
2020-11-12 02:13刘本龙
考试与评价·高一版 2020年4期


1. circulate vt. & vi. 循环;流传


Merchandise can now circulate freely among the EU countries. 商品现在可以在欧盟各国自由流通。

Blood circulates through the body. 血液在体内循环。


(1) circular adj.圆形的;循环的;n. cir- culation 循环;流通;发行量

(2) circulation 作“(报纸、杂志等的)发行量”解时,是可数名词。

2. therefore adv. 因此,所以

therefore= for that reason = consequently,常用于连接两个并列分句,其前加and或分号。


He was ill, and therefore could not come. 他病了,所以未能来。

He has broken his leg, and therefore he can t walk. 他摔坏了腿,因此不能走路了。

We do not have enough money. Therefore we cannot afford to buy the new car. 我们的钱不够,因此买不成这辆新车。

3. equip vt. & vi. 配备;装备


Owners of restaurants would have to equip them to admit disabled people. 餐厅老板将必须在餐厅里配备能够接纳残疾人的设施。

Your education will equip you to earn a good living. 你所受的教育会使你过上富裕的生活。

We equip our children with a good education. 我们使孩子们受到良好的教育。


(1) equipment n. 装备;设备


office equipment 办公设备 / sports equipment 运动器械

(2) equip with 配备……

4. confuse vt. 使迷惑;使为难


Her expression confused me. 她的表情使我困惑。

I think it s a serious mistake to confuse books with life. 我认为把书本同生活混为一谈是大错特错。

This is an attempt to confuse form and / with substance. 这是企图把形式同实质混淆。


(1) confusion n. 混乱;紊乱;混乱状态

(2) 常用搭配:confuse with / and 混淆;把……混同;辨别不清。

I m always confusing John with / and Paul. 我一直分不清约翰和保罗。


confused 和confusing的区别:两者都是形容词。confused指“困惑的;迷惑不解的;被弄糊涂的”,表示人的内心感受;confusing“使人困惑的;令人迷惑的;使人混乱的”,表示事物的状态。

5. regret vt. (对……)遗憾;惋惜 n. 遗憾;惋惜


If you go now, you ll regret it. 假若你現在就走,一定会后悔。

I regret to say the job has been filled. 十分抱歉,那个工作已经有人做了。


regret to say / tell / announce / inform 遗憾地说 / 告诉 / 宣布 / 通知;regret doing / having done sth. 后悔已做了某事;regret that 遗憾/后悔……;to one s regret 令某人后悔的是

6. reduce vt. 减少;缩减;简化


The job losses will reduce the total workforce to 7,000. 职位减少后,在职工人总数将减至7000人。

He finally corrected his misstatement and offered to reduce the fee. 他终于纠正了自己的错误说法,提出要减少费用。

The plan is designed to reduce some of the company s mountainous debt. 该计划旨在减少公司堆积如山的债务。

The agency should reduce turnaround time by 11 per cent. 该代理机构应削减11%的周转时间。


reduce to 使……变为(更小尺寸或更简单形式),使成为某种状态;reduce by (以……的比例、程度)减少。

7. comment vi. & vt. 表达意见;作出评论 n. 评论;议论


The scandal caused a lot of comment. 这件丑闻遭到很多议论。

It was just a passing comment, he didn t go on about it. 那只是一笔带过的评论,他没有继续论述。

Mr. Leach is on holiday and was not available for comment. 利奇先生休假了,不方便作出评论。


comment on / about sth. / sb. 对某事/某人评论;make comments / no comment on sth. / sb. 对某事/某人评论/不进行评论

8. keep free from / of  = protect sb. / sth. from 使……免受(影响/伤害);使……不含(有害物)


We should keep ourselves free from drugs. 我们应该远离毒品。

I hope you will keep yourself free from tobacco and alcohol. 我希望你不抽烟不喝酒。

One should keep one s reputation free from all slurs. 人应该保持名誉不受责备。

Keep all corridors, stairs and exit routes free from obstacles. 保证走廊、楼梯和撤离通道畅通。

9. thanks to 幸亏;由于;因为


Thanks to your help, much trouble was saved. 多亏你的帮助,减少了许多麻烦。

Thanks to the bad weather, the match had been cancelled. 多亏这个倒霉天气,比赛取消了。


thanks to = because of / owing to / due to / on account of / as a result of

10. rid sb. / sth. of... 使某人/某物摆脱……


Many people are working hard to rid the world of famine. 很多人在努力使世界不再有饥荒。

The dentist rid him of the pain by taking out his bad tooth. 牙科医生把他的坏牙拔掉,使他免遭痛苦。


be rid of 擺脱;get rid of 摆脱,除掉,去掉;rid a house of mice 清除室内老鼠;rid oneself of debt 还清债务

11. be satisfied with  = be content with 对……表示满足或满意


I was not satisfied with the result. 我对那个结果感到不满意。

You ve done well at school. I m very satisfied with you. 你在学校干得不错,我对你很满意。


sth. satisfy sb. 某事使某人满意;be satisfied with sth. 对……表示满足或满意;be satisfied to do = be satisfied that 对做……感到满意;a satisfied smile 满意的微笑;a satisfied customer 感到满意的顾客;feel a sense of satisfaction 感到满足;to one s satisfaction 使某人满意的是;far from satisfactory 远远不能令人满足;it is satisfying (to do sth.) 做某事是令人满意的;a satisfactory explanation / performance令人满意的解释/演出;get / obtain satisfaction from one s work 从自己的工作中得到满足

12. would rather 宁愿,宁可


I d rather walk than take a bus. 我愿意走路也不愿意坐公共汽车。

He would rather shoot himself than com- promise his principles. 他宁愿一枪打死自己也不愿违背自己的原则。


would rather do A (than do B) = would (prefer to) do A (rather than do B) 宁愿做甲事(而不做乙事);would rather sb. did sth. 宁愿某人做某事(从句用虚拟语气)

13. build up 逐渐建立;逐渐增强体质;开发


You need more protein to build you up. 你需要增加蛋白质以增强体质。

He is now trying to build up a fine reputation. 他正在努力逐步赢得好的声誉。

14. lead to 导致


The group proceeded with a march they knew would lead to bloodshed. 这个团体继续示威游行,他们知道这将导致流血事件的发生。

This can lead to bodily weakness and muscle wastage. 这样可能会导致身体虚弱和肌肉萎缩。


lead to further discussion 引出进一步讨论;lead to disaster 导致灾难;lead to doing sth. 导致做了某事;lead sb. to do sth. 引导某人做某事



1. The road signs__________(使糊涂) the driver.

2. The only way to do that is to__________(减少) expenses.

3. The__________(斗争) for independence was long and hard.

4. The factory must increase its__________(产量).

5. They__________(用掉) all their strength in trying to climb out.

6. Our army is well__________(装备).

7.______________________________   (非常抱歉),

I am unable to accept your invitation.


1. I wouldn t think of__________them at this hour of the night.

A. believing B. confusing

C. disturbing D. expanding

2. Metals__________when they are heated.

A. expand B. reduce

C. increase D. add

3. Blood__________through the body.

A. circulates B. stays

C. remains D. drives

4. His brave deeds in the__________earned him everlasting glory.

A. fields B. summary

C. battle D. comment

5. The lazy girl is dreaming of marrying a millionaire and__________won t do any work.

A. so B. unless

C. although D. therefore

6. —Do you regret__________100 dollars for the painting?

—No, I would gladly have paid__________  for it.

A. to pay; twice so much

B. paying; twice as much

C. to have paid; as much twice

D. having paid; so much twice


1. A: Compared with maths I like English better. B: I__________English__________maths.

2. A: Even if he dies he won t give in.

B: He__________    die__________give in.

3. A: We should save the sick free from pain.

B: We should__________the sick__________pain.

4. A: He doesn t like to live a comfortable life.

B: He doesn t__________    living a com- fortable life.

5. A: Dr. Yuan has spent all his time on his research.

B: Dr. Yuan has__________all his time__________his research.


1. Sheep__________    (以……为食) grass.

2. Since he came to this class, he hasn t played__________    (不再) as he did before.

3.__________    (由于) his hard work, he achieved great success.

4. The policeman__________  (搜查) the thief__________  the lost money.

5. Please__________    (参阅) your dictionaries if you meet new words.
