刘思淼 郁胜旗
摘 要:本文研究了一類带有弱耗散项的b-族系统解的持续性问题。我们通过引入权重函数,运用能量方法证明了二元b-族系统的强解具备如下持续性质:如果系统的初值是指数衰减的,那么在解的最大存在时刻内,系统的解也是指数衰减的,并且衰减速率与初值相同。
Persistence property for a weakly dissipative b-family system
LIU Simiao YU Shengqi*
School of Science, Nantong University, Nantong 226019, China
Abstract: This paper mainly concerns about the persistence property of solution for a weakly dissipative b-family system. By introduction of the weight function, we use the energy method to prove that the strong solution to this system posses the following persistence property: If the initial data decays exponentially with respect to the spatial variable, then the solution will decay exponentially with the same rate during its maximum existence time.
Keywords: B-family system; Weight function; Energy method; Persistence property