For those not familiar, “St. Elmos Fire” is a name for the glow1 that looks like blue violet fire surrounding the top of pointed metal objects during a storm.
This phenomenon2 can trace its name back to an Italian saint3 “St. Elmo” or “St. Erasmus” around 300 A.D., the patron4 saint of early Mediterranean sailors. This glow tended to appear on the tops of the masts5 of ships during a thunderstorm. People believed that if St. Elmo appeared, it was a good omen6 and an answer to the sailors prayers7, as the seas would begin to die down and the winds would calm. If he (the glow) appeared during times of good weather, it was said that St. Elmos guiding hand was warning of a storm.
Charles Darwin even wrote about the phenomenon in a letter. He wrote about a night spent on a ship during a thunderstorm, “Everything was in flames, the sky with lightning, the water with luminous8 particles9, and even the very masts were pointed with a blue flame.”
Scientifically, this phenomenon is known as a “point discharge”. It can, and commonly does, happen at the tip of any conductive10 surface during thunderstorms. It can be seen on the tops of church steeples, lightning rods, the tips of airplane wings, and even blades of grass and the horns on cattle!
Benjamin Franklin was the first to more or less correctly describe the phenomenon in 1749. He thought the “fire” was a way lightning rods would “draw out” a thunderstorms electricity slowly before it built up enough charge11 to form a strike.
So why does this happen during thunderstorms, and why does it happen more easily with pointed metal objects?
A pointed conductor12 will have more electrons13 than an object that doesnt have a pointed tip, and therefore more charge, at its tip.
During thunderstorms, free electrons, positively charged ion clusters14 (at the surface of the ships mast) and the surrounding air, all colliding15 with each other in a form of matter known as plasma16. Plasma will give out light and give life to St. Elmo and his “fire”!
The color will depend on the type of gas present. Since our air is made up of mainly nitrogen17 and oxygen, it will glow blue violet.
In the end, St. Elmo and his amazing blue violet fire is only a natural phenomenon.