鲁秉晓 王汉卿 张春林 刘红兵
摘 要:以黄河干流、洮河、大夏河流域为研究区,对研究区内19处雨量自动测报系统和虹吸式雨量计采集的数据进行分析研究。在对大量的原始比测数据进行分类、汇总、整理的基础上,借助SPSS20.0、水文助手、南方片水文资料整编等软件对数据进行了误差和可靠性研究。结果表明:①在0~4 mm/min降雨强度范围内,雨量测报系统采集的数据月、年统计翻斗计量误差没有超过±4%,基本满足山洪预警监测精度要求,部分人工委托雨量站存在较多的不确定性,计量误差超过±4%,不能直接进行资料整编,还需经过分析、修正才能应用;②仪器的MTBF和MTTF均为335 d,其性能基本达到《水文自动测报技术规范》的要求。
关键词: 雨量站;自动测报;误差分析;可靠性
中图分类号:P414.9;P338 文献标志码:A
Abstract:The data collected by the automatic rainfall measurement system and siphon rain gauge at 19 sites of the study area in the main Yellow River, Taohe River and Daxia River basins were analyzed and studied. On the basis of classifying, summarizing and sorting out a large number of original specific measurement data, the error and reliability of the data were studied with the help of software such as SPSS20.0, hydrologic assistant and hydrologic data integration of southern section. The results show that a) in the range of 0-4 mm/min rainfall intensity, rainfall telemetry system of statistical data collected by month and year of skip metering error value is no more than plus or minus 4%, basically meeting the requirement of the monitoring accuracy of mountain flood warning. Some rainfall stations entrusted manually exist several uncertainties, measurement error value is more than plus or minus 4%, which cannot be directly applied to data BGF. It can be used after analyzing and correcting and; b) the MTBF and MTTF of the instrument are 335 d, and its performance basically meets the requirements stipulated in the Technical Specification of Automatic Hydrological Measurement and Reporting.
Key words: rain station; automatic measurement; error analysis; reliability
1 雨量站点分布
2 雨量测报系统
雨量自动测报系统是自动收集、传输和处理水文雨量实时数据的传感器、通信设备和接收处理装置的总称,主要包括记录传输系统(遥测站)和接收处理系统(集合转发站、中继站和中心站)。本文的传输系统遥测站为翻斗式雨量计(JDZ-0系列2单翻),核心部件RTU(Remote Terminal Unit,远程终端控制系统)生产厂家为湖北一方科技发展有限责任公司,型号为AUTO Station YCA9900,可以通过手机实时遥测;甘肃省中小河流水文监测值守系统(B/S版)由天津市龙网科技发展有限公司开发,接收处理中心系统采用遥测机终端加网页版形式。
3 数据格式转换
依靠水文助手软件(S16.08.02)进行雨量数据的格式转换,主要分为4个步骤:①原始数据,打开RTU,拔出U盘(降水量原始数据U盘),拷贝出 “本站站码”下的雨量原始数据(拷贝完数据后,U盘继续插入RTU插孔);②打開水文助手,依次点击“水文工具”“雨量统计”“时间”,选“全年”或“逐月”,添加“测站编码”,点击“打开”保存数据,点击“统计”,最终显示界面见图2;③摘录数据,从图2显示的结果界面上点击“摘录导出”数据,导出整编雨量格式POD数据;④整编成果,导入数据到南方片(2018年黄河流域水文资料整编都采用南方片)水文资料整编软件2.0中,进行降水量相关报表项目计算。