sensors were divided into upward light sensors and downward light sensors in structure. The upward light sensor could receive solar radiation information in the 660, 730, and 815 nm bands; the downward light sensor consisted of three detector lenses, which were used to detect the characteristic wavelengths of 660, 730, and 815 nm, respectively. The radiation information would be processed after being converted to electrical signals through the photoelectric detector. To test the monitoring performance of CGMD303 on rice growth, rice field experiments were conducted from July 2018 to September 2018 at the demonstration base of the National Engineering and Technology Center for Information Agriculture in Rugao City, Jiangsu Province, China (32°27′N, 120°77′E), and 2 varieties (Liangyou 728 and Huaidao NO.5), 3 nitrogen levels (0, 150 and 360 kg/hm2) and 2 planting density levels (30 cm×15 cm and 50 cm×15 cm) were set in the rice experiments. The canopy spectral reflectance of 660, 730, and 815 nm was obtained at the jointing stage, booting stage, and heading stage of rice and 2 new three-band vegetation indices were constructed. Fitting results of the vegetation indices obtained by CGMD303 and the commercial instrument ASD FieldSpec HandHeld2 showed a good linear correlation, indicating that CGMD303 effectively obtained rice canopy reflectance. Two three-band vegetation indices obtained by CGMD303 and rice growth parameters were fitted to construct rice growth monitoring models. The highest coefficient of determination values of the three-band vegetation indices and leaf area index, leaf dry weight, leaf nitrogen content, and leaf nitrogen accumulation of indica rice were 0.90, 0.74, 0.70, 0.79, respectively, and the relative root mean square error was 0.12, 0.17, 0.11, 0.22, respectively;the highest coefficient of determination values of the three-band vegetation indices and corresponding growth indices of Japonica rice were 0.74, 0.62, 0.38, 0.59, respectively, and the relative root mean square error was 0.21, 0.21, 0.16, 0.31, respectively. The prediction accuracy of the rice growth monitoring models based on CGMD303 for each growth parameters was tested and the coefficient of determination of leaf area index, leaf dry weight, leaf nitrogen content, and leaf nitrogen accumulation of rice were 0.85, 0.72, 0.45, 0.68, respectively, and the relative root mean square error were 0.21, 0.32, 0.13, 0.39, respectively.Verification results showed that CGMD303 could accurately predict leaf area index, biomass, and nitrogen indices of rice.CGMD303 had the advantages of accurate and stable data acquisition, simple operation, high-cost performance, etc. It was suitable for field operations and had high application potential.
rice; monitoring; spectra; models; growth parameters; portable monitor
林维潘,李怀民,倪军,等. 基于便携式三波段作物生长监测仪的水稻长势监测[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(20):203-208.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.20.024 http://www.tcsae.org
Lin Weipan, Li Huaimin, Ni Jun, et al. Monitoring rice growth based on a portable three-band instrument for crop growth monitoring and diagnosis[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(20): 203-208. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.20.024 http://www.tcsae.org