
2020-08-04 12:27杜娟
现代电子技术 2020年3期


摘  要: 針对电子音乐信号受噪声干扰易出现信号失真、电子音乐存在断点的问题,提出改进小波变换的电子音乐信号去噪方法。首先,分析不同尺度中电子音乐信号小波系数相关性,采用软阈值算法去除电子音乐中的噪声;然后,采用修匀法对去噪后电子音乐信号进行处理,提升电子音乐信号整体连续性。结果表明,改进小波变换去噪后电子音乐信号波动区间与去噪前相同,去噪后电子音乐信号未受损,信号连续性好,去噪性能明显优于对比方法。

关键词: 改进小波变换; 电子音乐; 信号去噪; 信号处理; 软阈值算法; 去噪性能

中图分类号: TN911.4?34; TM714                   文献标识码: A                   文章编号: 1004?373X(2020)03?0062?04

Research on electronic music signal denoising based on improved wavelet transform

DU Juan

(School of Music and Dance, Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology, Zhengzhou 450000, China)

Abstract: A method of electronic music signal denoising based on improved wavelet transform is proposed to deal with the deficiency that the electronic music signals are prone to signal distortion due to noise interference and breakpoints occur in electronic music. Firstly, the correlation of wavelet coefficients of electronic music signal in different scales is analyzed and the noise in electronic music is removed by the soft threshold algorithm. Seconolly, the electronic music signal after denoising is processed by smoothing method to improve the overall signal continuity. The results show that the fluctuation range of the electronic music signal after denoising by improved wavelet transform is the same as that before denoising, and the electronic music signal is not damaged and the signal continuity is good after denoising. Therefore, the denoising performance of the proposed algorithm is obviously better than that of the contrast algorithm.

Keywords: improved wavelet transform; electronic music; signal denoising; signal processing; soft threshold algorithm; denoising performance
