
2020-09-26 02:06:40戴伟DavidEvans孙梦格
国际人才交流 2020年9期

文/戴伟(David G. Evans) 译/孙梦格


When I was around 11 or 12 years old, I had two main hobbies and interests. One was chemistry, and the other was China! I know where my interest in chemistry came from: it was doing lots of exciting experiments in our garden shed which began shining light on the mysteries of a new world. I think my interest in China was sparked by a similar sense of curiosity: I am talking about the early 1970s, before the start of Reform and Opening,so we in Britain received very little news and information about this huge country and all its people, which made me want to understand more. Through the Chinese Embassy in London I subscribed toPeking Reviewas it was then and began to receive a weekly update of news from China.




Maintaining my interest in chemistry and China

I maintained my interest in chemistry by studying as an undergraduate and PhD student at Oxford University and then joined staff of the chemistry department in Exeter University. I had not lost my curiosity in China, however, and was able to visit for the first time in 1987, when the International Coordination Chemistry Conference was held in Nanjing. This visit reinforced my interest and I subsequently visited once or twice each year.Having seen how the country and the universities I had visited were beginning to develop rapidly, I jumped at the chance to move to Beijing University of Chemical Technology BUCT in 1996 and have been there happily ever since.

Apart from my university work, I was always looking for a chance to introduce Chinese children to chemistry, and see if it could inspire the same sort of interest in them that it had in me all those years ago. I did a few ad hoc sessions with the children of friends whose countryside home I regularly visited over the Spring Festival. I remember one year I were able to buy some vinegar and baking soda from the village shop and had a great time making “volcanos” and launching chewing gum bottle“rockets”.



RSC provides a chance to popularize science

My chance to something more formal and substantial came in 2011, which was the UNESCO International Year of Chemistry IYC. I had set up a Beijing Local Section of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) a couple of years earlier. RSC has a substantial book and academic publishing operation but, as a not-for-profit organization, uses the surplus generated by the publishing section to run charitable activities promoting interest in chemistry. The RSC President at the time, Professor David Phillips, felt strongly that as well as organizing activities during IYC itself, RSC should try to set up some longer-term activities to mark IYC in a more sustainable way. He had the inspired idea to give every Local Section and Interest Group (over 100 in all) one thousand pounds and challenged them to do something outside their normal remit. By chance, having just received the Beijing Local Section’s IYC Challenge grant, I was having dinner with a British friend in Beijing, Helen Boyle, who had set up a charity (MCF) to organize classes for children attending migrant schools in Beijing. Helen had a team of volunteers going into schools at weekends, mainly teaching English, but also some music and art. Over dinner, Helen suddenly said “Look,can’t you teach my kids chemistry?”. I said “Well, as it happens I have this grant from RSC, so let’s see what we can do”. I bought a whole load of beakers, test tubes, measuring cylinders and other apparatus all plastic, rather than the traditional glass, to avoid accidents, nontoxic chemicals, child-sized lab coats and—most importantly of all—safety glasses. Then at the crack of dawn on Saturday mornings—the migrant schools are a long way outside the city center—my team of postgraduate student volunteers from BUCT loaded all the kit into our hired minibus and we set off. The children were really excited to see us and willingly helped set up the classroom before putting on their lab coats and safety glasses and starting to do the experiments.We divided them into pairs with a postgraduate looking after a table of four pairs and the chemistry began. They had great fun,but by asking them at the start of each lesson about what they had done last time, we could see that many of them were also learning about chemistry and beginning to develop a scientific way of thinking.



We have continued to work with the migrant schools, but also began to receive more and more invitations from state schools and other organizations. Sometimes the postgraduates and I run hands-on practical classes at school science fairs, and at other times I go alone and do a lecture demonstration of experiments that—since they often involve fire and explosions—we couldn’t let the children do themselves. I usually start by asking the students if they think I can light a candle by spraying water on it. Of course they don’t believe I can, but I ask them to help me by counting down “three, two, one” in English and then I spray“water” onto my candle which bursts into flame. The sight of 300 children jumping up and down shouting “Wow!” gets the lecture off to a good start. Of course, when they calm down I tell them that—unlike a magician, who won’t reveal their secrets—I will tell them how I did the trick. The “water” is actually alcohol and before the lecture I dug a little pit in the candle and place some red solid in it. By repeating the process without the candle they can see that it is the red solid and alcohol which causes the fire, and afterwards we are left with a green solid.From this they can see the essence of chemistry—changing one or more materials the alcohol and red solid, in this case into a new material the green solid.



BUCT strongly supports our outreach work

In addition to RSC, I have also received strong support from BUCT. Following the guidance of President Xi Jinping on the importance of popularizing science, the university converted most of my job description to involving outreach. For example,I each year I visit around 50 or 60 of the top high schools all over the country in the company of a BUCT Vice-President and the head of the Admissions Office. After my colleagues introduce BUCT, I give the students usually several hundred,but sometimes over 1000, or once in Changsha, as many as 2000 a lecture demonstration based around hydrogen peroxide which links exciting experiments with their high school curriculum.This usually receives a rapturous reception, mainly because many students tell me they have never done any experiments before.

BUCT has also supported our outreach activities in many other ways as well. For example, after the undergraduates moved to our new campus in Changping, BUCT converted one of the former undergraduate teaching labs into an outreach lab, so we are now able to bring students—including those from migrant schools—into the lab to do experiments.

We have also been delighted to be invited on several occasions to take part in the National Science Week. In addition to the large numbers of enthusiastic children who have carried out chemistry experiments with myself and the team of BUCT postgraduates, we have welcomed several honored guests to our laboratory, including Liu Yandong-the former Vice Premier,Wan Gang-the former minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) , Wang Zhigang-the minister of MOST,Guo Jinlong-the former Party chief of Beijing, and Cai Qi-the party chief of Beijing. Madam Liu Yandong was particularly keen to do an experiment with the children: I gave her a flask containing a yellow liquid, which turned red when she shook it, and then green when she shook it again, and then she asked the students for their hypotheses about what was happening. Madam Liu Yandong was very excited, because she said it took her back 50 years to her time as a student in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University.Although this year’s National Science Week was constrained by the coronavirus outbreak, I was still able to give two lecture demonstrations to young children (sitting one meter apart).They were very excited to see the chemical reactions and generated a great atmosphere in the classroom.






Going online: “Dr. Dai’s lab”

Although I have been fortunate to be able to interact directly with many thousands of bright Chinese students, of course this is only a tiny fraction of the population. In 2018 when my assistant Suo Lele went back to the Shandong countryside for the Spring Festival, his friends and family were all talking about the short video platform Kuaishou. When he came back to Beijing, he suggested we should put videos of some chemistry experiments on Kuaishou. Half joking, he said “I’m sure noone will watch them!”. I said that since scientists must do the experiment to be sure of the result, we should have a go. And lo and behold, we found that people did watch them! Our site has over 37 million followers on Kuaishou and some of the videos have been watched over 15 million times. The site also has quite a few followers on other platforms such as Tik Tok and Bilibili.As well as reaching large numbers of people, these platforms have other benefits. They provide a way of bringing chemistry to young people in small towns or remote villages who have no,or very few, opportunities to take part in science activities, but also are a means of interacting with people who might not have thought about opening a science app or website, but find our site by chance when they are scrolling through the app looking for other types of entertainment.

As I mentioned earlier, I have found on my travels that many high school students have very limited opportunities to do practical chemistry, and when it becomes all bookwork they find chemistry very boring. This is partly because of the constraints imposed by the college entrance exam, but also because in many schools there can be 70 or 80 students in a class so that is difficult to organize practical activities, since large amounts of glassware and reagent solutions are required. To combat this problem, we have worked on developing a program, which only require simple apparatus and a few milliliters of solution,and can even be carried out in a normal classroom rather than a laboratory. We ran a pilot program in Beijing in summer 2019 for 30 students and teachers from regions in deep poverty from Yunnan and Hubei which was sponsored by RSC and Kuaishou,with strong support from Beijing Royal School who provided their facilities free of charge. Following the success of this event,we had planned to start rolling out the program in regions in deep poverty in different parts of the country this year, but of course the coronavirus epidemic has meant we have had to put our plans on hold for the moment.




Why is doing outreach so important?

People, sometimes even other scientists, often ask me why I think doing outreach is so important. One reason of course is that we hope to inspire students to become the scientists and engineers that China will need in the future. As an example, a student Song Dayou, who has just graduated from Beijing Dongzhimen High School, first took part in one of our activities at the Beijing Science Carnival when he was a primary school Grade 5 student. After doing the experiment with the other children, he spent a long time talking to me and then kept in touch and attended many of our future events. He also started doing chemistry experiments at home and doing demonstrations for his classmates during their New Year parties and other events. Now he has become a member of our teaching team, able to supervise the young students doing experiments as effectively as our postgraduates do. Being in a teacher role as well as quite tall, he often finds that the primary students call him uncle rather than brother, which came as a bit of a shock the first time! I just found out that Song Dayou got full marks in the College Entrance Chemistry Exam this summer. Of course not every student who takes part in our activities is going to become a scientist, but I hope that each one can still derive some benefit, because as well as teaching chemistry,we try to help students develop a scientific way of thinking. This is an important skill, because when faced with all the rumors and“fake news” available these days such as, one website tells you six cups of coffee a day will mean you to live to 99, while another will tell you six cups of coffee a day will cause cancer everyone needs a scientific attitude to pick out what is true and accurate amongst the vast amount of information that is fed to us every day.

Looking to the future, I have been fortunate to be able to visit all of the Cities and provinces in mainland China for one reason or another. Counting up the other day, I found that there are only three—Jiangxi, Guangxi and Tibet—where I have not done a chemistry outreach lecture or class in a school or science museum. I hope to be able to complete the set sometime soon—so any invitations are welcome! Several years ago I was honored to be invited to join the Chinese Academy of Sciences group of senior scientists set up to popularize science. Although most of the members are retired, there are some “younger” members like me. It is really inspiring to see how the team members—some of whom are in their late seventies or even eighties—have maintained their enthusiasm for bringing science to young people, and I hope that when I retire I will be able to follow their example.

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