张 琦
大连医科大学中山学院 辽宁 大连116023
The metabolic effects of excess levels of GHinclude alterations in fat and carbohydrate metabolism.Increased levels of GH have a diabetogenic effect.GH acts as aninsulin antagonist;in excess,it decreases carbohydrate utilization and it i mpairs glucose uptakeinto cells.……In addition,GHalsoincreases the ability of the beta cells to respond to insulinogenic sti muli.Long-ter m elevation of GH results in oversti mulation of the beta cells,literally causing themto“burn out”,predisposing to the develop ment of diabetes mellitus.……
The pituitary gland is located in the pituitary fossa of the sphenoid bone,which lies directly below the optic nerve.……Compression of other pituitary structures can cause secondary hypothyroidism,hypogonadism,and adrenal insufficency.Ot her manifestations include……
The major effects of both types of intestinal obstruction are abdominal distention and loss of fluids and electrolyts.……Distention is f urther aggravated by the accu mulation of gases.About 70%of these gases are derived fro mswallowed air.……
Treat ment depends on t he cause and type of obstruction.Most cases of adynamic obstruction respond to decompression of the bowel through nasogastric suction and correction of fluid and electrolyte i mbalance.……
……Hypertension is relatively c ommon.Paresthesias may develop because of nerve entrap ment and compression caused by excess soft tissue and accumulation of subcutaneous fluid.
……Strangulation with necrosis of the bowel may occur and lead to perforation,peritonitis,and sepsis.It is serious complication and may increase the mortality rate of intestinal obstruction to about 25%.
……Preprocedure radiologic studies using a contrast mediu m are done to deter mine the position of the stone and direct the placement of the ureteroscope.
The goal of treat ment in acromegaly are the rapid nor malization of GH to prevent or reverse progression of the disorder;prevention or reversal of the pressure effects of t hetu mor on structures surrounding the sella turcica;and preservation or restoration nor mal pituitary f unction.Pituitary tu mors can be removed surgically using the transphenoidal approach,or their size can be reduced with irradiation.……
Intestinal obstruction designates an i mpair ment of movement of intestinal contents in a cephalocaudal direction.The causes can be categorized as mechanical or paralytic obstruction.……The manifestations of intestinal obstruction depend on the degree of obstruction and its duration.With acute obstr uction,the onset is usually sudden and dramatic.With……
The molecules of a substance are moving about all the ti me without stopping.
The molecules of a substance are in continual motion.
Although the production of transgenic strains of ani mals carrying foreign genes is now a relatively routine technique in many laboratories,it is unlikely that such methods will be extended to hu man embryos,both for moral and technical reasons.
The use of the ter m “ter minal”must also take into account the effectiveness of current medical therapeutics.
Second,the existence of further therapeutic options for the underlying illness must be addressed.
A thrombus may cause sudden closure of the vessel with complete obstruction of the blood flow.