Unit 5词汇要点讲解

2020-11-02 02:39张晓飞
考试与评价·八年级版 2020年3期


1. wood n. 木头;木材


He made a house with pieces of wood. 他用几块木头搭成了一间小屋。

【拓展】 wood作可数名词时,意为“森林;树林”。

We went for a walk in the woods. 我们去森林中散步。

2. match n. 火柴

Don't let your children play with matches. 不要让你的孩子玩火柴。

【拓展】 match用作名词还可以表示“比赛”。

Our team won the football match. 我们队赢得了足球比赛。


This pair of shoes match your dress well. 这双鞋和你的衣服很相配。

3. beat v. 敲打;拍打;战胜;打败

They beat drums to cheer up the players. 他们击鼓使队员们高兴起来。

I beat her at swimming yesterday. 我昨天游泳赢了她。

4. against pron. 碰;撞

The rain beat against the windows. 雨打在窗户上。

【拓展】 against用作介词,还可以表示“倚着,靠着”或者“反对”。

The worker put the leader against the wall. 工人把梯子靠到墙上。

We were rowing against the current. 我们在逆流划船。

They are against building a factory here. 他们反对在这里建工厂。

5. asleep adj. 睡着的

He can't hear you; he is asleep. 他听不见你说话,他睡着了。

asleep常用作表语,构成短语fall asleep,意为“入睡”。

The light music made him fall asleep soon. 这轻柔的音乐让他很快睡着了。

6. rise vi. (rose, risen, rising) 升起,上升

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起,在西方落下。

The water in the river rose after the heavy rain. 大雨過后河水上涨了。

【辨析】 raise和rise的用法区别


Prices rise every day in those countries. 那些国家的物价天天上涨。


Heavy rains raised the river. 暴雨使河水水位升高。

Raise your hand to get chance to speak. 举手争取发言的机会。

7. realize vt. 理解,领会,意识到

He didn't realize his mistake. 他没有意识到他的错误。

【拓展】 realize后常接that从句,意为“意识到……”。

I realize that life has to go on. 我意识到生命需要继续。

It's realized that意为“实践证明……”。

It's realized that this method is effective to improve the quality. 实践证明,这种方案对提高产品质量是行之有效的。

8. completely adv. 完全地;彻底地

I completely agree with you. 我完全同意你的观点。

This was all completely new to me. 这对我来说是全新的。

【拓展】 complete adj. 完整的 v. 完成

We were in complete agreement. 我们的意见完全一致。

Work on the office building will be complete at the end of the year. 办公大楼工程将于年底竣工。

9. date n. 日期

—What's the date today? 今天几号?

—It's September 24. 今天是九月二十四号。

【拓展】 What day is it today? 今天是星期几?

10. truth n. 实情,事实

Are you telling me the truth? 你讲的是真话吗?

【拓展】 to tell the truth表示“说实话”,放在句中作插入语,用逗号同句子其它成分隔开。

To tell the truth, I don't agree with you. 说真格的,我不同意你的意见。


Is it true that he left here? 他离开这儿的消息是真的吗?

11. go off 发出响声

Everyone ran out of the building as soon as the fire alarm went off. 火險警报刚响起,大家纷纷从大楼里跑了出来。

【拓展】 go off还可以表示“爆炸;离开;停止运转”。

A bomb went off just now. 刚才一颗炸弹爆炸了。

Danny decided go off on his own. 丹尼决定自己走。

12. pick up接电话

pick up相当于answer the phone。

Why don't you pick up / answer the phone? 你为什么不接电话?

【拓展】 pick up还可以表示“捡起;开车接送”。

My pen is under your desk. Can you pick it up for me? 我的钢笔在你桌子下面。你能帮我捡起来吗?

Can you pick me up at the station? 你能在车站接我吗?

13. die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失

The fire in the forest is dying down, and will soon die away. 森林的火势在逐渐减弱,不久会消失的。

【拓展】 die away意为“消失;完全消失”。

The sound died away. 声音逐渐消失。

【注意】 die的过去式是died,现在分词形式是dying。

14. make one's way to 前往……

I'll have to make my way to Beijing. 下午我要动身去北京。

15. take down拆除,拆掉;写下,记下

Could you please help me take down this tent? 你能帮我把帐篷拆下来吗?

I forgot to take down his telephone number. 我忘了记下他的电话号码。

例题拓展 提升能力
新目标英语七年级(下)units 1~6复习小结