1. crook /kr·k/ n. 弯曲
2. inherent /·n·h·r·nt/ adj. 固有的;内在的
3. flaunting /fl·:nt··/ adj. 招摇的
4. sophisticated /s··f·st·ke·t·d/ adj. 复杂的
5. assertive /··s·:t·v/ adj. 观点明确的;坚决主张的
6. tote /t··t/ v. 手提;携带
We often spend a lot of time trying to pick out which bag to carry on the daily. Whether you like to showcase it in your hand, elbow crook, or across the shoulder, its actually not a random decision. According to body language experts, it can say a lot about our inherent personality.
Over one shoulder with bag close to body
Youre practical and need others to prove that they are worthy of your trust. When you meet new people, you look for these signs that they can be trusted. As someone mainly looking to get things done, you dont like to waste your time with little things. Your cautious means that you feel the need to be smart in public and watch out for yourself.
Over one shoulder with bag swinging freely
Different from the handsfree look, your purse hangs freely on one side of your body, not your front. You are characterized by your carefree attitude and like to take life as it comes. People know you as being confident and selfassured. You dont put priority on designer labels and brand names.
In the crook of your elbow
This approach depicts a flaunting of prestige and authority. You put priority on status and position, and can indicate that you are carrying a purse with a expensive price tag. While you may sometimes be referred to as "high maintenance," you know what you expect to receive from the world.
In your hand
This style shows a more sophisticated and puttogether quality. People think of you as being assertive, wellorganized, and efficient. This is the most comparable to carrying a briefcase and can communicate the importance of the persons job. People also tend to carry a bag this way when they want to attract more attention to the outfit itself—you dont want your purse to be attached to it. Instead, the purse merely becomes a separate accessory to make your clothing more noticeable.
In front of body with both hands
Body language experts refer to this as "twofurr," which indicates shyness and a need to protect oneself. You may suffer from anxiety in public and prefer to stay out of the spotlight. Young women often do this in public situations where they dont know people or in stress situations, and if they are generally shy.
Crossbody with bag in front
You want as much freedom of movement possible, coupled with a feeling of protection and accessibility. Some people carry and use crossbody bags and they think it is the safest, easiest, and most secure if you walk a lot. You see this in people who live in big cities and travel a lot.
Crossbody with bag in back
You tote around a cool, calm, and collected personality that is more trusting of others. You are also walking with a clear goal in mind. You dont like to concern yourself with the things you have to carry—Instead, youre great at shaking off lifes burdens.