
2020-10-22 14:49董姗姗赵立欣孟海波沈玉君周海宾丁京涛程红胜
农业工程学报 2020年17期

董姗姗,隋 斌,赵立欣,孟海波,沈玉君,周海宾,丁京涛,程红胜


董姗姗1,2,隋 斌2※,赵立欣1,3,孟海波1,2,沈玉君1,2,周海宾1,2,丁京涛1,2,程红胜1,2

(1. 农业农村部规划设计研究院,北京 100125;2. 农业农村部资源循环利用技术与模式综合性重点实验室,北京 100125;3. 农业农村部废弃物能源化利用重点实验室,北京 100125)

以沼气工程为纽带的循环农业模式是降低农业产业园区废弃物污染、提高资源利用率的有效方式。该研究构建了适合园区规模的循环农业模式能值评价指标体系,以河北省某典型奶牛产业园区为案例,将园区现行的利用全混式厌氧反应技术(Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor,CSTR)的湿法单相厌氧消化沼气工程,与湿法两相耦合厌氧消化、干法序批式厌氧消化、干法连续式厌氧消化3种不同沼气工程模式进行对比,运用能值理论及计算方法对以沼气工程为纽带的农业产业园循环模式进行了评价,选择最适宜园区发展的沼气工程模式。结果表明,该园区能值投入率为17.57,能值产出率为0.41,环境负载率0.33,可持续发展指数1.23,以CSTR湿法单相厌氧消化沼气工程为纽带的循环农业模式整体效益优于其他3种模式。研究对其他园区的循环农业模式评价和以沼气工程为纽带的循环农业发展具有借鉴意义。


0 引 言

近年来,随着中国奶业振兴和全国奶牛养殖规模不断扩大,2018年奶牛存栏量已达1 037.7万头[1],现代化、标准化和规模化的园区式牧场逐渐成为主流。奶牛养殖供给优质乳品、满足人们营养需求和促进经济发展的同时,也产生了大量的养殖粪污,对环境造成了较大的压力[2]。如何资源化利用养殖粪污、减少环境污染已成为国内外研究热点。

循环农业作为一种倡导最大限度提升资源的利用效率、多种途径循环可再生资源的农业可持续发展模式倍受关注[3-6]。将循环农业理念运用在奶牛养殖废弃物处理上也颇有成效,以沼气工程为纽带的种养结合循环模式是其中的典型模式之一,通过沼气工程处理养殖粪污,沼渣沼液还田利用,可将养殖业和种植业有机结合在一起,形成物质、能量循环利用的产业链,在减轻环境污染的同时,实现农业生态系统资源循环利用[7]。现行的沼气工程主要包括利用安装搅拌装置使发酵原料和微生物完全混合这全一混式厌氧反应技术(Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor,CSTR)的湿法单相厌氧消化、通过2个串联装置使酸化和甲烷化分别进行的湿法两相耦合厌氧消化、利用车库式反应器的干法序批式厌氧消化、利用立式-横推流式反应器的干法连续式厌氧消化共4种模式[8-11]。对于以沼气工程为纽带的种养结合循环模式,现有研究主要关注沼气工程发酵效率提升、三沼(沼气、沼渣、沼液)综合利用等方面,而从循环系统整体出发对模式资源利用程度和发展水平等进行效果评价的研究仍鲜有报道[12-13]。近年来,国内学者已建立了一些评价体系,其中涉及到的评估方法众多,如综合指数评价、经济效益评价、专家打分法等,但由于具体模式的内容和方法差异较大,评价指标选取较为多元,这类方法通常主观性较强,操作困难,可比性不强[14-16]。

能值分析理论和方法是由美国著名生态学家H. T. Odum于20世纪80年代创立的,这一方法是从系统能量流动的角度出发,引用太阳能值作为统一的单位,将系统中计量单位不同、不便于互相转化的各种物质、能量进行比较和分析,进而对系统中的自然资源消耗、人类参与程度等进行定量分析[17]。目前已广泛应用于自然生态系统、农业生态系统以及区域生态系统发展可持续性的分析、评价与比较中[18-20]。本研究以中国河北省具有典型代表性的某产业园区为案例,以“奶牛养殖—沼气工程”循环农业模式为研究对象,将湿法单相厌氧消化,湿法两相耦合厌氧消化、干法序批式厌氧消化、干法连续式厌氧消化这4种常见的沼气工程效果进行对比,对沼气工程为纽带的种养结合循环农业模式效果进行评估。本研究运用能值分析方法构建了评价指标体系,对园区内循环农业系统进行了深入分析,通过计算自然、人力等各种资源需求,综合考虑该园区的可持续发展性和生态经济效益,最终选择出最适宜园区发展的沼气工程模式,并提出下一步发展建议。基于本研究的数据基础及所构建的能值评价指标体系,其他同类型的产业园区也可进行类比分析,对产业园区中种植业与养殖业规模配比、沼气工程处理能力等重点参数进行评估,有针对性地获取相关发展建议,由此为以沼气工程为纽带的种养结合循环农业模式的推广提供科学依据。

1 研究区概况及方法

1.1 研究区概况

河北省某典型奶牛养殖产业园区占地面积2×105m2,研究区域年太阳辐射5 016~5 852 MJ/m2,年平均气温15 ℃,年平均降雨量558.5 mm。园区内年养殖奶牛5 500头,养殖面积6.05×104m2,建有日处理1 000 m3奶牛粪污的沼气工程一处,发酵工艺为CSTR,产生的沼气用于产热和发电以供给园区使用,沼渣用于生产有机肥,沼液作为种植业液态肥料施用,形成了农业废弃物多层次利用的循环农业系统。本研究以“奶牛养殖—CSTR湿法单相厌氧消化沼气工程”循环农业模式(模式Ⅰ)为研究对象,与同规模的湿法两相耦合厌氧消化(模式Ⅱ)、干法序批式厌氧消化(模式Ⅲ)、干法连续式厌氧消化(模式Ⅳ)3种沼气工程模式进行分析、比较和评价。

1.2 指标体系构建

对园区进行实地调研,从能值流动、资源利用、环境负载和经济发展4个方面入手,建立了园区的循环农业系统的评价体系[17,21-23]。通过对以沼气工程为纽带的种养结合循环系统涉及的不同资源及环节进行划分,将能值流量指标分为可更新环境资源(Renewable Natural Resources,)、不可更新环境资源(Non-renewable Natural Resources,)、可更新有机能(Renewable Organic Energy,1)、不可更新工业辅助能(Non-renewable Supplement Energy,)和系统总产出(Yield,)5个部分组成(图1)[17]。其中,太阳、风、雨水属于系统自身的环境资源,可更新有机能和不可更新工业辅助能属于人类对系统投入的经济购买能值。另外,在可更新有机能中,有一部分资源作为生产过程中的中间产物,是可在经进一步处理后在系统中重复利用的。

图1 产业园区沼气工程模式系统能流

结合园区奶牛养殖耦合沼气工程的特点,本研究主要选用能值投入率(Emergy Input Ratio, EIR)、能值产出率(Emergy Yield Ratio, EYR)和能值自给率(Emergy Self-sufficiency Ratio, ESR)对园区资源循环利用情况进行分析,采用可更新能值比率(Renewable Emergy Ratio,RER)、环境贡献率(Emergy Contribution Ratio, ECR)和环境负载率(Emergy Loading Ratio, ELR)度量资源利用对环境的影响,同时参考综合指数评价方法,从中选取能值可持续指标(Emergy Sustainable Index, ESI)对该园区的循环农业发展进行综合评价。通过上述3类资源、环境、可持续发展的指标,构建了产业园区循环农业的综合评价指标体系(表1)。

表1 2018年产业园区循环系统能值评价体系

1.3 研究方法及数据处理



2 结果与分析

2.1 能值投入产出分析



Note: Mode I-IV is wet single phase anaerobic digestionbasedoncontinuous stirred tank reactor anaerobic fermentation, wet two-phase couplinganaerobic digestion, dry sequential batch anaerobic digestion and dry continuous anaerobic digestion, respectively. Same below.



表3 4种沼气工程模式能值流比较

2.2 环境负载分析


表4 能值评价指标计算值


2.3 资源利用分析




3 结 论

本文以中国河北省具有典型代表性的某产业园区为例,根据该园区“奶牛养殖—沼气工程”的循环农业模式,构建了适合园区规模的循环农业模式能值评价指标体系,选择4种常见的沼气工程模式,以园区现行的利用全混式厌氧反应技术(Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor,CSTR)的湿法单相厌氧消化沼气工程为参照,与湿法两相耦合厌氧消化、干法序批式厌氧消化、干法连续式厌氧消化3种沼气工程模式进行对比,根据能值分析方法分析了园区内循环农业模式环境安全性、资源减量率及可持续发展度。结果表明,相对于其他3种沼气工程模式,CSTR湿法单相厌氧消化沼气工程更适合园区发展,通过CSTR湿法单相厌氧消化处理奶牛养殖废弃物,提升废弃物循环利用效率后,园区能值投入率为17.57,明显高于其他3种模式,达到了系统资源减量化目标;能值产出率为0.41,沼渣沼液等废弃物在系统内消耗占比高于其他3种模式,降低了系统的整体投入成本,提高了系统的生产效率;环境负载率0.33;可持续发展指数1.23,系统更具活力和发展潜力。


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Evaluation of circular development mode for dairy cow industrial parks based on emergy value analysis

Dong Shanshan1,2, Sui Bin2※, Zhao Lixin1,3, Meng Haibo1,2, Shen Yujun1,2, Zhou Haibin1,2, Ding Jingtao1,2, Cheng Hongsheng1,2

(1.100125,;2.100125,; 3.100125,)

The circular agriculture mode with the biogas project as a link is one of the critical modes to reduce waste pollution and improve resource utilization in industrial parks. This research was to construct an emergy evaluation index system suitable for the circular agriculture mode of the industrial park. A typical representative industrial park in Hebei Province was chosen as a case study. The results of four common biogas projects were compared, including anaerobic fermentation using continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR), wet two-phase anaerobic digestion, dry sequential batch anaerobic digestion and dry steady anaerobic digestion. To compared with each other, the effect of the circular agriculture mode with the biogas project as a link was evaluated. In the industrial park, a total of 5 500 dairy cows were bred annually and the park had a breeding area of 6.05×104m2. A biogas project that could treat 1 000 m3of dairy cow manure per day was built. The CSTR anaerobic fermentation biogas project was used to produce the biogas. The biogas slurry was used as a liquid fertilizer for the planting industry, forming a circular agricultural system for multi-level utilization of agricultural waste. The results showed that, compared with the other three biogas engineering modes, the CSTR anaerobic fermentation biogas project was more suitable for the industrial park. The total emergy input of this mode was 1.69×1018sej. Among them, the emergy value of renewable environmental resources was 3.87×1016sej and the emergy value of non-renewable environmental resources was 5.24×1016sej. The emergy input of environmental resources, accounting for 5.38% of the total emergy input. The renewable organic emergy value was 3.70×1017sej and the non-renewable supplement emergy value was 1.23×1018sej. The emergy input from external resources dominates, accounting for 94.62% of the total emergy input. The input of raw materials and emergy was the central part of the external resource input. The emergy yield was 6.55×1017sej, of which the energy value of maize, milk, biogas, organic fertilizer and other products was 4.18×1017sej, accounting for 63.77% of the output emergy value. And the emergy value of reused resources such as biogas residue and biogas slurry was 2.37×1017sej, accounting for 36.23% of the output emergy value. Based on the analysis of emergy input and output, the total index values in the industrial park were further calculated and the results showed that the emergy input rate of the circular agriculture mode with the CSTR anaerobic fermentation biogas project was 17.57. It was lower than the other three modes and the goal of reducing system resources was achieved. The emergy yield ratio of the CSTR anaerobic fermentation biogas project was 0.41. The proportion of wastes such as biogas residue and biogas slurry in the system was higher than those of the other three modes, decreasing the overall input cost of the system and improving the production efficiency of the system. The environmental loading ratio of the CSTR anaerobic fermentation biogas project was 0.33. The emergy sustainable index of the CSTR anaerobic fermentation biogas project was 1.23, indicating that the system has more vitality and development potential. On the whole, the overall benefit of this model was better than the other three models, and it was the most suitable biogas project mode for the industrial park. The database and the constructed evaluation index system of emergy value is also relevant to the evaluation of other industrial parks. The results can be used to evaluate the circulation model on the same scale and to analyze important parameters such as the ratio of cultivation to breeding scale and the treatment capacity of biogas projects in the system.

circular agriculture; emergy analysis; dairy farming; industrial park; resource utilization; biogas project

董姗姗,隋斌,赵立欣,等. 基于能值分析的奶牛产业园区循环发展模式评价[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(17):227-233.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.17.027 http://www.tcsae.org

Dong Shanshan, Sui Bin, Zhao Lixin, et al. Evaluation of circular development mode for dairy cow industrial parks based on emergy value analysis[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(17): 227-233. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.17.027 http://www.tcsae.org










第四章 化粪土为力量
苏通园区:激荡开放潮 十年再出发