
2020-05-11 06:20许生样
医学信息 2020年5期


摘要:目的  分析杭州地区男性人乳头瘤病毒的基因型感染情况。方法  采用分子雜交技术对2019年1月~9月送检杭州迪安医学检验中心的389例男性患者生殖器脱落细胞样本进行HPV23个亚型检测并对分型结果进行分析。结果  389例男性患者样本中HPV阳性样本177例,阳性检出率为45.50%(177/389),前7位感染亚型依次为6、11、52、58、53、51和66型。不同年龄段中≤20岁及≥71岁男性患者HPV阳性检出率较高。119例单一亚型感染的样本中,检出HPV亚型以6型和11型为主,分别占30.25%和21.85%。58例多重感染中,主要为二重感染,占74.14%(43/58),三重感染检出7例,四重感染检出4例,五重感染检出3例,六重感染检出1例。感染亚型中共发现29例为低危型+高危型复合感染,占50.00%,7例为低危型多重感染,占12.07%,22例为高危型多重感染,占37.93%。结论  在杭州地区男性患者中,HPV感染的主要亚型为6、11、52、58、53、51和66型。单一亚型感染中以6型和11型为主,多亚型复合感染中以低危型多重感染最为罕见。


中图分类号:R737.2                                  文献标识码:A                                DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2020.05.043


Abstract:Objective  To analysis of human papillomavirus genotype infection in male patients in Hangzhou.Methods  Twenty-three HPV subtypes of genital exfoliated cells from 389 male patients who were sent to Hangzhou Dian Medical Laboratory from January to September 2019 were detected by molecular hybridization, and the results were analyzed.Results  Among 389 male patients, 177 were HPV positive samples, the positive rate was 45.50% (177/389), and the top 7 common infection subtypes were 6,11,52,58,53,51 and 66. The HPV positive rate in ≤20 and ≥71 years old were was higher among all age group. Among 119 samples of single subtype infection, the main subtypes of HPV were 6 and 11, accounting for 30.25% and 21.85%. Among 58 samples of multiple infections, 74.14% of double infection, the rest were 7 cases of triple infection, 4 cases of  fivefold infection, 1 case of sixfold infection. 29 cases were low-risk and high-risk complex infection, accounting for 50.00% (29/58); 7 cases were low-risk multiple infection, accounting for 12.07% (7/58); 22 cases were high-risk multiple infection, accounting for 37.93% (22/58).Conclusion  In Hangzhou area, the main subtypes of HPV infection were 6, 11, 52, 58, 53, 51 and 66. In single subtype infection, the main subtypes were 6 and 11, while the low-risk multiple infection was the most rare in multiple infections.

Key words:Males;Human papillomavirus;Genetic typing

人乳头瘤病毒(human papilloma virus,HPV)为环状双链DNA,具有高度宿主特异性,人类为其唯一宿主[1]。根据HPV结构、功能等不同,HPV分为高危型和低危型。目前已经发现200余种亚型[2],其中6、11、42、43、44亚型属低危型,一般不诱发癌变;16、18、31、33、35、39、45、51、52、56等亚型属高危型,可诱导大部分宫颈癌、肛门癌及部分外生殖上皮性癌。有研究表明[3],不同地区HPV的感染率和所携带的亚型不同。为了解杭州地区男性患者感染及分型情况,本研究对杭州地区男性患者HPV感染亚型进行统计和分析,以期为后续疫苗研发、疾病防控提供参考依据,现报道如下。
