广东外销绸在全国丝绸出口中占有重要地位。外销绸,专指18世纪至19世纪前后,中国输出到世界各地特别是欧美的中国生产的丝绸织绣品。中国生产,一般指用的是中国的织绣技术;而所谓的外销,应该是指专为外销设计的图案和款式,有可能是完全西方的创意,也可能是带有东方影响的图案。而广绣大披肩,是中国外销品中重要的一宗,在西方被称为中国披肩或马尼拉披肩(mantn de Manila)。
普诺是印第安克丘亚族和艾马拉族人的故乡,城市历史悠久。最著名的普诺大教堂,位于普诺中心的武器广场(Plaza de Armas),建于17世纪。由于正在维修,游客只能在围挡外观赏。同时,我偶尔发现写有“CHIFA”的中餐馆。“CHIFA”是粤语“吃饭”的谐音,这是秘鲁中餐馆特有的招牌,已经被收入当地词典,成为秘鲁中餐馆的专有名称。炒饭和云吞又是“CHIFA”的招牌菜,而炒饭和云吞这两个词在西班牙语里面,也是由粤语直译过来的。除了“CHIFA”、炒饭、云吞等词语直接沿用粤语发音,在秘鲁,当地人也直接把“姜”叫做“kion”、酱油叫做“sillao”、白菜叫做“bok choy”,这些都来源于粤语。
离开普诺的前一天傍晚,在皮诺广场(Pino Park)的圣母圣殿教堂(Santuario de la Virgen de la Candelaria)前,我幸运地遇见了狂欢的游行队伍。宗教节日、印第安传统节日、民族独立日或建城周年,大家都会游行庆祝。
Viewed from the canteen of Guangdong Provincial Museum, the Canton Tower, the landmark of Guangzhou, is a spectacular view of pattern of lights dancing over the glistening skylines of the sleepless city. The museums exhibits interact with the charming urban views set against a network of waterways ushering a thousand sails into the estuary of the Pearl River.
Genesis of the misnomer
Situated at the meandering shores of the port-studded South China Sea, Guangdong became a key seedbed of the “Silk Road on the Sea” in as early as the Qin (221-207BC) and Han (206BC-220AD) times of China. The cornucopia produced a vibrant scene of ship-building and handicraft industry.
The provinces silk export, with a history beginning at the turning point of the 18th Century and 19th Century, has long been a major player in Chinas silk trade. A special category of the high-quality, tailor-made silk products exported to the Western clientele, often referred to as “mantón de Manila” or “mantón de China”, was a Guangdong specialty. The shipping routes normally stretched from several stopovers on the Pacific Ocean to Mexico and then went from the western coast to the eastern coast of the continent all the way to the west bank of the Atlantic Ocean. The sea routes crossed the Atlantic and reached Europe. With little knowledge of the origin of the beautiful fabric, some Europeans unthinkingly and therefore mistakenly took Manila, the first transfer port of the goods from Guangdong, as the source area of the silk wraps, hence the misnomer.
An exhibition and a small-scale academic symposium, based on my research about the silk export of China, held in 2014, led to the release of a book titled .
"Mantón de Manila" in Shunde
Silk wraps and many other accessories became very much sought-after in France in the 19th century when Paris rose to be the “fashion capital” of not only the country but also the greater Europe. The luxurious beauty of the Oriental silk fabric is portrayed by many Impressionists such as Renoir and Monet in their works depicting the leisure life of upper-class Parisian courtesans.
Throughout its history of more than 200 years, the quality and design of “mantón de Manila” varied with times, presenting interesting facts of East-West communication in different social contexts.
Made in the 1860-70s, one of the exhibits at the China Silk Museum in Hangzhou shows the intriguing innovation of a Southern China architectural feature integrated into the pattern design to create a luxuriant, colorful aesthetic effect. Colloquially known as “Cauldron-Ear House”, this special gable wall style is crafted to make the structure fireproof and well-ventilated, with the decorative details suggesting auspicious implications.
A distinct change of the design of “mantón de Manila” came in the mid 1860s, as can be seen from some exhibits that feature a much bigger width of the fabric and noticeably longer tassels.
The key part of the enduring charm of “mantón de Manila” is the unique artistry of whats known as Guangdong embroidery. People today can admire the handicraft in the historical town of Daliang, where the towns former glory and long-time opulence can be seen from the relics of ancient docks and ravishing architecture flanking the Huagai Road. Since ancient times, the town has been the most vibrant economy of Shunde, Foshan City. The eight-storey Guangzhou Embroidery Building that stands at an outstanding spot of the pedestrian road is a symbol of the towns former embroidery glory.
"Mantón de Manila" in Peru
A visit to Puno, a historic town seated on the shores of Lake Titicaca, in the winter of 2019, refreshed my understanding of “mantón de Manila”. At 3,800 meters above sea level, Lake Titicaca is the highest navigable body of water in the world.
The hometown of Quechuans and Aymara Indians, Puno draws in tourists for a host of historical spots represented by Plaza de Armas, built in the 17th century. The towns trade and cultural communication with Guangdong can be told from many loanwords such as “chifa” (meaning “Chinese restaurant”), “kion” (meaning “ginger”), “sillao” (meaning “soy sauce”) and “bok choy” (meaning “Chinese cabbage”), all from the Cantonese dialect.
On the night before I left Puno, I came across a celebrative procession right in front of Santuario de la Virgen de la Candelaria at Pino Park. The wraps on the girls, all dressed up in colorful layered cake-style dresses, instantly caught my eye. The tassels danced wildly in the air, making me immersed in the fierce passion of Flamenco. Although the wraps used by the dancers were obviously not the fine silk fabric that once enchanted the upper-class Parisians, I knew the connection between east and west was there and would be there for many more centuries to come. And I knew my adventure of “mantón de Manila” would continue.