赵猛 姚凯 杨国栋 何煊 梁自泽 翟永杰
摘 要: 随着无人机应用领域的不断扩大,无人机对周围环境感知的需求逐渐加大,激光雷达技术的应用成为无人机研究领域的重要发展趋势。为解决无人机在飞行过程中周围环境复杂导致现场定位信号较差的问题,基于三维激光雷达,结合大疆无人机的Onboard SDK技术,设计机载激光点云采集系统以及激光点云处理算法。为了降低激光采集系统的操作难度,设计避障算法,在飞行既定路线的同时结合激光点云进行避障飞行。利用激光点云SLAM算法,实现了无人机对周围环境的三维建模,以达到无人机对周围环境感知的目的,并通过实际测试验证了所提方法的有效性。
关键词: 无人机; 场景建模; 三维激光雷达; 激光點云采集系统; 系统设计; 避障飞行
中图分类号: TN958?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2020)14?0042?06
UAV scene modelling based on 3D lidar
ZHAO Meng1, YAO Kai2, YANG Guodong3, HE Xuan1, LIANG Zize3, ZHAI Yongjie1
(1. Department of Automation, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China;
2. Luohe Power Supply Company, State Grid Henan Electric Power Company, Luohe 462000, China;
3. State key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)
Abstract: With the continuous expansion of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) application field, the demand of UAV for the surrounding environment perception is increasing gradually. The application of lidar technology has become an important development trend in the UAV research field. An airborne laser point cloud acquisition system and a laser point cloud processing algorithm are designed based on 3D lidar and in combination of the Onboard SDK technology of DJI UAV, so as to solve the difficulty of poor field positioning signal caused by the complex surrounding environment of UAV throughout its flight process. The obstacle avoidance algorithm is designed to reduce the operation difficulty of laser acquisition system and avoid obstacles by combining the laser point cloud while flying on the established route. The 3D modelling of the UAV for its surrounding environment is realized by means of the laser?point cloud SLAM algorithm to achieve the purpose of UAV′s perception of the surrounding environment. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by the actual test.
Keywords: UAV; scene modeling; 3D lidar; laser point cloud acquisition system; system design; obstacle avoidance flight
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近年来,无人机技术的快速发展使其在工业领域得到了广泛的使用和推广,但是现在的无人机操控基本停留在手动控制的阶段[1],对操作人员的要求门槛较高。在环境建模方面,现阶段多采用双目视觉摄像头或者深度相机进行建模,对环境的敏感性较高,且对硬件的处理器能力要求较高,激光雷达建模则拥有精度较高、对计算量小的优势[2]。激光雷达作为无人机自主飞行的重要传感器[3],之前由于自身重量和成本的问题难以在小型无人机上得到应用和推广,近年来随着激光雷达技术的不断突破,机载激光雷达的质量也降到了1 kg以下[4],使得3D雷达应用到无人机上成为可能。同步定位与建图(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping,SLAM)技术是机器人视觉的一个重要研究内容[5],采用此技术可以通过无人机自身搭载的激光雷达等传感器实现无人机的环境感知,结合IMU惯性测量元件,无人机可以估计出自身的定位,进而根据之前的位置实现建图[6]。本文通过机载三维激光雷达对环境数据进行采集处理,建立起点云地图,实现无人机周围环境感知,通过障碍物检测实现避障功能,以提高无人机在既定路线飞行的自主能力。