Neighbors who came across the old colonel lately, often described him as drifting in some dreamy trance. Indeed, having devoted his youth to a life, literally, on bullets and knives, it was not in the colonels nature to settle down.
By the time the old colonels son returned from work, rottenly exhausted, he was the last in the household of four—that is, himself, the colonel, his wife, and his son, Yu—to be in on the discovery of the colonels shifting way, save for the colonel himself.
The summer holiday was coming, and when one day Yu was told of holiday plans to go mountain climbing, he was not quite sure if he had heard right.
“Mountain climbing?” said Yu.
“Yes, mountain climbing,” the father replied.
There was a tone of finality in his fathers voice, a swift determinant of fate that made Yu relinquish all rehearsed tantrums that he would usually throw. The departing train arrived half past eight on a Saturday and the father had deliberately chosen a train over a plane.
“I bought us standing tickets,” the father announced, excited and solemn. “Really, its a good experience. Always nice to have a taste of different things.”
The colonel, though, was rightfully offered a seat in the first-class cabin. Strapped to his belt was a black pistol, an antique like himself. A general had bestowed the pistol to him for exceptional valor in wartime. The colonel received permission to carry it with him at all times, even after the war ended, but it had never once been fired, nor did anyone ever notice, with the gun being small and hidden behind clothing.
The colonel rested his head against the windowpane, its coldness tangible but refreshing, like a temporary antidote to his decelerating mind, which seemed to grow foggier each day.
The family felt, rather saw, the looming presence of Mount Hua. But as the SUV they rented after they got off the train traveled on, the colonels eyelids drooped, eventually succumbing to a dreamy slumber. He was twenty-five, give or take a few years. The rifle in his hands weighed more than it should. He wrapped his fingers around the trigger, the other hand clutching the guns extending front overly tight. Bullets zizzed past his head; shouts exploded from all directions. He wasnt sure which was louder, the nonstop firing or the deafening vibration of his screaming heart. His unit lured the enemy up a steep mountain passage, a holdout which they were determined to defend. His mind was purged of all thoughts, other than the one singular, remaining faith: Hold the enemy back at all cost.
The colonel woke to an indistinct humming of scattered conversations. They had reached an open field at the bottom of the mountain, where visitors parked their cars and proceeded toward the entrance of the scenic trails. Stepping down from the automobile with help from his son, a part of him still lingered in that recurring trance. Ever since he surpassed sixty years of age, nights and naps were whiled away in an unremembering darkness. No dreams had invigorated his sleep for years, save for that scene of battle on a mountain, which was a genuine memory he could recall, a fragment of time from the prime of his life.
What intrigued Yu and his father was the odd outburst of vigor the grandpa had begun to demonstrate. The colonels frail body frame had been emitting a disproportionate amount of energy ever since they entered the mountain trail.
The colonel had noticed a faint surge of familiarity swell up, not long after they began to hike along the trail, and as he trudged on the feeling was only magnified. There! Half a tree trunk, entirely charred, laid horizontally on the forest ground, obstructing the right side of the walkway. The colonel recalled passing by a burnt tree trunk some forty years ago, one possibly struck by lightning. No longer did he hold more doubts. It was the exact place he fought till the end as a private, the very mountain that haunted him through all the rewinding nights.
With each step the Colonel was recharged with an electrifying confidence. Fate was leading him back to the graveyard of a battlefield, he was sure of it; it had always been his duty to send his fellow soldiers to an eternally peaceful rest.
A drizzle, a shower, a downpour—rains evolution took no time at all and permitted no time to react. Within seconds the father and Yu were soaked, T-shirts adhering to their skin like swimming suits. The colonel was ahead of them, at the maximum range of sight and sound.
The father shouted to get his attention.
Hearing sounds, but not words, the colonel turned. He saw two figures through the rain, the taller brandishing his gun, the shorter stood to the side, howling taunts. Enemies were cunning, cold-blooded fiends, and they were upon him. Further down the track were more sinister shadows, obscure but advancing amid the shaded mist.
Behind him dwelt the spirits of blood-bonded comrades, bracing for a deathly skirmish. Behind him the sacred land of the republic stretched, demanding from him a final stand. No time to lose now—the colonel, trembling, reached for his pistol, and after taking aim, pulled the trigger, sensing the shot. ■
他身后聚集着血脉相连的战友们的英魂,准备迎接一场殊死的战斗。他身后绵延着共和国神圣的领土,要求他做出最后一搏。没时间了——上校颤抖着,掏枪,瞄准,扣动扳机,后坐力猛然袭来。 □