【摘 要】由于智能手机和支付技术发展,到家业务得到越来越多用户的青睐。通过Mathematica强大功能优化灰色预测代码,对到家业务市场需求进行分析和预测,既能帮助行业内企业制定前瞻性的销售计划来运营到家业务,也能帮助到家业务的企业制定相应进货计划,减少库存压力,同时为正在转型到家业务的企业提供相关借鉴。
【Abstract】Due to the development of smart phones and payment technology, home service has been favored by more and more users. Through the powerful function of Mathematica, the grey prediction code is optimized to analyze and forecast the market demand of home service, which can not only help enterprises in the industry to develop forward-looking sales plan to operate home business, but also help enterprises of home business to formulate corresponding purchase plan and reduce inventory pressure, it also can provide relevant reference for the enterprises that are transforming into home business.
【Keywords】home business; demand analysis; grey prediction model; Mathematica
【中图分类号】S210.4 【文献标志码】A 【文章編号】1673-1069(2020)06-0079-04