
2020-09-10 07:22:44高颖
考试与评价·高二版 2020年4期



1. such as列举句型

such as常用来列举参与某一活动的人或事物,使用时前面往往用一个总述句说明参与某一活动的人或事物多,然后用such as列举几个例子加以说明,被列举的例子通常为名词、动名词及其短语,常体现短小精悍、对称协调的特点。因此,使用such as列举句型时应注意被列举名词的恰当形式,比如有些应用修饰语修饰,有些该用复数形式。

There are many places of interest in    Beijing, such as the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. 北京有许多名胜,例如颐和园、紫禁城和长城。

There will be many activities in this   summer camp, such as swimming, skating and exploring. 这次夏令营中有许多活动,例如游泳、溜冰和探险。

2. such be总结句型

such be常用来对人物介绍、单位介绍和活动介绍作总结,多用在文章末尾。such be后常接名词,名词后面接另一个名词做同位语。为使该句型显得内容充实,外形丰满,可在同位语名词前加几个形容词进行修饰。

Such is my hometown, a beautiful, rich and famous city. 这就是我的家乡,一个美丽、富饶的名城。

Such is Li Ping, a modest, simple but gifted young girl. 这就是李平,一个谦虚、单纯但很有才华的年轻女孩。

3. “with +名词/代词+现在分词/介词”独立主格结构句型

“with +名词/代词+现在分词/介词”独立主格结构句型往往用在描绘性文字中做伴随状语,使得被描绘的内容显得更为生动形象。

She looked at the young man with a smile on her face. 她面带微笑看着那个年轻人。

He stood there with his lips trembling. 他站在那儿,嘴唇不断地颤抖。

4. 现在分词做状语句型


The boy fell from the tree, crying loudly. 男孩高声叫喊着从树上摔下来。

She sat on a stone, thinking deeply. 她坐在一块石头上沉思。

5. 感叹句

what和how引导的感叹句可抒发内心强烈情感,增强文章感染性。what引导的感叹句结构为:What + a / an +形容词+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!或What + adj. +复数可数名词/不可数名词+主语+谓语!How引导的感叹句结构为:How +原级形容词/副词+主语+谓语!

What a kind and strict teacher he is! 他是一位多么和蔼又严格的老师啊!

How beautiful the scenery there is! 那儿的风景多美啊!6. 强调句


It was under the correct leadership of the party that we made great achievements. 是在党的正确领导下我们才取得巨大成就的。

I will never forget it was my teacher that helped me overcome all kinds of difficulty. 我将永远不会忘记是我的老师帮助我克服各种困难的。

7. It is well-known that...句型

It is well-known that...用来表示常识性事实,在文中起到增强文章说服力的作用。该句型也可以表达为As we all know...

It is well-known that happiness lies in hard work. 众所周知,幸福存在于艰苦的劳动之中。

As we all know, knowledge begins with practice. 眾所周知,实践出真知。

8. Recently we have had a heated   discussion on whether... or not.句型


Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether we should play computer games or not. 近来我们就是否可以打电脑游戏进行了激烈的讨论。

Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether we should set off fireworks on the Spring Festival or not. 最近我们就是否可以在春节期间燃放烟花爆竹举行了讨论。

9. ...has its advantages and disadvantages.


Playing computer games has its advantages and disadvantages, so we should keep it under control. 打电脑游戏有利也有弊,所以我们应该有所控制。

Setting off fireworks has its advantages and disadvantages, so we should make it on a limited bases. 燃放煙花爆竹有利有弊,所以我们应该有所限制。

10. It is no wonder that... 主语从句


I am told that he studies very hard and it is no wonder that he stands out in every    subject. 有人告诉我他学习很刻苦,难怪他各门学科都表现突出。

His parents have both injured and it is no wonder that he looks so depressed. 他的父母都受伤了,难怪他看起来这么忧伤。



1. 这就是魏芳,一个聪明、勤奋、自信的女孩。(such be)

2. 月亮出来了,我们开始往家走。(“with+名词+现在分词”独立主格结构)


4. 她姐姐是多么体贴的一个女孩啊!(what引导感叹句)

5. 因为做了一件好事,她显得多么高兴啊!(how引导感叹句)

6. 是王东把这个男孩从燃烧的房子中救出来的。(强调句)

7. 众所周知,只有通过使用英语我们才能学好英语。(It is well-known that...句型)

8. 近来我们对中学生是否应该吸烟进行了激烈讨论。(Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether... or not.句型)

9. 据说李平病了,难怪他今天没有来上学。(It is no wonder that...句型)

10. 读小说有利有弊,因此我们应该有选择地读。(...has its advantages and disadvantages.句型)

11.众所周知,良好的开端是成功的一半。(As we all know...句型)

12. 老人站在那儿沉思。(现在分词做状语)

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