[摘要] 目的 探究目前检验科医务人员手卫生依从性情况,通过其调查结果深入剖析致使此表现出现的影响因素,然后根据影响因素提出相应的改进方式,为检验科医务人员手卫生提供保障,减少院内感染可能。方法 使用一系列隐蔽式现场观察措施,深入回顾性分析该院2018年12月—2019年7月时段内检验科不同岗位工作人员的手卫生依从性以及不同时刻该科医务人员手卫生的依从性,深入进行探究致使手卫生依从性异常的影响因素以及改善方式。结果 不同职位医务人员手卫生依从性由高到低依次为医师、护理人员、实习生;在不同时刻该科医务人员手卫生的依从性由高到低依次为接触患者后、接触患者前、接触仪器前。结论 在检验科进行手卫生依从性调查后部分医务人员仍旧需要一定的继续教育,医院应当增加重视,对其进行指导教育培训,通过一系列措施增加检验科医务人员的手卫生依从性。
[关键词] 检验科;医务人员;手卫生;依从性;影响因素
[中图分类号] R197.323 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2020)08(c)-0183-03
Investigation on Hand Hygiene Compliance of Medical Staff in Laboratory and Analysis of Influencing Factors
FENG Jin-guo
Department of Laboratory Medicine, People's Hospital of Zhanhua District, Binzhou, Shandong Province, 256800 China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the current hand hygiene compliance of medical staff in the laboratory, analyze the influencing factors that caused this performance through the survey results, and then propose corresponding improvement methods based on the influencing factors to provide protection for hand hygiene of medical staff in the laboratory, to reduce the possibility of nosocomial infection. Methods A series of concealed on-site observation measures were used to conduct an in-depth retrospective analysis of the hand hygiene compliance of staff in different positions in the laboratory of our hospital during the period from December 2018 to July 2019 in the hospital and the hand hygiene compliance of medical staff in our department at different times, in-depth exploration of the influencing factors and improvement methods of abnormal hand hygiene compliance. Results The compliance of hand hygiene of medical staffin different positions, from high to low was followed by physicians, nurses and interns. At different times, the compliance of medical staff in our department was after contact with patients, before contact with patients, and after contact with patients, before contacting the instrument. Conclusion After the hand hygiene compliance survey is conducted in the laboratory department, some medical staff still need a certain degree of continuing education. The hospital should pay more attention to them, provide guidance, education and training, and adopt a series of measures to increase the hand hygiene compliance of medical staff in the laboratory department.
[Key words] Laboratory; Medical staff; Hand hygiene; Compliance; Influencing factors
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[作者简介] 冯金果(1976-),男,本科,主管技师,研究方向:微生物。