
2020-07-14 12:16QianFang
世界建筑 2020年6期


1 夕阳余晖中的二号航站楼及交通中心/T2 and transportation centre in the sunset

广州白云国际机场扩建工程二号航站楼及配套设施由二号航站楼、交通中心及停车楼、市政道路、高架桥及隧道等组成。二号航站楼设计年旅客吞吐量4500 万人次,本期总机位78 个,其中近机位65 个。








项目建成投产后获得了社会各界好评,被全球民航运输研究认证权威机构SKYTRAX 评为“全球五星航站楼”,其绿色节能设计,也达到了湿热地区首个国家绿色建筑评价三星级标准,成为中国领先、国际一流的大湾区门户机场航站楼。

项目信息/Credits and Data

地点/Location: 广州新白云机场航站区/Guangzhou New Baiyun Airport Terminal Area

业主/Client: 广东省机场管理集团有限公司工程建设指挥部/Engineering Construction Headquarters of Guangdong Airport Management Group Co., Ltd.

设计团队/Design Team:

主要建筑师/Primary Architects: 陈雄,潘勇,周昶,赖文辉,郭其轶,易田,钟伟华/CHEN Xiong, PAN Yong, ZHOU Chang, LAI Wenhui, GUO Qiyi, YI Tian, ZHONG Weihua

其他项目参与人员/Other Project Participants: 邓章豪,杨坤,吴冠宇,温云养,罗菲,许尧强,戴志辉,倪俍,董轩,金少雄,黎智立,黎运武(建筑);陈星,区彤,李桢章,李恺平等(结构);陈建飚,钟世权,廖坚卫,陈小辉,符培勇,梁景晖,黎洁等(机电);陈伟等(市政)/DENG Zhanghao, YANG Kun, WU Guanyu, WEN Yunyang, LUO Fei, XU Yaoqiang, DAI Zhihui, NI Liang, DONG Xuan, JIN Shaoxiong, LI Zhili, LI Yunwu (Architecture); CHEN Xing, OU Tong, LI Zhenzhang, LI Kaiping, et al. (Structure); CHEN Jianbiao, ZHONG Shiquan, LIAO Jianwei, CHEN Xiaohui, FU Peiyong, LIANG Jinghui, LI Jie, et al. (Electromechanical Engineering); CHEN Wei, et al. (Municipal Engineering)

顾问机构/Consultants: Molen Associates Limited,Landrum & Brown, Inc.,北京光景照明设计有限公司,上海赛驰标识设计工程有限公司/Molen Associates Limited, Landrum & Brown, Inc., Light & View Lighting Design Co., Ltd., Shanghai Signage Design Co., Ltd.

基地面积/Area: 二号航站楼285,000m2,交通中心及停车楼49,600m2/T2 285,000m2, Transportation centre and parking building 49,600m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 658,700m2(二号航站楼),208,400m2(交通中心及停车楼)/658,700m2(T2), 208,400m2(Transportation centre and parking building)

结构形式/Structure Style: 混凝土大跨度钢结构(二号航站楼),钢筋混凝土结构(交通中心及停车楼)/Concrete large-span steel structure (T2), reinforced concrete structure (Traffic Centre and Parking Building)

工程造价/Cost: 108亿元/10.8B CNY

设计时间/Design Period: 2005-2014

竣工时间/Completion Time: 2018.02

摄影/Photos: 潘勇/PAN Yong






2 华灯初上的出发车道边/The starting lane at nightfall

3 西立面外遮阳电动遮阳百叶/External sunshade electric sunshade shutter of west façade

4 功能与形体结合的登机桥/Boarding bridge combining function and form

5 绿意盎然的岭南花园/Green Lingnan garden

6 总平面/Site plan

Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Extension Project, including Terminal 2 and the ancillary facilities, is composed of the Terminal 2 building, a transportation centre and parking building, the municipal road, the overpass and tunnel, etc. The designed yearly passenger throughput of Terminal 2 is about 45 million person/time, the total number of gate positions for the current construction phase is 78, in which 65 are contact gates.

The design applies the concept of northern parking apron that is in a structure of "airside concourse + front row". The entrance road on the north sinks down and goes through the apron and the terminal building, before being connected with the road network on the south. The apron is connected on the eastern, western, and northern sides, which is convenient for flight dispatching. In addition, the number of contact gates is increased, especially large ones with the shortest distance to the main building, as a result, the average walking distance for passengers is cut down.

The concept of "cloud" has been the central element in the architectural and spatial design of Terminal 2. The innovative architecture and spatial image of Terminal 2 bring about unique spatial experiences to the passengers, who would feel refreshed and amiable here.

As a large-scale hub airport terminal, various passenger flows cross or connect with each other or merge into new flows, which is quite complicated. In view of the situation, the design adopts the strategy of mixed domestic flows, separated abroad flow, and setting compound flight positions to establish the internal framework and floor structure of the terminal building.

The integration of on-land transports is realised in the design, various transport means including city rail, subway, bus, and taxi are seamlessly connected with each other, transport means transfer can be realised at the same floor, and the walking distance between different transport means is shortened. A complete separation between people and vehicles is realised through an underneath pass. Passengers arrived can directly take a taxi outside the gate, or go to the long-distance and urban bus stations, or the parking building for private cars, and they can also go to subway stations, the city rail station and the other floors of the parking building through vertical transport means.

As a micro-city that opens 24 hours, the terminal building is a non-typical commercial complex that is combined with passengers various flows. The Lingnan Garden provides an opportunity for passengers to appreciate the charm of the traditional Chinese garden in a modern terminal building.

In order to maintain the spatial resilience and development potential and to promote occupancy efficiency of flight positions, the domestic/abroad switchable compound gates are set at the front row positions where the flow line is the most convenient and the flow is the shortest; at the domestic/abroad security inspection hall, the inspection channels can be switched between domestic and abroad to address the problem of flow bottleneck during special peak times (like the spring festival); and at the domestic/abroad luggage claim hall, measures will also be adopted to match increased demand of passengers from domestic or abroad.

Terminal 2 is a mega-scale hub airport terminal building with unique characteristics, modern functions, regional features, natural landscape, and innovative and advanced technologies. It is one of China's airports with the largest operational scale at present. Equipped with thorough functional procedures, sophisticated systems and equipment, innovative materials and technologies, and giant investment scale, Terminal 2 can be regarded as an architectural classic that integrates crossdisciplinary technical innovations. The design is oriented towards the passengers' experience and aims at meeting the demand of passengers as an international airline hub. To realise the goal, innovations are made in terms of planning and structure building, flow layout, space shape, green and energy-saving, commercial facilities, regional characteristics, technological design, intelligent airport, etc. What's more, a large amount of new technologies are applied to realise intelligent traveling, which promotes the travel experience of passengers and the airport service level.

After the project was completed and put into use, it has gained wide recognition, including being appraised as the "Global Five Star Terminal" by SKYTRAX, an authoritative institution in studying and assessing global civil air transportation. Now Terminal 2 has become a gate airport terminal in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area that is advanced in China and first-class in the world. (Translated by Qian Fang)



7.8 横剖面/Cross sections








9 整体南北向剖面/Overall north-south section

10 交通中心地下二层平面/Second underground floor plan of the traffic centre

11 地下一层平面/First underground floor plan

12 首层平面/Ground floor plan

13 二层平面/First floor plan

14 三层平面/Second floor plan

15 四层平面/Third floor plan








16 被云形张拉膜覆盖的出发车道边人行通道/Sidewalk beside departure lane covered by cloud shaped tension membrane

17 雨篷标准单元/Typical canopy unit

18 值机通道及办票岛/Check-in counters and ticket island

19 办票岛拆分/Diagram of ticket island

20 安检单元/Security inspection unit

21 采光天窗及旋转天花叶片剖面/Section of skylight and rotating ceiling blade

22 屋面构造/Roof construction plan




23 室内外一体化设计的值机大厅/Check-in hall with integrated the interior and the exterior

24 国内商业区中庭/The atrium of domestic commercial area

25 岭南花园/Lingnan garden

超越常规 更进一步 5月24日上午场9机位实拍图解