
2020-08-27 02:34:54刘芬贺振兴徐鹏翱马鸿洋
网络与信息安全学报 2020年4期




(1. 青岛理工大学信息与控制工程学院,山东 青岛 266033;2. 青岛理工大学理学院,山东 青岛 266033)



1 引言

量子密钥分发(QKD,quantum key distribution)利用量子物理定律保证了信息传输的安全性,在理论上已被证明是无条件安全的。QKD允许两个远程用户通过量子信道和公共经典信道生成共享密钥。第一种无条件安全QKD协议由Bennett和Brassard[1]于1984年提出(简称BB84协议)。随后,两种量子直接通信协议被提出,即确定性安全量子通信(DSQC,deterministic secure quantum communication)协议[2-4]和量子安全直接通信(QSDC,quantum secure direct communication)协议[5-10]。这两种量子通信协议可以在不创建共享密钥的情况下实现信息的直接传输,提高了系统的实时性。对于DSQC协议,信息可以直接从发送方传输到接收方,而不需要预先生成共享密钥,接收方只能在传输额外的经典信息后提取信息。然而,QSDC协议可以实现信息的直接传输,而不需要交换经典信息。近年来,QSDC在理论研究和实验实施方面取得了巨大进展。然而,DSQC和QSDC协议只是单向通信协议,两个用户无法实现信息的相互传输。换句话说,在这两种协议中,信息只朝一个方向流动。在实际的传输环境中,两个用户常常需要同时向对方传输信息,如电话通信。因此,有必要研究同时进行的双向量子通信。



2 本文协议


2.1 构建自对偶量子低密度奇偶校验码

表1 循环稀疏序列L的不同行重下对应H0的2N、2k取值

2.2 数据传输阶段

8) 量子对话完成。

3 安全性分析

4 结束语


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Quantum dialogue protocol based on self-dual quantum low density parity check codes

LIU Fen1, HE Zhenxing2, XU Pengao1, MA Hongyang2

1. School of Information and Control Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266033, China 2. School of Sciences, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266033, China

In quantum channels, particles are usually affected by noise during transmission. A quantum dialogue protocol based on self-dual quantum low density parity check codes was proposed to resist noise attacks. A combination of B construction method and U construction method was used to construct a self-dual quantum low density parity check matrix. The proposed quantum dialogue protocol can resist common external attacks, and there was no information leakage, which improved the efficiency of encoding and decoding. The security of quantum dialogue protocol was studied from the perspective of error correction. Security analysis shows that the protocol has sufficient security and can effectively resist common malicious attacks.

quantum low-density parity code, quantum dialogue, self-dual

s: TheNational Natural Science Foundation of China(61772295, 11975132), The University Scientific Research Project of Shandong Province, China (J18KZ012), The Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province , China (ZR2019YQ01)








论文引用格式:刘芬, 贺振兴, 徐鹏翱, 等. 基于自对偶量子低密度校验码的量子对话协议[J]. 网络与信息安全学报, 2020, 6(4): 148-152.

LIU F, HE Z X, XU P A, et al. Quantum dialogue protocol based on self-dual quantum low density parity check codes[J]. Chinese Journal of Network and Information Security, 2020, 6(4): 148-152.





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