Persimmons ripen red in autumn. They stay nestling among the thick foliage of their trees in early autumn, and remain dangling on their branches towards the end of the season. As the Ming poet Yuan Hongdao (1568—1610) has it in his poem, “The persimmon red adds hue to hills.” Persimmons, at their peak in color, cast a warm tone over the coolness of autumn. Though a fruit by nature, they are an atypical member of the fruit family. Upon mentioning of fruit, people tend to enumerate banana, apple or orange, but seldom persimmon, if ever. As a minority, persimmons may not be decent enough to be presentable. The sense of decency or indecency of a fruit is by no means made up by its flavor or nutritional values.
Persimmon trees are easy to survive, able to propagate and grow from cuttings that are planted around a residence. They are well-adapted to a wide range of soils, near the water or by the ditch, and in the wilderness or between hills, and grow up where they are, unhindered, like an unruly child with little parental care. Persimmons are hardly ever eaten before they are fully ripened, for they are so astringent when unripe as to be utterly unpalatable, and will intimidate a true foodie out of his temptation to try them unripe. Owing to this property, the fruit gets to enjoy a happy and leisurely life on their trees until late autumn, at which time they hang ripe among red leaves in numerous clusters, with birds cheeping and chirping around in the air. It is only elderly village folks who will spare time to gather green persimmons that are fallen on the ground, and leave them resting “lazily” in a water vat until more than two weeks later, when these green persimmons are eventually rid of their astringency, and become amazingly sweet and crispy, hence their nickname “lazy persimmons”.
Persimmons are primarily a source of food for consumption. In addition to being consumed fresh, they are often dehydrated in the sun into dried persimmons, or dried and ground into crumbs to be mixed with flour for making “persimmon pancakes”. Persimmons boast a wealth of benefits, medicinal and commercial as well as nutritional. The green and astringent fruit can do a magical job by serving once in a while as a better substitute for an ordinary soap. In the process of plucking tobacco leaves for flue curing in the 1970s, for example, hands were often stained black by sticky tar, and this tarry residue was hard to cleanse off even with soap, and it would stay for at least several days. However, if green persimmon juice was applied, removal of the residue could be done much quicker and easier. Teenage boys who helped parents in this job preferred a better way out simply by slathering the juice to the whole body, jumping into a pond, and having the stubborn stain all rinsed off in there. Persimmons are of great value, and so is the wood of their trees. A laundry bat made of persimmon wood is a sought-after tool that a woman can luckily use in washing clothes in the pond. This wood is among the three typical ones for their specific purposes, the other two being peach wood for combs and willow wood for chopping boards. Therefore, many times, if not always, in communications between natives of Henan province, ones utterance “shimu” (“shime” being the standard form in Mandarin Chinese), namely a question tag for affirmation that happens to be a homophone for “persimmon wood”, will be followed by the other side of communication with a facetious “shimu xuan bangchui” (“shimu” for “persimmon wood”, “xuan” for “to shape on a carpenters tools”, and “bangchui” for “laundry bat”).
Mature persimmons range in color from orange to red. The orange ones, which the Tang poet Lu You (1125—1210) saw and described in his poem as “Persimmons dangling in orange clusters over the fence wall”, are mostly squat in shape, and slightly bigger about the size of a “zhengmo” (steamed bun), hence their name “zhengmo shizi (steamed bun-like persimmon)” in Henan dialects. Of the two, the more enticing are the red oblongs, lustrous in color and tender in texture. If an orange one can be likened to a “Miss Robust”, a red one is definitely a “Miss Delicate”.
“Miss Delicates” are to be loved. Sitting in your open palm, a “Miss Delicate” can rock gently to the movement of your hand. Your heart is melting, and you are hesitant at the thought of ingestion, somewhat like Buddhist monk Tang Seng in Monkey, who cringed with guilt at the baby-shaped ginseng fruit offered to him for eating. “Miss Delicates” are much more tender, such that the colloquial expression “Liquid can be squeezed out of it”, which describes a good state of hydration, is an understatement for their tenderness. After the gauzy red outer skin is removed, there is one more layer underneath, a whitish membrane that is thinner and translucent. For them to present a good look, these red globes are never to be piled up. Instead they are arranged on a flat surface one after another in one layer only. More often than not, a blue cloth additionally goes under the fruit, and in stark contrast to this blue, the persimmon red is even more vivid and lively, making the display enough of an artistic work.
Persimmons for sale normally have to be harvested firm-ripe, and they vary in their softness of consistency at this time. The Chinese saying “A toothless granny will pinch and choose a soft persimmon to eat”, which is a metaphor for “bullying the weak”, is indeed a true statement for persimmons. If completely mushy, the fruit must be handled with extreme care in their packaging and transportation.
Some persimmons are crimson red, so intensely and so eye-poppingly. They are called, due to their smaller size, “shiyou” in Henan dialects, meaning “child of a persimmon” or “diminutive persimmon”. “Shiyou” persimmons that a tree can bear are limited in number, several at the most, and they tend to ripen quicker than the others on the same tree. By then, a persimmon tree, still dressed in verdure, provides a green shelter for its “shiyou”. The breeze blowing thick leaves apart unveils “shiyou” persimmons in their charming red, which attracts hungry attention from both humans and birds. To access the fruit, birds like crows or magpies will make a convenient use of their long beak while gluttonous boys will have to resort to the catapult or earth lumps. Among the “shiyou” persimmons that are shot down or fall off by gravity, some are no longer intact in that only half of the globe is left, and the other half gone, having been pecked up by birds with only a dried surface left. What remains of these fallen persimmons will then continue to be enjoyed by human predators as a delicacy. Birds are connoisseurs of fruit, and precisely pick the very most luscious one to feed on.
柿子生于春而熟于秋,经过了春夏秋三季的沐浴,所以美艳,尤其在白露霜降11之后,“柿叶翻红霜景秋”(〔唐〕李益)、“柿子霜红满树鸦”(〔宋〕何梦桂),早已司空见惯。“园红柿叶稀”(〔唐〕张籍),甚至在树叶落净的枝头、在最高处傲然挂着的那几枚,定不会负了“霜含柿子鲜”(〔明〕蔡文范)的美誉。如丹之柿,遂成暖秋的标志。 □
Persimmons start life in spring and mature in autumn. Their journey of life through three seasons lends them a beautiful flavor and glamour. Especially after the frost begins to descend at “White Dews”, the scenes are becoming prevalent that, touched by frost, persimmon leaves are putting on a stunning show of their changing colors, and persimmon fruit is alluring crows to their trees in flocks by flaunting their flaming red. With the reddening of the fruit, persimmon leaves meanwhile keep falling off. Persimmons that remain on their bare branches will justify the reputation that the fruit tastes even better after the frost hits. Persimmons set autumn aglow with a vibrancy of red. 1二级教授,博士生导师和博士后合作导师,中国英汉语比较研究会常务理事,中国翻译协会翻译理论与翻译教学委员会委员,扬州大学学术委员会委员,扬州大学“杰出人才”和“领军人才”,扬州大学翻译行为研究中心主任,《翻译论坛》杂志执行主编,“译者行为批评”理论的原创者。 2原文一共引用了8句古诗,这些古诗增加了原文的文学美、意境美和含蓄美。汉语表达简洁,英语表达精确,译文中是否也都必须将这些诗句译成直接引用的形式,应看上下文的语义衔接、译文语言的句法形式和使用的虚实等。假如直接引语的形式妨碍了语义的连贯性,则传达诗句的意义即可。在译文中,只有“柿子如丹缀土城”“墙头累累柿子黄”两句使用了直接引语的形式,其余6句都以表达诗句的意义为主。 3此处“杂类”为“小众”“边缘”之意,可用uncommon、unpopular、minority等词表达。
4“馍”是典型的中国食物,常说的steamed bun/bread,是经过笼屉蒸制而成的,在作者的家乡河南省称为“蒸馍”。“柿馍”是在鏊子上加工而成的,在作者的家乡称为“单馍”或“烙馍”,类似英语的pancake,所以译成 persimmon pancakes。因为“单馍”或“烙馍”并非蒸制而成,所以不能用steamed。 5此处指帮助父母“摘青烟叶炕烟”的男孩子,通常十来岁,因此译成teenage boys who helped parents in this job,以明确传达原文中隐含的意义。过去,“摘青烟叶炕烟”的活计采用计件制获得劳动工分,所以全家老少共同参与。
6“女汉子”和“娇小姐”分别表达成Miss Robust和 Miss Delicate,属临时搭配,形式简洁,语义明确。
7將“唐僧”和“人参果”增益翻译为Buddhist Monk Tang Seng in Monkey和the baby-shaped ginseng fruit,有助于更好理解。阿瑟·韦利将《西游记》译为Monkey,英语读者家喻户晓。 8“老太太”默认为没有牙齿的老太太,译成a toothless granny,也变相凸显了软柿子的价值。
9“柿油”是土话,取油滚滚、软乎乎、滑溜溜之意,英语中没有对应的词语。第一次出现时,译文使用了拼音形式。为了表义方便,译文的下文使用了“音译+意译”的形式(“shiyou” persimmon)。如单独使用拼音,复数需要写成shiyous,不如已被接受的那些拼音借词(如wontons、dim sums)来得自然。 10“一半干瘪”指一半的柿子已经被小鸟吃掉且残损处已被晒干或风干,故译成:the other half gone, having been pecked up by birds with only a dried surface left 。
11“白露”是节气名,“霜降”指的是“白露”时节下霜的气象,并非“霜降”节气,故译为:especially after the frost begins to descend at “White Dews”。