
2020-11-06 12:14周云涛
科学与财富 2020年23期





Business English is a social means in business activities.It is classified as a kind of functional language and is widely used in international trade,contracts,and financial occasions.However,with the continuous development of society,it has put forward higher requirements for the equivalence of translated information.Therefore,under this background,Business English translators are required to strictly abide by the language characteristics of Business English in the process of information translation to achieve information equivalent translation goals.The following is a detailed explanation of the reciprocity of Business English language characteristics and translation information,and hope it can provide a beneficial text reference for the orderly development of contemporary business activities.

1.    Features of Business English Language

(1)   Features of vocabulary,sentence pattern and discourse

Business English reflects a profound cultural heritage.Business English is very professional,besides,the use of terminology,which is the most important form of expression.Generally speaking,the use of terminology is often closely re-lated to business activities.In the use of words,Business English requires nor-mative.Business English can make people understand the words more easily,and its contents can be expressed officially and formally.The article which was writ-ten in business cooperation is succinct.In addition,the language is quite simple.The information contained in the sentences should be authentic.The accuracy of the data and terms are the indispensable parts in business English,or the misun-derstanding and conflicts will occur in business activities.In Business English,the sentence is rigorous and the structure is complicated.The obligations,re-sponsibilities,authorities,must be clearly and unambiguously stated in the docu-ments or the contract itself.The elaboration of each clause must be comprehen-sive and impeccable at the same time.

(2)   Cultural Characteristics

Business English language also has certain cultural characteristics,that is,when people use Business English for information exchange,they will achieve the goal of cultural exchange to a certain extent,and integrate the historical back-ground,customs and culture contained in their own nation into Business English.And pass it through in the form of business activities.However,because there are certain differences in beliefs among different ethnic groups,the business infor-mation presented by them will inevitably have a certain impact on business activ-ities.For example,the Chinese battery brand“White Elephant”has been trans-lated as useless in English,which led to the problem of unsalable product sales under the influence of this cultural difference,which in turn affected overall sales.From the above analysis,it can be seen that national cultural characteristics will affect the consistency of Chinese and foreign translations.Therefore,in the process of translating business information,Business English translators must combine cultural characteristics to carry out translation activities,so as to avoid the phenomenon of irregular translation affecting the overall translation quality.

2.    Translation information peer analysis

(1)   Equivalence of semantic information between translation and originaltext

Business contracts put forward higher requirements for the equivalence oftranslated information,so translators should first ensure equivalence of surface semantic information in the process of information translation,and then avoid the extension of deep semantic information from affecting people's business under-standing of the content of the legal text in the contract.For example,when trans-lating“All disputes arising out of the performance of or relating to this contract shall be settled amicably through negotiation.”Business sentence patterns and should follow the principle of surface semantic information equivalence,it should be translated into“凡因執行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决”This straightforward translation method is more convenient for people to understand,and leads to a more comprehensive grasp of relevant laws and regulations.In addition,the equivalence of semantic informa-tion between the translation and the original requires that business English translators encounter in-depth problems in the process of information translation,they should grasp the historical,cultural and artistic information in the original by consulting relevant materials,and then ensure accuracy of deep-level information translation.

(2)   Equivalence of style and information between translation and originaltext

The equivalence between the translation and the original style information should be realized from the following aspects:First,business English translators should read through the original information in the process of translating the orig-inal information,and master the original style and characteristics,and then trans-late in the process,the original style is fully taken into consideration,and it is used throughout the translation process to achieve the best translation effect;Sec-ond,in order to achieve the goal of parity between the translated text and the o-riginal style information,translators are required to ensure the simplicity of lan-guage use in the actual translation process,thereby highlighting the practical cul-ture of Business English;Third,because the English language pays more atten-tion to the use of polite language,translators should also uphold the characteris-tics of their polite language on the basis of ensuring the formality of the style in the process of translating Business English,and finally convey the equivalent po-lite information,and thus promote the orderly development of business activities.

(3)   Equivalence of cultural information between translation and original text In business English translation,it is very necessary to uphold the translation principle that the translation and the original cultural information are equal,the realization of its cultural equivalent translation goal requires translators to collect relevant information through the Internet or read relevant books to understand the cultural characteristics and cultural background of other nations.Then in the process of Business English translation,the differences between languages are controlled to a minimum,the best translation effect is achieved,and the informa-tion transmission needs of the translation and the original cultural information are met.For example,in the process of overseas sales of the alarm clock“金鸡”,in order to avoid cultural differences affecting product sales,it translated the brand

trademark as“Golden Rooster”and sold it overseas.


In summary,the equivalence of Business English translation information determines the overall translation quality.Therefore,in order to avoid the influ-ence of differences between national cultures during the development of business activities,Business English translators are required to strengthen themselves in the actual translation process.An understanding of the English language and its cultural characteristics,and then maintaining the equivalence between the target text and the original text culture,semantics and style during the process of trans-lating the original text,thereby promoting the orderly development of business activities and improving the accuracy of the translation.And to avoid the occur-rence of language use errors that affect the overall translation level of business information.


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